Do you recall if Jake Tapper ever criticized Rahm Emmanuel for his F bombs?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
I can't say I have watched much of Tapper so who knows? Maybe he did get on Emmanuel's case for all the F words

But why do I doubt it? Yet Tapper can condemn McCarthy for saying "effing..." whatever it was he said RE the other Rs and some decision or other they had to make. I watched a TV (not mine, you can better believe) that was on cnn the other day and he kept mentioning McCarthy using the F word.

Big freaking deal (on both of them). But from what I've heard, McC said it ONE time and Rahm... every other word was F

I get this feeling Tapper never mentioned it, though...
Tapper is a marxist fluffer, that probably serviced the "godfather" orally several times just for a little access. He's less significant than sun-bleached dogshit.... but, it's better to feign outrage at a word you hear (and say) 50 times a day than discuss the merits of the Briben impeachment and the $100 Million in bribes the stuttering fuck has taken.

I can't say I have watched much of Tapper so who knows? Maybe he did get on Emmanuel's case for all the F words

But why do I doubt it? Yet Tapper can condemn McCarthy for saying "effing..." whatever it was he said RE the other Rs and some decision or other they had to make. I watched a TV (not mine, you can better believe) that was on cnn the other day and he kept mentioning McCarthy using the F word.

Big freaking deal (on both of them). But from what I've heard, McC said it ONE time and Rahm... every other word was F

I get this feeling Tapper never mentioned it, though...

Jake Tapper doesn't criticize DemoKKKrats. Ever.
Tapper is a marxist fluffer, that probably serviced the "godfather" orally several times just for a little access. He's less significant than sun-bleached dogshit.... but, it's better to feign outrage at a word you hear (and say) 50 times a day than discuss the merits of the Briben impeachment and the $100 Million in bribes the stuttering fuck has taken.

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^^ thinking about homo stuff again
Was Rahm Emmanuel speaking in an official role as Speaker of the House, one of the highest positions in the USA?


Then it's not even remotely the same.

It's deliberate. The masters of the Trump cult losers deliberately feed them a constant stream of similarly stupid stuff to keep them hysterical, which keeps them obedient. We're talking obedient at a level that makes sheep look like independent thinkers.
I can't say I have watched much of Tapper so who knows? Maybe he did get on Emmanuel's case for all the F words

But why do I doubt it? Yet Tapper can condemn McCarthy for saying "effing..." whatever it was he said RE the other Rs and some decision or other they had to make. I watched a TV (not mine, you can better believe) that was on cnn the other day and he kept mentioning McCarthy using the F word.

Big freaking deal (on both of them). But from what I've heard, McC said it ONE time and Rahm... every other word was F

I get this feeling Tapper never mentioned it, though...
No. Do you?
Was Rahm Emmanuel speaking in an official role as Speaker of the House, one of the highest positions in the USA?


Then it's not even remotely the same.

It's deliberate. The masters of the Trump cult losers deliberately feed them a constant stream of similarly stupid stuff to keep them hysterical, which keeps them obedient. We're talking obedient at a level that makes sheep look like independent thinkers.
unbelievably clueless, even for a dimrat!

Rahm used the F word ALL day every day... while WORKING at the WH!

And you don't even know that! You need to find a reliable news source. Clue: it is not cnn. I actually learned it from


unbelievably clueless, even for a dimrat!

Rahm used the F word ALL day every day... while WORKING at the WH!
So working at the White House is the same as being Speaker of the House and making official public speeches in that role?

You can't really be as dumb as you sound here, can you?
So working at the White House is the same as being Speaker of the House and making official public speeches in that role?

You can't really be as dumb as you sound here, can you?
Speaker of the House is nothing more than a government job.

Working at the WH as Chief of Staff is nothing more than a government job.
I can't say I have watched much of Tapper so who knows? Maybe he did get on Emmanuel's case for all the F words

But why do I doubt it? Yet Tapper can condemn McCarthy for saying "effing..." whatever it was he said RE the other Rs and some decision or other they had to make. I watched a TV (not mine, you can better believe) that was on cnn the other day and he kept mentioning McCarthy using the F word.

Big freaking deal (on both of them). But from what I've heard, McC said it ONE time and Rahm... every other word was F

I get this feeling Tapper never mentioned it, though...
Tapper encapsulates the worst in every Democrat.. He is a true blue woke operative Democrat..
Tapper encapsulates the worst in every Democrat.. He is a true blue woke operative Democrat..
yeh, at least Van Jones once in awhile says something that is not in total compliance w/ the Dim plantation narrative. And there are a few, albeit very few, others at that lying station who sometimes go off script. But Tapper... looks like he's sold his soul to the D party, like a good little hack.

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