Do you support BLM/The ANC/black nationalism?

Do you support BLM/black nationalism?

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  • No

  • Muh KKK

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ptbw forever

Gold Member
May 9, 2015
Despite the joke thread that Mac created to somehow prove to himself that voting for Hillary and the Demoncrats was the morally superior choice, this thread will prove that the left is absolutely compromised morally and will naturally fall apart as they are exposed by a stronger right and center of the political spectrum.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #5
Damn I'm good.
No you aren’t.
Hey, you may be right - I'm so far up in the heads of wingers on both ends here that I should be charging you guys for the privilege



Isn’t the center of the political spectrum what you call RINOs and cucks? That center?
Despite the joke thread that Mac created to somehow prove to himself that voting for Hillary and the Demoncrats was the morally superior choice, this thread will prove that the left is absolutely compromised morally and will naturally fall apart as they are exposed by a stronger right and center of the political spectrum.

No I don’t support them. They are animals and deserve to go down with the liberal ship

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Isn’t the center of the political spectrum what you call RINOs and cucks? That center?

The center is where you end up when you have reasonable views on most or all issues.

Neo-Cons, communists, “democratic socialists”, globalists and on and on are lunatics, and basic nationalists who simply want to have national sovereignty and the rule of law are closer to the center.
Despite the joke thread that Mac created to somehow prove to himself that voting for Hillary and the Demoncrats was the morally superior choice, this thread will prove that the left is absolutely compromised morally and will naturally fall apart as they are exposed by a stronger right and center of the political spectrum.
BLM is not "Black Nationalism".

You idiots still can't understand that it doesn't mean "only black.lives matter", it means "black lives matter too!"
Isn’t the center of the political spectrum what you call RINOs and cucks? That center?

The center is where you end up when you have reasonable views on most or all issues.

Neo-Cons, communists, “democratic socialists”, globalists and on and on are lunatics, and basic nationalists who simply want to have national sovereignty and the rule of law are closer to the center.
Your center looks to be waaaaaay over to the right.

You should probably do something about that.
Despite the joke thread that Mac created to somehow prove to himself that voting for Hillary and the Demoncrats was the morally superior choice, this thread will prove that the left is absolutely compromised morally and will naturally fall apart as they are exposed by a stronger right and center of the political spectrum.
Labeling my post "funny" doesn't change the facts that it's true you know.
Damn I'm good.
No you aren’t.
Hey, you may be right - I'm so far up in the heads of wingers on both ends here that I should be charging you guys for the privilege

I am not a “winger”, idiot.

I am moderate center left.

You are most certainly a “winger” though.

Yes. Mac's gimmick is to run around whining about 'Da Rasiculs N Stuff', denounces all sides, and then proclaims some left wing rubbish or other, the 'genuine moderate position'.

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