Document release at Sean Hannity's request.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Should any news network, let alone one that is in truth little more than a propaganda machine really have this much influence on the running of our government? Are you really OK with endangering our sources and methods (this measn national security kids) to satisfy a pundit's curiosity? Have our conservative citizens really sunk this low?

Trump Ordered the Release of Sensitive Intelligence at Sean Hannity’s Request

President Trump: "I have not reviewed them. I have been asked by many people in Congress as you know to release them. I have watched commentators that I respect begging the president of the United States to release them….I have been asked by so many people that I respect, please — the great Lou Dobbs, the great Sean Hannity, the wonderful great Jeanie Pirro."
Should any news network, let alone one that is in truth little more than a propaganda machine really have this much influence on the running of our government? Are you really OK with endangering our sources and methods (this measn national security kids) to satisfy a pundit's curiosity? Have our conservative citizens really sunk this low?

Trump Ordered the Release of Sensitive Intelligence at Sean Hannity’s Request

President Trump: "I have not reviewed them. I have been asked by many people in Congress as you know to release them. I have watched commentators that I respect begging the president of the United States to release them….I have been asked by so many people that I respect, please — the great Lou Dobbs, the great Sean Hannity, the wonderful great Jeanie Pirro."

Those agencies can appeal the release of particular documents if they believe it would be dangerous to do so. Have any of them objected? If not, then why are you objecting?
Yes, trump must have known sean would request it months ago when trump first mentioned it :rolleyes:
Should any news network, let alone one that is in truth little more than a propaganda machine really have this much influence on the running of our government? Are you really OK with endangering our sources and methods (this measn national security kids) to satisfy a pundit's curiosity? Have our conservative citizens really sunk this low?

Trump Ordered the Release of Sensitive Intelligence at Sean Hannity’s Request

President Trump: "I have not reviewed them. I have been asked by many people in Congress as you know to release them. I have watched commentators that I respect begging the president of the United States to release them….I have been asked by so many people that I respect, please — the great Lou Dobbs, the great Sean Hannity, the wonderful great Jeanie Pirro."

Those agencies can appeal the release of particular documents if they believe it would be dangerous to do so. Have any of them objected? If not, then why are you objecting?
Lol, time to come out from under that rock kiddo.
I also think its quaint you talk about propaganda machines and link to bullshit like that
You partisan dipshits make me sick
I also think its quaint you talk about propaganda machines and link to bullshit like that
You partisan dipshits make me sick
tRump's own words in the quote.

Bathroom is the last door on the right.
Should any news network, let alone one that is in truth little more than a propaganda machine really have this much influence on the running of our government? Are you really OK with endangering our sources and methods (this measn national security kids) to satisfy a pundit's curiosity? Have our conservative citizens really sunk this low?

Trump Ordered the Release of Sensitive Intelligence at Sean Hannity’s Request

President Trump: "I have not reviewed them. I have been asked by many people in Congress as you know to release them. I have watched commentators that I respect begging the president of the United States to release them….I have been asked by so many people that I respect, please — the great Lou Dobbs, the great Sean Hannity, the wonderful great Jeanie Pirro."

Those agencies can appeal the release of particular documents if they believe it would be dangerous to do so. Have any of them objected? If not, then why are you objecting?
Lol, time to come out from under that rock kiddo.

You are ignorant of the process.
Should any news network, let alone one that is in truth little more than a propaganda machine really have this much influence on the running of our government? Are you really OK with endangering our sources and methods (this measn national security kids) to satisfy a pundit's curiosity? Have our conservative citizens really sunk this low?

Trump Ordered the Release of Sensitive Intelligence at Sean Hannity’s Request

President Trump: "I have not reviewed them. I have been asked by many people in Congress as you know to release them. I have watched commentators that I respect begging the president of the United States to release them….I have been asked by so many people that I respect, please — the great Lou Dobbs, the great Sean Hannity, the wonderful great Jeanie Pirro."
/---/ Any fake outrage over democRATs telling the FBI and DOJ to ignore the president's EO?
Democrats Order Intel Agencies Must Ignore ... -
Tuesday, Democrats Nancy Pelosi (California) , Chuck Schumer (New York), Mark Warner (Virginia), Adam Schiff (California) , sent a letter to Daniel Cotes, Director of National Intelligence, Rod Rosenstein Deputy Attorney General, Christopher Wrey Director of the FBI, demanding he ignores President Donald J. Trump's recent executive order.
Should any news network, let alone one that is in truth little more than a propaganda machine really have this much influence on the running of our government? Are you really OK with endangering our sources and methods (this measn national security kids) to satisfy a pundit's curiosity? Have our conservative citizens really sunk this low?

Trump Ordered the Release of Sensitive Intelligence at Sean Hannity’s Request

President Trump: "I have not reviewed them. I have been asked by many people in Congress as you know to release them. I have watched commentators that I respect begging the president of the United States to release them….I have been asked by so many people that I respect, please — the great Lou Dobbs, the great Sean Hannity, the wonderful great Jeanie Pirro."

Those agencies can appeal the release of particular documents if they believe it would be dangerous to do so. Have any of them objected? If not, then why are you objecting?
Lol, time to come out from under that rock kiddo.

You are ignorant of the process.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Nice try though.
Should any news network, let alone one that is in truth little more than a propaganda machine really have this much influence on the running of our government? Are you really OK with endangering our sources and methods (this measn national security kids) to satisfy a pundit's curiosity? Have our conservative citizens really sunk this low?

Trump Ordered the Release of Sensitive Intelligence at Sean Hannity’s Request

President Trump: "I have not reviewed them. I have been asked by many people in Congress as you know to release them. I have watched commentators that I respect begging the president of the United States to release them….I have been asked by so many people that I respect, please — the great Lou Dobbs, the great Sean Hannity, the wonderful great Jeanie Pirro."
/---/ Any fake outrage over democRATs telling the FBI and DOJ to ignore the president's EO?
Democrats Order Intel Agencies Must Ignore ... -
Tuesday, Democrats Nancy Pelosi (California) , Chuck Schumer (New York), Mark Warner (Virginia), Adam Schiff (California) , sent a letter to Daniel Cotes, Director of National Intelligence, Rod Rosenstein Deputy Attorney General, Christopher Wrey Director of the FBI, demanding he ignores President Donald J. Trump's recent executive order.
Why would I? The ordered release of secret information at the behest of TV propagandists is so obviously wrong even you tRumpkins shouldn't need to have it explained.
Hannity is essentially the de facto President right now.

Trump mirrors every word Hannity says, as do Trumpsters.
You clearly demonstrate the need for a "sad but true" emoticon.
Maybe putin and sean are lovers and they both direct our puppet in chief together!!

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