Does Saturn's "Ice Moon" harbor life deep in it's ocean?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
There are very clear reasons to think so. If you have Christian beliefs I respect that, but consider that it would be very compelling to NOT find life when all of the components necessary for life are there.
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
There are very clear reasons to think so. If you have Christian beliefs I respect that, but consider that it would be very compelling to NOT find life when all of the components necessary for life are there.
There is no reason to suspect that there is life on a Saturn moon, or on Europa
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo

Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
There are very clear reasons to think so. If you have Christian beliefs I respect that, but consider that it would be very compelling to NOT find life when all of the components necessary for life are there.
There is no reason to suspect that there is life on a Saturn moon, or on Europa
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
I wouldnt doubt it that their are multi cell organisms and complex creatures on Jupiter or Saturns ice moons...
wouldnt be a shock
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
There is also no reason not to think so.
Possible? Based on all our current knowledge to date, absolutely.

But, at this point, it's all speculation.
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
There is also no reason not to think so.
Sure there is, the reason being is that so far life is not observed anywhere off Earth
Possible? Based on all our current knowledge to date, absolutely.

But, at this point, it's all speculation.
Sure that's why we need a burrowing space probe that will give us sweet video of those giant wormy things living under the ice!

i know NASA had an small probe on the boards that would melt through the ice till it hit water and transform into a lil submersible

In our own oceans we have life that lives around volcanic vents ....not dependent on sunlight

worms that live in ice methane

we know fora fact micro organisms can survive hitching a ride through space

many scientist think life on earth showed up on asteroids bombing the shit out of a primitive earth

and in more recent news
Did these tardigrades survive crash-landing on the moon?
Posted by Paul Scott Anderson in HUMAN WORLD | SPACE | August 14, 2019
When Israel’s Beresheet lunar spacecraft crashed in April 2019, there were thousands of microscopic, dehydrated tardigrades – water bears – aboard.


Meet a tardigrade, also known as a water bear. A few thousand of them (dehydrated) were sent to the moon on the Beresheet spacecraft, which crashed on April 22, 2019. They’re cute … right? Image via Eye of Science/Science Source/ScienceNews.

Tardigrades – also known as water bears – are some of the toughest and most resilient creatures on Earth, even though they are virtually microscopic in size, less than a millimeter long. They’re known to be able to survive almost any environment you can throw them into, even space. Now, it seems that some of them (or possibly their remains) are calling the moon home, thanks to a crash landing of a spacecraft a few months ago. But while tardigrades might be hardy, there’s no reason to think they’ll be taking over our nearest celestial neighbor, any time soon.

The tardigrades were part of a “lunar library” sent to the moon on Israel’s Beresheet spacecraft. That library was a project of the Arch Mission Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to create “a backup of planet Earth.” The library, the size of a DVD, included 30 million pages of information, human DNA samples and thousands of dehydrated tardigrades.

Beresheet attempted its landing in the Sea of Serenity on April 11, 2019, but crashed after a problem with the engine in the last moments. As Nova Spivack, founder of AMF, recounted:

95% chance their is other life in our very own solar system ...we just havent found it yet
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
There is also no reason not to think so.
Sure there is, the reason being is that so far life is not observed anywhere off Earth
Lol, that's not a reason to think there isn't life there.

It is obviously reason enough for you to close your mind though.
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
There is also no reason not to think so.
Sure there is, the reason being is that so far life is not observed anywhere off Earth
Lol, that's not a reason to think there isn't life there.

It is obviously reason enough for you to close your mind though.
My mind is not closed, yours is way too open. The real objective now is bringing intelligent life to Mars, a dead planet that once colonized proves God
Enceladus is an amazing moon only a few hundred miles in diameter. But because it is in gravitational tug of war between Saturn and another moon, it is constantly being "jerked around" thus creating friction and heat in it's core. There are geysers that shoot high above the surface of Enceladus. Cassini flew through some of the geysers and determined there were salts and organic material being jettisoned into space. Could there be tube worms or other geothermal life forms living deep in the hidden ocean? IMO If there is one place we need to send a space probe, it is the Ice Moon.

Saturn Moon Enceladus Blasts Rings with Geysers in Gorgeous Cassini Photo
There is no reason to think so
There is also no reason not to think so.
Sure there is, the reason being is that so far life is not observed anywhere off Earth
Lol, that's not a reason to think there isn't life there.

It is obviously reason enough for you to close your mind though.
My mind is not closed, yours is way too open. The real objective now is bringing intelligent life to Mars, a dead planet that once colonized proves God
Ah, it's a "god" thing.

You have fun with that.
There is no reason to think so
There is also no reason not to think so.
Sure there is, the reason being is that so far life is not observed anywhere off Earth
Lol, that's not a reason to think there isn't life there.

It is obviously reason enough for you to close your mind though.
My mind is not closed, yours is way too open. The real objective now is bringing intelligent life to Mars, a dead planet that once colonized proves God
Ah, it's a "god" thing.

You have fun with that.
The moment humanity moves life God is proven and we know what he/she looks like. Fries many minds
Sure there is, the reason being is that so far life is not observed anywhere off Earth
That's not a good reason to think life doesnt exist elsewhere. In fact, that's a horrible reason, and you are embarrassing yourself.

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