Does This Serve the Palestinians?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
On another thread both Tinhorn and PatCat spin vigorously to defend the "Palestinian" policy of setting pre-conditions before they will "honor" Israel by returning to the peace table. Are things so good in Pallyland that they can afford to wait another 64 years before at least considering peace to be an option? When will the "Palestinians" and their "supporters" (I use the term very loosely) wake up and smell the coffee? When will a courageous "Palestinian" leader step up to the plate? How many more generations of "Palestinians" must live the life their parents and grandparents did?
Pallyworld is DONE! :clap2: Allahu Fucku :bow3: :badgrin:

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said on Tuesday the Palestinians may have "lost the argument" on the international stage for an independent state but cautioned that continued Israeli occupation was unsustainable.

In an interview with Reuters, Fayyad struck a note of discord with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas by calling for elections that have long been delayed because of deep political divisions between the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank.

He also warned his administration's future was clouded by severe financial strains and said the Palestinians had failed to galvanize a distracted world behind their cause.

"I think we are losing the argument, if we have not already lost the argument. But that doesn't make our position wrong," said the former World Bank economist, a political independent who has had strong support amongst Western powers.

Arab unrest, the U.S. presidential elections and financial crises in Europe had combined to knock the Palestinian issue off the global agenda more than 18 months after peace talks with Israel broke down in a dispute over Jewish settlement building.

"What is the biggest obstacle we face? The state of marginalization. It is unprecedented," he said. "The Israelis have managed to successfully trivialize our side of the argument," he added, alluding to the Palestinian demands for a halt to settlement building before negotiations can resume.

I do not believe we will be able to get a state unless we are able to reunify our country," he said of the political divide that has split the West Bank from the coastal enclave of Gaza, governed since 2007 by the Islamist group Hamas.

Palestinians isolated and short of funds: Fayyad | Reuters
[ame=]Amjad Atallah Interviews Mustafa Barghouti - YouTube[/ame]

You are, as usual, deflecting, Princess. I will restate the questions:

Does This Serve the Palestinians?
On another thread both Tinhorn and PatCat spin vigorously to defend the "Palestinian" policy of setting pre-conditions before they will "honor" Israel by returning to the peace table. Are things so good in Pallyland that they can afford to wait another 64 years before at least considering peace to be an option? When will the "Palestinians" and their "supporters" (I use the term very loosely) wake up and smell the coffee? When will a courageous "Palestinian" leader step up to the plate? How many more generations of "Palestinians" must live the life their parents and grandparents did?
no one watches your utoob videos chump.

Ignorant by choice. Interesting concept.

Getting your "knowledge" from PressTV, PIC and Youtube certainly does qualify you as "ignorant by choice."

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti Was a presidential candidate in 2005. He is a member of the Palestinian parliament. He founded a political party dedicated to peace that does not have a military wing.

The question was:

When will a courageous "Palestinian" leader step up to the plate?

That is my answer.

You are, as usual, deflecting, Princess. I will restate the questions:

Does This Serve the Palestinians?
On another thread both Tinhorn and PatCat spin vigorously to defend the "Palestinian" policy of setting pre-conditions before they will "honor" Israel by returning to the peace table. Are things so good in Pallyland that they can afford to wait another 64 years before at least considering peace to be an option? When will the "Palestinians" and their "supporters" (I use the term very loosely) wake up and smell the coffee? When will a courageous "Palestinian" leader step up to the plate? How many more generations of "Palestinians" must live the life their parents and grandparents did?

I don't get excited over more fake peace talks. They are just a waste of time. While Abbas and his illegal government are begging for a few little pieces of land where they will be allowed to collect the garbage, the Palestinians and their elected government are pushing for their rights. The state thing will take care if itself.

You are, as usual, deflecting, Princess. I will restate the questions:

Does This Serve the Palestinians?
On another thread both Tinhorn and PatCat spin vigorously to defend the "Palestinian" policy of setting pre-conditions before they will "honor" Israel by returning to the peace table. Are things so good in Pallyland that they can afford to wait another 64 years before at least considering peace to be an option? When will the "Palestinians" and their "supporters" (I use the term very loosely) wake up and smell the coffee? When will a courageous "Palestinian" leader step up to the plate? How many more generations of "Palestinians" must live the life their parents and grandparents did?

I don't get excited over more fake peace talks. They are just a waste of time. While Abbas and his illegal government are begging for a few little pieces of land where they will be allowed to collect the garbage, the Palestinians and their elected government are pushing for their rights. The state thing will take care if itself.

Pestilinians are irrelevant. So, too, you.

You are, as usual, deflecting, Princess. I will restate the questions:

Does This Serve the Palestinians?
On another thread both Tinhorn and PatCat spin vigorously to defend the "Palestinian" policy of setting pre-conditions before they will "honor" Israel by returning to the peace table. Are things so good in Pallyland that they can afford to wait another 64 years before at least considering peace to be an option? When will the "Palestinians" and their "supporters" (I use the term very loosely) wake up and smell the coffee? When will a courageous "Palestinian" leader step up to the plate? How many more generations of "Palestinians" must live the life their parents and grandparents did?

I don't get excited over more fake peace talks. They are just a waste of time. While Abbas and his illegal government are begging for a few little pieces of land where they will be allowed to collect the garbage, the Palestinians and their elected government are pushing for their rights. The state thing will take care if itself.

Yeah, you're right. I surrender. Why would anyone bother discussing peace when they could instead allow their children to languish in self-made squalor, desperation and hopelessness. Frankly, the actions of the adult "Palestinians" is akin to child abuse and your willingness, even eagerness to condemn those kids to more of the same is beneath contempt. You disgust me.
You are, as usual, deflecting, Princess. I will restate the questions:

Does This Serve the Palestinians?
On another thread both Tinhorn and PatCat spin vigorously to defend the "Palestinian" policy of setting pre-conditions before they will "honor" Israel by returning to the peace table. Are things so good in Pallyland that they can afford to wait another 64 years before at least considering peace to be an option? When will the "Palestinians" and their "supporters" (I use the term very loosely) wake up and smell the coffee? When will a courageous "Palestinian" leader step up to the plate? How many more generations of "Palestinians" must live the life their parents and grandparents did?

I don't get excited over more fake peace talks. They are just a waste of time. While Abbas and his illegal government are begging for a few little pieces of land where they will be allowed to collect the garbage, the Palestinians and their elected government are pushing for their rights. The state thing will take care if itself.

Yeah, you're right. I surrender. Why would anyone bother discussing peace when they could instead allow their children to languish in self-made squalor, desperation and hopelessness. Frankly, the actions of the adult "Palestinians" is akin to child abuse and your willingness, even eagerness to condemn those kids to more of the same is beneath contempt. You disgust me.

Why have peace talks with people who do not want peace and will yap forever and talks go nowhere.
I don't get excited over more fake peace talks. They are just a waste of time. While Abbas and his illegal government are begging for a few little pieces of land where they will be allowed to collect the garbage, the Palestinians and their elected government are pushing for their rights. The state thing will take care if itself.

Yeah, you're right. I surrender. Why would anyone bother discussing peace when they could instead allow their children to languish in self-made squalor, desperation and hopelessness. Frankly, the actions of the adult "Palestinians" is akin to child abuse and your willingness, even eagerness to condemn those kids to more of the same is beneath contempt. You disgust me.

Why have peace talks with people who do not want peace and will yap forever and talks go nowhere.

The Pestilinians are trash. Let them perish
I don't get excited over more fake peace talks. They are just a waste of time. While Abbas and his illegal government are begging for a few little pieces of land where they will be allowed to collect the garbage, the Palestinians and their elected government are pushing for their rights. The state thing will take care if itself.

Yeah, you're right. I surrender. Why would anyone bother discussing peace when they could instead allow their children to languish in self-made squalor, desperation and hopelessness. Frankly, the actions of the adult "Palestinians" is akin to child abuse and your willingness, even eagerness to condemn those kids to more of the same is beneath contempt. You disgust me.

Why have peace talks with people who do not want peace and will yap forever and talks go nowhere.

Because even a blind squirrel finds an occasional berry. Because if you don't take risks for peace you won't ever achieve peace. Because your children and their children and all the unborn children deserve better than those hapless "Palestinians" have it now. But mostly because rejecting any opportunity for peace, no matter how frail, no matter how unlikely, is as basic a crime against your own people as one can commit and serves only blood-lusting hate mongers like you, Princess.
Yeah, you're right. I surrender. Why would anyone bother discussing peace when they could instead allow their children to languish in self-made squalor, desperation and hopelessness. Frankly, the actions of the adult "Palestinians" is akin to child abuse and your willingness, even eagerness to condemn those kids to more of the same is beneath contempt. You disgust me.

Why have peace talks with people who do not want peace and will yap forever and talks go nowhere.

Because even a blind squirrel finds an occasional berry. Because if you don't take risks for peace you won't ever achieve peace. Because your children and their children and all the unborn children deserve better than those hapless "Palestinians" have it now. But mostly because rejecting any opportunity for peace, no matter how frail, no matter how unlikely, is as basic a crime against your own people as one can commit and serves only blood-lusting hate mongers like you, Princess.

Ir seems that the more they talk the farther away from peace they get.

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