"...doing just fine on their own."

Guess what, the oils companies are not Seiu or General Electric so they don't deserve any of the federal tax breaks. We wouldn't have to put up with such idiotic crap if we were under the Fair Tax system.
Repeal the 16th amendment and I'm all for consumption taxes. Slits the IRS's throat for the most part AND ends redistribution of wealth. Sure, everything gets more expensive, at a flat rate, but if you don't consume or find ways to meet your needs with less consumption, all the better. You're taxed less.

No more April 15th. No more 'second christmas' for poor people. No more rampant thievery from achievers. No more wasting of resources by businesses collecting taxes on their employees and giving the nation an interest free loan.

It's a great concept... but until the income tax is constitutionally repealed, it is DANGEROUS. You cannot dare risk both happening at the same time. It would spawn rampant government growth, waste and oppression as they'd find new ways to waste our money for friends and buy votes.
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Although the "Greenies" find oil offensive, our economy runs on oil; like it or not. There is no switch to be flipped where miraculously we go from oil to windmills overnight. Get real.
No one said "overnite".

I read a while back that when you take everything into consideration, like a massive military in the Middle East to protect the flow of oil, the subsidized cost of a gallon of gas is over $15.

I would rather that be put into green energy.

Meanwhile emerging countries like China, India, etc continue to run on oil...and they will pay NO attention to "green alternatives" and as they continue to "accelerate" while we continue to "regulate" they have passed us by.

Ideology is trumped by reality.
That is because they know it's a total scam. The energy generated by 'green' alternative sources are just that... bottom rung alternatives you use when you have no other choice. Russia about 4-6 years ago announced when they pulled out of Kyoto that they will not consider any 'non-carbon' based energy sources, save hydro and nuclear power. These are the only proven sources of energy in the world able to do the heavy lifting of a modern society. Till something comes along that can SURPASS carbon based fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), nuclear and hydro power, they will not succeed. Solar, if lucky is 50-75 years off from coming close to equalling the LEAST of these. Wind, far more. Wave, a century or more out. Tidal, never will be worth a damn due to lack of widespread sources.
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It takes more than 150 types of jobs to drill one well, according to a June 2009 study by Penn College.

This is job creation. This is an industry "doing something for their country" as Obama recently admonished the Chamber of Commerce.

But wait- here comes his budget. Including over $40 billion in taxes on one of the few industries in this country that is booming - creating jobs, generating revenues, fattening treasuries with taxes and fees, and producing *gasp* American energy.

When did real money turn from green to red?
Libs don't get the fact that stopping one well has a massive ripple effect. The same way shutting down one car factory can devestate multiple communities. All the way from the factory town, to the tire factory, the wire mill, the computer manufacturer, the plastics manufacturer, the paint mill, the parts warehouses, the parts manufacturers, the fabric manufacturers, tool manufacturers, robot fabrication, the glass factory... all these are impacted by decreased orders and production. This is why the auto industry is a leading indicator of economic health. It is a large scale, highly interconnected industry that requires so many other industries to exist. It's part of why I laugh at many science fiction films that seem to assume complex items come out of nothing.

Then you have the impacted industries supported by the employees of the auto factory, showing the ripple effect flows out from there too. The grocery store, the gas station, the hair salon and barbershop, the hardware store, the accountants, churches (less charitable giving more need), food service, department stores... and on and on and on.

To liberals, all this stuff happens in isolated vacuum. One well affects only those directly connected with doing the work and those evil fat cat corporate bastards who are growing rich on the profit of the proletariat.

A complete naivety they have no desire to grow beyond..
No one said "overnite".

I read a while back that when you take everything into consideration, like a massive military in the Middle East to protect the flow of oil, the subsidized cost of a gallon of gas is over $15.

I would rather that be put into green energy.

Meanwhile emerging countries like China, India, etc continue to run on oil...and they will pay NO attention to "green alternatives" and as they continue to "accelerate" while we continue to "regulate" they have passed us by.

Ideology is trumped by reality.
That is because they know it's a total scam. The energy generated by 'green' alternative sources are just that... bottom rung alternatives you use when you have no other choice. Russia about 4-6 years ago announced when they pulled out of Kyoto that they will not consider any 'non-carbon' based energy sources, save hydro and nuclear power. These are the only proven sources of energy in the world able to do the heavy lifting of a modern society. Till something comes along that can SURPASS carbon based fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), nuclear and hydro power, they will not succeed. Solar, if lucky is 50-75 years off from coming close to equalling the LEAST of these. Wind, far more. Wave, a century or more out. Tidal, never will be worth a damn due to lack of widespread sources.

Maybe you should read more. Ignorant is no way to go through life, son:

Oh good! And the date again when this form of power can SURPASS all petroleum based energy required to support a modern society? What's the territorial footprint of that monstrosity of 'green' sprawl?

How's that going to work in New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maryland? Do they have tens of thousands of acres to give up to solar 'farms'? Will the energy return even be close to good enough? Or will we just mirror the whole desert southwest?

THAT'LL be good for the ecology there!

Or are we not to talk about the bad repercussions of these technologies? That's a lot of windex, you know.

And don't hand me 'conservation' platitudes demanding us to take more of a third world lifestyle as to make it work. I'm not interested in insane austerity programs that no sane person... note the word SANE... would undertake.
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