Does mixed race marriages facillitate in the destruction of the Black race?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I read an article once that mixed race marriages facilitate in the destruction of the Black race.They stated that many in these unions were brainwashing their
children into thinking that being loyalty to the Black race was not important,and that we were all the same.When in fact Whites still receive an unfair advantage in many Jobs and employment in America, and in Education, and society as a whole.
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Mixed-race marriages are generally pursued as a way of being fashionable and to demonstrate open-mindedness, but they aren't often happy, and the offspring are confused.
One day, with intermarriage, we'll all be a lovely shade of gray and have to find another reason to hate each other.


Yeah, wasn't 52nd Street the one who said aliens and white humans are being made in a lab or something?

Is William Joyce trying to make another David Duke there?
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How come every time i see a white women with a bi racial child, she is always giving dirty looks if you look at her child. If it bothers them so much why do they go there?
How come every time i see a white women with a bi racial child, she is always giving dirty looks if you look at her child. If it bothers them so much why do they go there?

I say the same thing.Black Women who are with White men do the same thing. I saw if they can't deal with the public attention or remarks, stick to your own race!
How come every time i see a white women with a bi racial child, she is always giving dirty looks if you look at her child. If it bothers them so much why do they go there?

Well,how are you looking at them carol? Are they kind looks, or judgemental looks?

Do you look like you want to take them back to your gingerbread house?
How do you explain to a child why they are being refered to as Zebras or half breeds?.
How do you explain to a child why they are being refered to as Zebras or half breeds?.

Dude, I don't know where in the heck you live, but I have NEVER heard a child called that by an adult or another child. And I teach in the inner-city with people of every color under the sun. The neat thing about children -, they are color blind.

It's the adults who teach them not to be.
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What Kind Of Fimilies Are These Women Trying Have, Anyway!!

One day, with intermarriage, we'll all be a lovely shade of gray and have to find another reason to hate each other.

You obviously haven't paid attention to Joyce or 52nd, they both have color issues. Joyce would be busy weeding out undesirable white people if he ever got his white only Country and 52nd would be busy weeding out the not black enough types from his black only country.
I read an article once that mixed race marriages facilitate in the destruction of the Black race.They stated that many in these unions were brainwashing their
children into thinking that being loyalty to the Black race was not important,and that we were all the same.When in fact Whites still receive an unfair advantage in many Jobs and employment in America, and in Education, and society as a whole.

Your concern for the well being of the Black race is touching.

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