Doc Dump Shows DOJ is Muslim Brotherhood's Erran Boys


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

New Docs Reveal How DOJ Kowtows to Muslim Brotherhood
By Pamela Geller

In what promises to be an enormous document dump, I have received the first in a series of DOJ bundles in response to my FOIA request filed close to a year ago. Specifically, I asked for "records relating to the meeting of the 'Monthly Outreach Meeting' with Muslim and Arab groups at the Civil Rights Division. Specifically, include lists of attendees at each monthly meeting, the agenda of each meeting and any minutes or summary prepared subsequent to each meeting. Please also specifically note the meetings at which the Attorney General of the United States attended."

The principal impact of reading through the material is the sheer bulk of it. Hundreds and hundreds of pages of emails, documenting nearly daily friendly contact, consultation, cooperation and collaboration between the DOJ and Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood groups. One thing is clear, the Muslim Brotherhood has fully infiltrated command and control at the Department of Justice civil rights division.......


Going through the first batch, what struck me almost immediately was the casual familiarity between ISNA, the ADC, and senior officials of the Department of Justice, all the way up to Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez. They discuss lunch, vacations, job changes -- always with the Muslim Brotherhood groups pushing their narrative, even in these casual exchanges.

Even more striking was the servile demeanor of the Civil Rights Division official Eric Treene, Special Counsel for the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, and the demanding condescension of Muslim Brotherhood operatives. Muslim and Arab operatives treat Treene and Co. like an errand boy, asking them for email addresses of other contacts and setting them to perform the most menial gofer duties. The DOJ even takes lunch orders and picks up the tab, and in some cases asks them how much money they need for a little soiree they're holding. It is astonishing.

Read more: Articles: New Docs Reveal How DOJ Kowtows to Muslim Brotherhood
Since we supported the muslim brotherhood in Libya and Egypt how could there be any other conclusion?
I just wanted to mention this.....because the left wants to ignore the fact that the Obama Administration helped bring about the almost complete takeover of the Middle East by Islamic groups claiming it was a Democracy movement.

I just wonder how stupid they think we are.

Obviously, extremely stupid when it comes to Obama supporters.

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