Do you play an instrument? Or sing?


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
Whatta you play? And what kind of music do you attempt on it?

I seem to prefer string things myself. Started on piano (and therefore my understanding of scale is irrevocably linear and chromatic), went on to guitar, banjo, violin/viola, mandolin, bouzouki, hammered dulcimer and bowed psaltery. Also spent some years in a Brazilian batucada ensemble. Can't do wind instruments, though I do sing.

Guitar I like to fingerpick, and experiment with open tunings. The violin I got for Scottish and Cape Breton music. Also used several of these (primarily violin) in a jug band, where I even got a chance to play rake one night :D
I've been playing guitar since H.S. but I can't seem to play AND sing at the same time. I can do a pretty much dead on Stevie Ray Vaughn impression though.
I've been playing guitar since H.S. but I can't seem to play AND sing at the same time. I can do a pretty much dead on Stevie Ray Vaughn impression though.

Excellent :D

I do a dead-on Leon Russel. We should form a band. It would be a weird mix.

I can sing with guitar but not with violin. Something about pondering a lead and singing another one at the same time I guess.
I've been playing guitar since H.S. but I can't seem to play AND sing at the same time. I can do a pretty much dead on Stevie Ray Vaughn impression though.

Excellent :D

I do a dead-on Leon Russel. We should form a band. It would be a weird mix.

I can sing with guitar but not with violin. Something about pondering a lead and singing another one at the same time I guess.
Only if we can do some Allman Brothers or Gov't Mule! Still working on "Southbound"! :D

Can you bang away on the piano to this?

[ame=""]The Allman Brothers Band - Southbound (lyrics) - [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
I've been playing guitar since H.S. but I can't seem to play AND sing at the same time. I can do a pretty much dead on Stevie Ray Vaughn impression though.

Excellent :D

I do a dead-on Leon Russel. We should form a band. It would be a weird mix.

I can sing with guitar but not with violin. Something about pondering a lead and singing another one at the same time I guess.
Only if we can do some Allman Brothers or Gov't Mule! Still working on "Southbound"! :D

Can you bang away on the piano to this?

Oh sure, just a basic I-IV-V. But I'll give you the solo.

We'll follow that with this:

- and I can do Duane's part. Not the guitar --- just the sideburns. I'm good at that.
I just make people famous. Well in the old days. My perfect past. What a funny thread to fall in to.

This could be fun. Because I am for real.
My parents paid for piano lessons for me when I was a child.
I just make people famous. Well in the old days. My perfect past. What a funny thread to fall in to.

This could be fun. Because I am for real.

I can tell that by your excellent taste in signature lyrics.

So far anyway -- I haven't been here long.:eusa_shifty:
I can tap out that rhythm on the drums. Played in the HS marching band and Jazz band and played Rock with my friends growing up. Now I'm into Jazz-Rock Fusion.
[ame=]Passport - Ostinato (1976) - YouTube[/ame]
Music is interwoven throughout my soul. I have played the violin, cello, trombone, harmonica, piano clarinet, flute, guitar and a few others that do not come to mind right now. I would sit on a subway car and as the train would move a melody would come to mind, the sounds of NYC would prompt me to write music. When I cook various themes go through my mind and when I am in love forget it the music and lyrics just flows it does not matter the era, genre or style to play is a gift from God.

This one is named after my Loni in the sig pic. Very delicate and sweet, so beautiful and soulful.
Music is interwoven throughout my soul. I have played the violin, cello, trombone, harmonica, piano clarinet, flute, guitar and a few others that do not come to mind right now. I would sit on a subway car and as the train would move a melody would come to mind, the sounds of NYC would prompt me to write music. When I cook various themes go through my mind and when I am in love forget it the music and lyrics just flows it does not matter the era, genre or style to play is a gift from God.

This one is named after my Loni in the sig pic. Very delicate and sweet, so beautiful and soulful.

That's a wonderful magical feeling when something channels itself through you.:eusa_angel:

I had an especially good muse visit my head sitting in a near-dream state riding on a train once. The tune was brilliant, fresh, original and I remembered it note for note. I brought it home and played it for a friend and she immediately said -- "oh yeah. Fred Astaire". :eek:

I'll never live that one down...
I just make people famous. Well in the old days. My perfect past. What a funny thread to fall in to.

This could be fun. Because I am for real.

go pass out, you drunken fuckwit.


Would you like an email from my ex husband validating our wins?

Gold, Platinum, Double Platinum and a Juno?

Hey if you fail in life, I try desperately not to smear my successes on you. I try to be humble.

But if you want an email from him let me know you fool. Or from someone from RCA or from the Toronto Star or ...or....or...I am real. You are fake.

Whp else on the planet would proudly admit to Joe Hall and the Continental drift.

I worked with indies and I'm damn proud of it. I worked with majors and I'm damn proud of it goes.
Music is interwoven throughout my soul. I have played the violin, cello, trombone, harmonica, piano clarinet, flute, guitar and a few others that do not come to mind right now. I would sit on a subway car and as the train would move a melody would come to mind, the sounds of NYC would prompt me to write music. When I cook various themes go through my mind and when I am in love forget it the music and lyrics just flows it does not matter the era, genre or style to play is a gift from God.

This one is named after my Loni in the sig pic. Very delicate and sweet, so beautiful and soulful.

My ex's and I stil love him so have us all still bidding on his Martin D35. You would set my family on fire I swear lol. The battle would be a ruckus.

I'm no player. Not at all. Just have been blessed to be with some really good men. A dream.
My parents paid for piano lessons for me when I was a child.

I remember my dad looking at me as I'm trying to play you cant always get what you want and going "Annie, are you really sure she needs piano lessons"....

I play the chello and dabble with the violin.

For true?

Oh my, I would kill for that oh don't give up on either.

I used to dabble with violin, aiming at the Cape Breton thing and playing with a Scottish ensemble. Then I went to Festival International in Lafayette (a festival I try not to miss every year) and saw several adolescent girls from the Maritimes doing things with the instrument that humans just should not be able to do. At that point I hung it up.

Shortly later the jug band came recruiting, knowing that I owned, but did not play, a violin. Apparently that was exactly the sound they were looking for. And so we went. It was a gas.

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