Do you study the scriptures daily?

Do you study the scriptures daily?

  • believer - yes

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • believer - no

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • non-beleiver - yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • non-believer - no

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I was just curious how many people study the scriptures daily. Preferably from a believers standpoint. I dont expect the nonbelievers to be studying that much.
Yes. I pray and study for an hour or so everyday. Usually when I get up in the morning.

I was taught to read at age five using the scriptures.
As a Catholic I go to church and all, but lately I've been busy with Junior Hockey and my studies and getting ready for Eastern Carolina University, and soon to get into ROTC over there.

So I had to say no.
as a non believer....i read the bible on occasion....mainly to make a point to someone....

when i was a baptist...daily..

but there is no comfort there for now its mainly a book for research
as a non believer....i read the bible on occasion....mainly to make a point to someone....

when i was a baptist...daily..

but there is no comfort there for now its mainly a book for research

I would sing the Palms of Solomon with you Ms. Bones. I like naked women bathing on rooftops. The world needs more of that.

not as ritual, or a daily practice, but I find myself looking up scripture or a parable or bible passage or two, daily, for one reason or another....usually due to a 'religion' post on this site...which then leads me to reading further than the scripture i was looking up....
You can study Scripture all you want but until one becomes Christlike it is all for nothing.
Beware of those that proclaim their Christianity at every turn.
If you are really a Christian you will not have to tell anyone as they will know it by your actions.
You can study Scripture all you want but until one becomes Christlike it is all for nothing.
Beware of those that proclaim their Christianity at every turn.
If you are really a Christian you will not have to tell anyone as they will know it by your actions.

Suppose I don't believe in jesus?
You can study Scripture all you want but until one becomes Christlike it is all for nothing.
Beware of those that proclaim their Christianity at every turn.
If you are really a Christian you will not have to tell anyone as they will know it by your actions.
You do have a point but then again becoming Christ like is always a work in progress. Scriptures can keep you in times of trouble even as a babe. The one that was always with me even as a very young child was, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
You can study Scripture all you want but until one becomes Christlike it is all for nothing.
Beware of those that proclaim their Christianity at every turn.
If you are really a Christian you will not have to tell anyone as they will know it by your actions.

Suppose I don't believe in jesus?

I respect that also. Believe in what you want.

I study my scripture which is the Torah.

I believe in G-D obviously. My beliefs are obviously different than your beliefs.

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