Does Obama even have a plan?

If he had a plan, there would be evidence in the budget he got passed. Oh, wait. There's no budget he got passed.

His plan must be to keep not passing annual budgets to give him a freer rein in overspending he knows he doesn't have much time left to do on workers' ever-shrinking paychecks.
What is Obama's plan to save Medicare? To save Social Security? To lower the debt?

Thank you! Liberals keep talking about the Romey/Ryan plan like it's so bad, but what is their plan? I've never heard about Obama's plan except to raise taxes on the rich. Obama says he know what to do, but he's had four years and we haven't seen it yet. What's he waiting for???
What is Obama's plan to save Medicare? To save Social Security? To lower the debt?

this is my point of view, his overall plan applies to all situations, change it and make all successful americans pay and be punished, if that means killing programs that are successful, done, programs that hurt americans who pay their taxes, done, systems that are broken and dont consult the people that can help fix it, done. green job field that doesnt work, done. companies that should die and not be rewarded, done.

when it comes to transforming america, obama is your man.
Obama's plan is to TRANSFORM America, now just what the hell did you people think he meant? some Socialist paradise?

high unemployment
record number of people on food stamps
poverty has rising under him
our credit rating downgraded
we have had a couple of terrorist attack already
stole monies from us left and right giving it to his cronies in green energy
suing us and the states we live in
selling us out to the Unitied Nations
They have done went and got control of our health care, you should be thrilled they are now starving our children in your schools
etc etc
WHAT THE HELL more do you want?

VOTE this damn dangerous administration to us and our country OUT before it's TOO LATE
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The simple answer is that Obama does not have a plan. The left and right are equally deluded in claiming that he does. He was elected on emotion but never had the experience or character necessary to do the job.
Barack Obama's plan is to leave office January 2017, before ObamaCare blows us all up.

What is Obama's plan to save Medicare? To save Social Security? To lower the debt?
"Tax the rich!!"

Simplistic and stupid. Just like all leftist plans.

And to Obama, that is someone who makes 250 K a year, but Biden last night in his circus tent, said it was ONE MILLION....:badgrin: A lie? A mistake? Your call.
What is Obama's plan to save Medicare? To save Social Security? To lower the debt?

His plan for when medicare goes broke, would you believe MAOBAMACARE part 2 aka, single payer.

Social Security, no plan.

The debt, no plan to lower it, but he has big plans to raise it. Trillion plus every year as far as it can be forcasted.
"Does Obama even have a plan?"

Yes, he has, and it is all right here- his step by step plan.


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