Does this sound right to you?

We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

You are trying to wipe out all of last month's events. Let me refresh your memory. On Jan. 6, the Capitol sustained a terrorist assault while Congress was in session carrying out a Constitutionally mandated duty, proceedings were brought to a halt, and the safety of members of Congress and the Vice President was threatened. Your contention that we should not defend ourselves against further acts of terrorism is absurd.

trump surrounded the White House with fences, etc., and called out the 82nd Airborne when no act of terrorism had occurred.
carrying out a Constitutionally mandated duty

Exactly how Hitler conquered Germany.
Everything's legal even though immoral.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

Shh . . . don't tell anyone. Americans now live under an active dictatorship. Don't believe me? Take a drive down to our national Capitol Building, which is ringed by troops sporting live ammo and ROE allowing them to use lethal force on average American Citizens. What other nations on Earth "act" like this? History is chockful of them. The only thing that remains unclear is who exactly is our sitting dictator? Is it Biden? Is it Congress? Is it the CDC? Or is it Fauci? Doesn't matter I suppose. Make sure and double mask and register your firearms and take the jib jab. Do all of that and your social credit score should top off nicely.

It appears that John Brennan is actually running our Gov't or people just like him!
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just are way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
You're soooooo gullible lol

Ever stop to wonder why the security wasn't in place BEFORE the incident? The incident they were fully aware was a possibility. The event that gave them the excuse to do what they're doing now with more to come?
They allowed it. They wanted it. They needed it.
Now they can "crack down" with an iron fist and you will look the other way as more of your freedoms are stripped from you based on an event that was preventable.
Libs are stupid.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
Oh, look. The tard herd has suddenly discovered EOs are a bad thing again. :auiqs.jpg:

We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

What other nations have a major political party sending a mob to stop their Congress?
so now protesters are mobs and a good portion of those were ANTIFA disguised as Trump supporters. No matter that was almost 2 weeks ago yet the walls and the troops are still there! I believe your Chairman Biden and Pelosi are very paranoid. Makes you wonder why if he truly got 80 million votes
More lies and misinformation
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
The thread premise is a lie, as ignorant as it is ridiculous.

We are not "ruled over" by one man.

And the hypocritical blind partisan right was not whining about Trump's executive orders.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

What other nations have a major political party sending a mob to stop their Congress?
so now protesters are mobs and a good portion of those were ANTIFA disguised as Trump supporters. No matter that was almost 2 weeks ago yet the walls and the troops are still there! I believe your Chairman Biden and Pelosi are very paranoid. Makes you wonder why if he truly got 80 million votes
the barrier was put there by Trump last summer

the Troops were because he incited an insurrection recently.

thats what you get for inciting extremists, nothing to do with 80 million votes or whatever.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

PROGS like it. Let's see................

Puppet POTUS? Check

Dwelling in the basement? Check

Hidden under PROG medias on all accounts: Check

Propaganda staging like something out of a story book future? Check

Perfect designations for safe-spaces and identity? Check

No specific reason(s) for his election, and appointments due one's race & genital preference? Check

Incoherent, empty, speaks ideology instead of the measurable? Check

Speaks unity & in the same breath promotes disunity? Check

Wasn't worth a shit when cognizant, and now he's not even that? Check

Only speaks what others tell him to say -a follower in the role of a leader? Check

Strict controls and impersonal staging? Check

Our first appointed Puppet POTUS under this countries' new Banana Republic? Check

We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Whatever you say......comrade. US KGB.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Whatever you say......comrade. US KGB.
I am sure you ought to know comrade.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Whatever you say......comrade. US KGB.
I am sure you ought to know comrade.
Unlike you I am not on the side of Big tech and others banning opposing views. I favor a two party system, you a one party system.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Whatever you say......comrade. US KGB.
I am sure you ought to know comrade.
Unlike you I am not on the side of Big tech and others banning opposing views. I favor a two party system, you a one party system.
You favor overthrow of the government to get your way. You can forget it or face jail or worse.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
Those that have recently had a violent coup attempt wherein you and your fellow conspirators are not all locked up...YET!

As soon as we have your fellows in custody we'll be taking those fences erected by Trump down.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just are way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
You're soooooo gullible lol

Ever stop to wonder why the security wasn't in place BEFORE the incident? The incident they were fully aware was a possibility. The event that gave them the excuse to do what they're doing now with more to come?
They allowed it. They wanted it. They needed it.
Now they can "crack down" with an iron fist and you will look the other way as more of your freedoms are stripped from you based on an event that was preventable.

Who is this "THEY" you're ranting about? That failed to put security in place BEFORE he commanded his cult to attack and murder Congressmen and Senators and the VP?

That's right...Your hero Cap'n Cheeto. He ordered the guard to stand down just before he ordered the assault.

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