Dog walks 200 miles to....


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...find woman who nursed her back to health after hit-and-run accident’

Shavi was left to die by the side of the road after the crash, in southern Russia’s Rostov Oblast region last winter.

She had been living on the streets as a stray when the driver hit her, and then just drove away, Russian media reported.

He left Shavi to die in agony with two broken legs by the side of the road, where she was shivering and freezing.

But luckily, two passersby saw the animal and took her to the vet, before appealing online for someone who could care for her as she recovered.

Read more: Dog 'walks 200 miles to find woman who nursed her after hit-and-run'
Blows my mind stories like this. Dog gets trapped in a moving van and crosses the country to return home and the like.

A human being not being able to read road signs or follow roads would be hard-pressed to match such feats.
Birds, it's thought, navigate thousands of miles utilizing magnetic fields from the Earth. But even if dogs had that ability, it doesn't explain how they find their ways home.

Given their incredible ofactory sense, it makes me wonder if scents travel A LOT further than we realize. Maybe all it takes it a few scent-molecules, and even from hundreds of miles away they can follow the sparse stream of them back to their source?

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