Would you vote Democrat IF


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
How Palin could beat Obama now

Yeah, sorry; it was on the Google news home page, and that's how I wound up at WND.

However, there is something Sarah Palin could do right now that would be truly radical – and, at the very least, bloody Barack Obama so badly he wouldn't have a hope of beating the Republican nominee.

What's that?

Brace yourself for a crazy idea.

Sarah Palin should reregister as a Democrat and announce her intention of seeking the Democratic Party nomination in 2012 over Barack Obama!

Crazy? I told you it was crazy.

But think about it.

How many Republicans nationwide would reregister as Democrats right along with her – temporarily – to support such a bold, unprecedented political move?

How many independents, who might not otherwise participate in primaries at all, would do the same?

How many Democrats, realizing they made a profound mistake in 2008, would vote for Palin?

The Dems and the MSM have been pushing the full throttled hate and fear of Sarah Palin since day two at least. This makes no sense.

Why on Earth would this goofy "trickeration" get Palin any more votes than running as a Republican. It would in fact guarantee less. Dunno what those dudes were smoking but I want some.
How Palin could beat Obama now

Yeah, sorry; it was on the Google news home page, and that's how I wound up at WND.

However, there is something Sarah Palin could do right now that would be truly radical – and, at the very least, bloody Barack Obama so badly he wouldn't have a hope of beating the Republican nominee.

What's that?

Brace yourself for a crazy idea.

Sarah Palin should reregister as a Democrat and announce her intention of seeking the Democratic Party nomination in 2012 over Barack Obama!

Crazy? I told you it was crazy.

But think about it.

How many Republicans nationwide would reregister as Democrats right along with her – temporarily – to support such a bold, unprecedented political move?

How many independents, who might not otherwise participate in primaries at all, would do the same?

How many Democrats, realizing they made a profound mistake in 2008, would vote for Palin?

I would hardly call one persons wild speculation about something that is about as likely as me winning the lotto (I don't play the Lotto) is what I would call news.
Sorry BDBoop.. you're stuck with Obama...

Yup, I know it sucks for you and the smarter Democrats...:(
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No reason to even consider this or any other radical plan. Obama is doing a perfectly fine job of shooting himself in the foot along with all those down-ticket dim representatives and, especially, 23 senators whose necks are on the November '12 chopping block along with his.

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