Do you Social Security fearmongers realize you can't get something for nothing?

The disability part of SS is the worst around. I have a private policy that is infinitely better and costs less.

Does it cover your children?

A disability policy is to replace income.

And I don't have kids but if I did I would make sure I could afford to properly insure them before I had them.

If I could save the 15% of my money that the government steals from me to run its off the books slush fund, I'd be retired already and collecting 10 times more a month than the max SS benefit.

And how would that relieve the U.S. economy of the burden of your retirement?

Does ANYONE understand the question?

The US economy would have NO burden to cover my retirement because I would not be collecting anything from the government.
Why are you against the individual accumulating $400,000 or more???

Because that would mean individual people would be taking care of themselves and the left only has political power as long as people are dependent on them instead.

So how would you have done it in a manner which does not place the burden on the U.S. economy?

What don't you get?

If i was able to keep the 15% of my income that is confiscated for SS I could buy a better disability policy AND have much more to live on than the max SS benefit.

There would be no, zero, zip, strain on the government to fund my retirement.
Because that would mean individual people would be taking care of themselves and the left only has political power as long as people are dependent on them instead.

So how would you have done it in a manner which does not place the burden on the U.S. economy?

What don't you get?
What I don't get is how the U.S. economy would not still be responsible for producing the goods and services you need in retirement.

If i was able to keep the 15% of my income that is confiscated for SS I could buy a better disability policy
One that covers you children?

AND have much more to live on than the max SS benefit.

Who would produce the goods and services that you need?

There would be no, zero, zip, strain on the government to fund my retirement.

The question was related to the burden on the U.S. economy as whole.
So how would you have done it in a manner which does not place the burden on the U.S. economy?

What don't you get?
What I don't get is how the U.S. economy would not still be responsible for producing the goods and services you need in retirement.

One that covers you children?

AND have much more to live on than the max SS benefit.

Who would produce the goods and services that you need?

There would be no, zero, zip, strain on the government to fund my retirement.

The question was related to the burden on the U.S. economy as whole.

One does not burden the economy by purchasing goods and services.
What don't you get?
What I don't get is how the U.S. economy would not still be responsible for producing the goods and services you need in retirement.

One that covers you children?

Who would produce the goods and services that you need?

There would be no, zero, zip, strain on the government to fund my retirement.

The question was related to the burden on the U.S. economy as whole.

One does not burden the economy by purchasing goods and services.

Since you'll be in retirement and not be producing anything yourself, who will be producing the goods and services you need? It will be the U.S. economy - will it not?

If the number of workers to retirees is 2:1 and all retirees have huge stock investment accounts to live on - will the workers somehow have to produce less than if all the retirees were living on a 15% tax on the workers?
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What I don't get is how the U.S. economy would not still be responsible for producing the goods and services you need in retirement.

One that covers you children?

Who would produce the goods and services that you need?

The question was related to the burden on the U.S. economy as whole.

One does not burden the economy by purchasing goods and services.

Since you'll be in retirement and not be producing anything yourself, who will be producing the goods and services you need?

Who gives a shit?

The mere fact that I and other purchase something does not burden the economy. It rather helps the economy because those entering the market will have opportunities to produce what others are buying.

How is it inherently flawed?

Oh, c'mon are you really that thick?

is the question inherently flawed?

Can you not explain your thoughts to others or not?

Skull pilot laid it out pretty succinctly for you. Are you not capable of understanding simple English? If I don't have to give my money to the government and am instead able to invest it on my own the government has NO economic burden to support me.

Do you understand now? If the government is not responsible for my retirement it has no ECONOMIC BURDEN to support me in my dotage. Furthermore, just imagine all the tax paid government employees that suck up the money that could otherwise be used for investment by those whose money it rightfully is.

I suggest you take some business classes and a few economics classes on your way to your physics degree.
The Social Security fearmongers constantly bemoan the fact that the investment of excess FICA revenue in obligations of the United States Treasury means the burden of making up the projected shortfalls in FICA will fall on the taxpayer, and hence, the U.S. economy. That is of course - true.

I have to ask - what other domestic investment vehicle could have prevented the burden from falling on the U.S. economy?

If the Trust Funds had been invested in U.S.corporate debt, then it would be U.S. corporations that have to make up the shortfall - thus the burden still falls on the U.S. economy.

If the Trust Funds had been invested in U.S. stocks, the shortfall would be made up for with dividends from U.S.companies and with sale of stock positions to mostly U.S. citizens - thus the burden again, falls on the U.S. economy to make up the shortfall.

If the Trust Funds had been invested in insurance contracts with U.S. insurers -still the burden falls on the U.S. economy.

The alternative would be to invest in assets with large foreign exposure - like commodities, foreign stock and debt, etc. - but then when the Trust Fund runs in the black, its taking U.S. tax revenues and sending them OUT of the country - investing them in foreign nations instead of the U.S. economy - thus STILL the burden falls on the U.S. economy!

So how would you have done it in a manner which does not place the burden on the U.S. economy? BE SPECIFIC

Can anyone actually read, understand, and answer my question? What could the Trust Fund have been invested in that would not have placed the burden on the U.S. economy?

Your question really does not make a whole heck of a lot of sense. It is not the form of the investment that has caused Social Security to be a burden on the economy. It is the fact, that Congress decided to mix Social Security receipts with the general fund and then spent those receipts replacing them with IOUs.

It doesn't matter if the funds had been invested in T-Bills, corporate stocks and bonds, Real Estate or even derivatives. The issue is not the investment but rather the usage of the receipts for other purposes that has caused Social Security to be a burden on the economy.

One does not burden the economy by purchasing goods and services.

Since you'll be in retirement and not be producing anything yourself, who will be producing the goods and services you need?

Who gives a shit?

The mere fact that I and other purchase something does not burden the economy. It rather helps the economy because those entering the market will have opportunities to produce what others are buying.


How does it help the economy when the economy has to produce more goods and services for those who do not themselves produce good and services?
Are you not capable of understanding simple English? If I don't have to give my money to the government and am instead able to invest it on my own the government has NO economic burden to support me.

You have answered the question:

"So how would you have done it in a manner which does not place the burden on the U.S. government? "

Very good! But that was not the question I asked, shit for brains! Here it is AGAIN:

So how would you have done it in a manner which does not place the burden on the U.S. economy?

I suggest you take some business classes and a few economics classes on your way to your physics degree.

I suggest you learn to read!
It doesn't matter if the funds had been invested in T-Bills, corporate stocks and bonds, Real Estate or even derivatives. The issue is not the investment but rather the usage of the receipts for other purposes that has caused Social Security to be a burden on the economy.


What purposes should the excess receipts have been used for?
Since you'll be in retirement and not be producing anything yourself, who will be producing the goods and services you need?

Who gives a shit?

The mere fact that I and other purchase something does not burden the economy. It rather helps the economy because those entering the market will have opportunities to produce what others are buying.


How does it help the economy when the economy has to produce more goods and services for those who do not themselves produce good and services?

The fact that you even ask that question proves your ignorance.

Those who are retired and not producing as you say are still paying for their goods it matters not if they are producing currently because the money they are using now is money derived from their productive years.

If the economy only produced goods for those who produce goods then you basically have an economy not unlike one based on subsistence farming.

In a subsistence economy there can be no growth because markets do not expand and demand is stagnant.

One of the best scenarios is to have more people buying goods and services than are producing those goods and services. Then you will have surplus profits that can be used to expand other markets for other goods and services.

When markets expand there is more opportunity for more people to prosper.
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Mess with Social Security and your Political Aspirations are Over. Everyone knows this but Redneck Perry!

Because you sheep have bought the lie hook line and sinker that government taking your money to give it back to you later is a good thing.
One of the best scenarios is to have more people buying goods and services than are producing those goods and services. Then you will have surplus profits that can be used to expand other markets for other goods and services.

If there are 2 workers to 1 retiree then those 2 workers have to make enough for 3. Doesn't matter if the 1 retiree is selling his stock shares to the 2 workers and then buying their products and services with the money - or whether the workers are taxed by government to fund the retiree - they still have to make enough for 3 instead of 2.

Its simple math. Can you understand it? Just try.
It doesn't matter if the funds had been invested in T-Bills, corporate stocks and bonds, Real Estate or even derivatives. The issue is not the investment but rather the usage of the receipts for other purposes that has caused Social Security to be a burden on the economy.


What purposes should the excess receipts have been used for?

Saving for a rainy day... er period of diminishing workforce like we are going through now. At the very least a reserve should have been established and maintained, but greedy Congress critters used it as pork.


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