Obama, Bush, and Johnson


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
I'm no fan of Obama. I feel as though I give him a fair shake, but I'm no fan.

After Bush invaded Iraq, I was no fan of his either. I feel as though I gave him a fair shake.

I voted for neither man, but they were/are my president, thus my need to view them fairly. I don't believe either of them to be evil. I don't believe either of them wish, or wished, to destroy this country. I believe they both did, or are doing, what they feel/felt is/was best for the United States.

What I saw for eight years that annoyed me most was the lefts tendency to take a hold of the smallest, most meaningless thing Bush said or did and rail about ad nauseum.

For two years now I've seen the same from the right with Obama.

I have to say, there are bigger things to worry about. A piece of music? Really? Golf? Vacation? Really?


While reading the drivel during the Bush Presidency I was reminded of a quote from Lyndon Johnson and have been reminded of it again recently while reading the posts on this and other message boards concerning Obama.

I like the quote, I thought I'd share it with you, my "friends" on both sides of the political spectrum here at USMB...

If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: "President Can't Swim." - Lyndon B. Johnson
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