Does Anyone Really Think Hillary Will Win?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
The latest Hillary polls are out from Quinnipiac and they are frankly terrible. Hillary is losing to all three primary Republican Candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado.

Not only is she losing to Walker, Bush, and Rubio.....but she is losing by big margins. For example: She is losing to Rubio by 8 points in Colorado and 9 points to Walker and Hillary is losing from between 6-8 points to all three candidates in Iowa.

Perhaps more troubling is as few as 34% of voters find Hillary to be honest and trustworthy. Her favorability rating are also terrible, and range from as low as 33% to 41%.

It is tough to see anyone winning with those numbers. Her is the story from Quinnipiac and the Washington Post.

2016 Presidential Swing State Polls Poll - July 22 2015 - Clinton In Trouble In Colorado Quinnipiac University Connecticut

Sorry Democrats If Hillary Clinton tanks Joe Biden can t save you - The Washington Post
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing but a media desperate to sell ads.

Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing but a media desperate to sell ads.

Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
The election isn't this year, it's next year. Talk to me about polling when it matters, in September, of next year...
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing but a media desperate to sell ads.

Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
The election isn't this year, it's next year. Talk to me about polling when it matters, in September, of next year...

Funny....but when Scat posted bullshit polls a year ago saying Hillary would win in a landslide the numbers were great (see my sig).

Now the numbers aren't good because there too far out from the election? :lol:

Sorry...epic fail. :D
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing but a media desperate to sell ads.

Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
This says Hillary could well LOSE Iowa to start...
2016 Presidential Swing State Polls Poll - July 22 2015 - Clinton In Trouble In Colorado Quinnipiac University Connecticut
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing but a media desperate to sell ads.

Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
The election isn't this year, it's next year. Talk to me about polling when it matters, in September, of next year...

Funny....but when Scat posted bullshit a year ago saying Hillary would win in a landslide the numbers were great (see my sig).

Now the numbers aren't good because there too far out? :lol: :D
I've followed politics here for decades. I care when it matters, which isn't this summer but next, and not during the summer either.
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing but a media desperate to sell ads.

Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
This says Hillary could well LOSE Iowa to start...
2016 Presidential Swing State Polls Poll - July 22 2015 - Clinton In Trouble In Colorado Quinnipiac University Connecticut
So? Oh right, that doesn't matter actually.
The funny thing is all Hillary can hang her hat on is the electoral college. That will be taken away because Kasich is going to be the VP choice of any GOP primary winner so that will give Ohio to the Republicans. If Hillary looses Ohio she can not win. PERIOD! Kasich is going to be our next Vice President. Now we just need to work out whom will be at the top of the ticket.
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing but a media desperate to sell ads.

Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
The election isn't this year, it's next year. Talk to me about polling when it matters, in September, of next year...

Funny....but when Scat posted bullshit a year ago saying Hillary would win in a landslide the numbers were great (see my sig).

Now the numbers aren't good because there too far out? :lol: :D
I've followed politics here for decades. I care when it matters, which isn't this summer but next, and not during the summer either.

Mumkay. But Hillary's history is the more she campaigns and is out amongst the voters the lower her polling numbers go.

You do remember 2008.....don't you? :D

The folks do not like or trust Hillary. Unless she gets a personality transplant I don't see that you?
When ever I read a MSM piece on Hillary, I go to the comments to see what the public thinks. The majority think she is a joke.

I think these polls on her are bogus. Seriously. Check them out sometime.
Only one problem OP, the GOP establishment is going to select its choice to run against her, how's she doing against Bush #3? Wait she's losing to Bush #3 by a large margin my god!!
Presidents get elected because they are likable and appear authentic, genuine, and real.

Whether you agreed with their politics or not....the folks generally liked Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama. They seemed like decent guys you could have beer with.

Hillary, on the other hand....seems like a cold, calculating, bitch. She is not likable. She is not authentic, genuine, or real.

I do not see how she will ever be President. I say that not wearing a partisan hat....just a honest opinion. The woman is toxic.
Only one problem OP, the GOP establishment is going to select its choice to run against her, how's she doing against Bush #3? Wait she's losing to Bush #3 by a large margin my god!!

You assume Jeb will be at the top of the ticket. Big assumption, although it could certainly happen. I have thought for months it would be Walker or Rubio.

I guess time will tell.
Most think she will win.

Not sure who "most" are? Got a link? :) The most recent data from Quinnipiac says something entirely different. Please look closely at all the numbers. I posted the link. After looking at all the data your opinion may likely change.
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing but a media desperate to sell ads.

Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
The election isn't this year, it's next year. Talk to me about polling when it matters, in September, of next year...

Funny....but when Scat posted bullshit a year ago saying Hillary would win in a landslide the numbers were great (see my sig).

Now the numbers aren't good because there too far out? :lol: :D
I've followed politics here for decades. I care when it matters, which isn't this summer but next, and not during the summer either.

Mumkay. But Hillary's history is the more she campaigns and is out amongst the voters the lower her polling numbers go.

You do remember 2008.....don't you? :D

The folks do not like or trust Hillary. Unless she gets a personality transplant I don't see that you?
There is no one else worth bothering with. Like her or not, the office is hers, if she wants it that is.
Funny...but in key swing states Hillary's name seems to be attached to huge negatives.

When you're losing by 8 or 9 points to relative unknowns....and your trustworthiness and honesty are rated squarely in the toilet....things and not looking real good. Sad. :(
The election isn't this year, it's next year. Talk to me about polling when it matters, in September, of next year...

Funny....but when Scat posted bullshit a year ago saying Hillary would win in a landslide the numbers were great (see my sig).

Now the numbers aren't good because there too far out? :lol: :D
I've followed politics here for decades. I care when it matters, which isn't this summer but next, and not during the summer either.

Mumkay. But Hillary's history is the more she campaigns and is out amongst the voters the lower her polling numbers go.

You do remember 2008.....don't you? :D

The folks do not like or trust Hillary. Unless she gets a personality transplant I don't see that you?
There is no one else worth bothering with. Like her or not, the office is hers, if she wants it that is.

Not if she loses key battleground states as Quinnipiac is suggesting. You are right, there is a long time until the election, but Hillary is at saturation level. She is known by everyone.

Tough for someone who has been in the public eye for decades to change people's minds at this point. Very tough, and frankly, I do not see it happening. The more she campaigns, the lower her poll numbers go. It happened in 2008 when she was "inevitable," and it is happening now.
The election isn't this year, it's next year. Talk to me about polling when it matters, in September, of next year...

Funny....but when Scat posted bullshit a year ago saying Hillary would win in a landslide the numbers were great (see my sig).

Now the numbers aren't good because there too far out? :lol: :D
I've followed politics here for decades. I care when it matters, which isn't this summer but next, and not during the summer either.

Mumkay. But Hillary's history is the more she campaigns and is out amongst the voters the lower her polling numbers go.

You do remember 2008.....don't you? :D

The folks do not like or trust Hillary. Unless she gets a personality transplant I don't see that you?
There is no one else worth bothering with. Like her or not, the office is hers, if she wants it that is.

Not if she loses key battleground states as Quinnipiac is suggesting. You are right, there is a long time until the election, but Hillary is at saturation level. She is known by everyone.

Tough for someone who has been in the public eye for decades to change people's minds at this point. Very tough, and frankly, I do not see it happening. The more she campaigns, the lower her poll numbers go. It happened in 2008 when she was "inevitable," and it is happening now.
She doesn't have to change minds. She is known, so her numbers are low. The more the GOP bozos talk, the less people like them. That's the game, get hip to it.

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