Dog Lovers Thread


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I got these in an email from a friend. Both of us are big time dog lovers and I thought I would share them with others who think Dogs awesome:








My fav are the two greeting each other across the fence, lol. But my house used to look like the 6 on the stairs. Now I am down to just 3 fur babies. Actually 4 if you count the cat.
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I have three fur babies myself

The avatar is my oldest boy whos three now and about 90lbs of tall skinny dog
then I have a two year old merle aussie /blue healer

and my baby baby is a two year old tri color aussie/border collie
I had a border collie but he was solid white. He died some years back from cancer...and he was 13 years old. Gosh, I miss him.

Your fur kid is just cute as a button!
I have an australian shepherd too. Guess what her name is? lol.....the one I'm using. Gracie.

This is Gracie. I call her GraceButt cuz she has not tail so her whole butt waggles. She is a swap meet puppy, destined for the pound but we got her instead.


This is Karma....she was free. Her mother was a chocloate lab...preggers..dumped on the side of the road. She had 10 puppies and 5 died because she was in such poor shape. I got this one of the last 2 available. Actually, I took them both then found a loving home for her brother cuz they both were a handful. She is 7 years old but acts 2.

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Border collies are so fricking smart.

Im glad the you had the pleaseure of sharing his life.

They are wonderful creatures and Im hooked on herders
I have an australian shepherd too. Guess what her name is? lol.....the one I'm using. Gracie.

This is Gracie. I call her GraceButt cuz she has not tail so her whole butt waggles. She is a swap meet puppy, destined for the pound but we got her instead.

This is Karma....she was free. Her mother was a chocloate lab...preggers..dumped on the side of the road. She had 10 puppies and 5 died because she was in such poor shape. I got this one of the last 2 available. Actually, I took them both then found a loving home for her brother cuz they both were a handful.


Moki hides under the bed. He is a rat terrier and belongs to Daddy fully and doesn't like his pic taken.

what a beautiful girl
Hers is my ButtButt. But...she scared the bejesus outta me last october. Had her first epileptic seizure. I thought she was dying. It was awful to watch..and it was a weekend NIGHT. No vet ER around here. We had to deal with it until we could get her to my vet. She is on phenobarbital now and has not had a seizure since October...but the clusters she was having was just awful.

I love my fur kids. They ARE my kids! you were typing, I was editing the dogs names and their pics. Gracie is the aussie...Karma is the golden lab. pic of him at the moment.
Hers is my ButtButt. But...she scared the bejesus outta me last october. Had her first epileptic seizure. I thought she was dying. It was awful to watch..and it was a weekend NIGHT. No vet ER around here. We had to deal with it until we could get her to my vet. She is on phenobarbital now and has not had a seizure since October...but the clusters she was having was just awful.

I love my fur kids. They ARE my kids!

A past baby of mine was an aussie/ greater swiss mountaindog.

Hes gone now and I only got 9 years with him but he had a diabetic seizure borfore we found out he was diabetic.

It was like watching my best friend die.

I was so glad when he came out of it.

He later went blind.

He was such a big sweet guy his whole life.

After having a blind dog I would adopt one in a red hot second.

They easy as pie you were typing, I was editing the dogs names and their pics. Gracie is the aussie...Karma is the golden lab. pic of him at the moment.

Oh moki is the terrier.

Karma looks like a kick
I have five dogs and seven cats. Too many. But what are you gonna do when they are abandoned and suffering in the street right in front of your face?

Actually my two Dobermans were on-purpose, purchased as puppies. And two of my cats are on purpose, my Persian and my Abyssinian were purchased. Two dogs and two cats. The perfect balance, that's what we thought.

Then came a phone call. My coworkers had found a tiny lost kitten in the field next to my workplace. Someone almost stepped on him. Like zombies my husband and I got in the car and went to get him. We didn't even discuss it, we just went.

The first stray dog was Fritz, our tiny miniature pinscher. He was wandering around in the streets of my neighborhood for three months one summer. I thought he was someone's dog and they were just letting him run loose. He wouldn't come to anyone, he'd run away, so I never really got a good look at him. Then someone told me he was really skinny. It was all over then. I purchased a trap and the next time someone sighted him I set the trap up in the area he was seen. Only took five minutes to trap him, he was starving to death and went right after the food in the trap.

Then came two more, a Shar Pei, also wandering the streets for several weeks and had to be trapped, and a minpin mix I actually adopted from a rescue organization.

But it is the first Doberman puppy I purchased who has my heart and soul from the moment I first saw her. I think we knew each other in a previous life, my bond with her is so strong.


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