DO you Obamacare supporters UNDERSTAND 6 million middle class will be TAXED!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Tax penalty to hit nearly 6 million uninsured people

Tax penalty to hit nearly 6 million uninsured people | The Columbus Dispatch

NOW do you IDiOTS who support Obamacare UNDERSTAND THIS???
6 million MIDDLE class people that are UNINSURED because they make over $50,000 a year, under age 34 AND CHOOSE NOT to have any insurance but to pay their health expenses called "OUT OF POCKET"!

Now under Obamacare BECAUSE they take care of themselves THEY are NOW going to be penalized at least $1,200 added to what their current average out of pockets which are about $1,400 a year!

SO what they will do is like MOST IDIOTS with insurance do who HAVE NO direct responsibility for the payment of claims???
Go to the doctor for sniffles! Make a trip for a cut on their hand!
These 6 million will TAKE advantage JUST as MOST people who don't have to pay for their health services as their insurance oh they pay for it! AND this is why Obamacare WILL cost billions more!

YOU idiots who think this is a GOOD deal???
YOU have NO idea of how insurance works and what it will do to skyrocket health services costs!

THE USA will be just like any 3rd world "single payer" health system.. i.e. check out the wait in Cuba!

AGAIN this is a TAX that Obama SAID would NOT happen!
A tax on the MIDDLE CLASS that Obama said would NOT happen!

But you IDIOT supporters of Obamacare naively talk about "increasing the insurance pool" by adding these "free-loaders" as Pelosi called them! FREE-LOADERS that paid their health services OUT-of their own pocket ! It's a FACT:
Source for the 18 million figure:
AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245
NOW this hypocrisy is even worse when this lying disgusting Obamacare was PASSEd because 6 votes for "YES" Believed the MYTH of 50 million uninsured of which
18 million were people who PAID their own health services out of their own pocket, under age 34, and make over $50,000 ... NOW THEY will be taxed!
14 million people counted as "UNINSURED" ARE COVERED Already by Medicaid of the so-called 50 million uninsured!
10 million are NOT citizens yet counted as "UNINSURED"! WRONG! LIES used to PASS Obamacare!

Truly 8 million that want and can't get health insurance is the true NUMBER that COULD have been cheaply easily covered!
Covered by TAXING like stupid Obamacare is taxing the Tanning salons.. TAXING Lawyers!
10% of the $100 billion lawyers earn would provide the insurance coverage for the truly 8 million that need coverage!

BUT Obamacare OWED the lawyers so Tort reform MISSING that would have reduced the $600 billion a year in duplicate tests, referrals, done solely because according over 90% of physicians surveyed they did out of FEAR of lawsuits!

There would have been NO need to tax middle class people for services THEY don't want!
Tax lawyers !!!
But since most Obamacare idiots HAVE little or NO idea of what EMTALA is they want this massive and totally unnecessary piece of crap!

For those of you that are still open minded.. EMTALA
in 1986 Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required t provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient"

So KNOWING hospitals are taking care of "uninsured" over the years Medicare has allowed hospitals to "pad and pass" on these expenses!

# of Medicare Ave.claim hospital
Hospital Outpatient Medicare paid service claims amount cost Mark up
Univ. Community Hospital CAT scan no contrast 2,110 $2,635 $43 6,127.91%
Bayfront Medical Center CAT without Contrast 1,564 $1,233 $53 2,326.42%

NOW the same stupid congress passed just as they Did EMTALA .. ACA!
And this time there is NOTHING to counterbalance this IDIOCY!

Watch health care costs totally go out of reach! Watch your access to health services DWINDLE!! All because idiots thought there were 50 million uninsured!
Total LIE!
Take your affordable, guaranteed Health Care and stop being freeloaders. Pffft!

Deal with FACTS idiot! Facts that MY health care UNDER Medicare is going to cost ME over $3,000 more a year all due to Obamacare!
That's the reality!
Obamacare is doing away with MY perfectly good Medicare Advantage Plan!
That saves me $1,156 a year in Part B premiums.. WHICH the IDIOT you are you have NO idea what is do you???
I'll have to spend $600 a year for OTC items like toothpaste, aspirin, vitamins,etc. all paid for under by Advantage plan!
Then under Obamacare everytime I would go to a doctor I'll have to pay the first $162 out of pocket and then 20% thereafter!
That adds another $1,000 to my OUT of pocket costs!

So again I'll be as well as 5 million more retired on Medicare Advantage will have to pay at least $3,000 more a year .. UNDER OBAMACARE!
That will be another $15 billion that will be taken out of the economy!
Take your affordable, guaranteed Health Care and stop being freeloaders. Pffft!

Deal with FACTS idiot! Facts that MY health care UNDER Medicare is going to cost ME over $3,000 more a year all due to Obamacare!
That's the reality!
Obamacare is doing away with MY perfectly good Medicare Advantage Plan!
That saves me $1,156 a year in Part B premiums.. WHICH the IDIOT you are you have NO idea what is do you???
I'll have to spend $600 a year for OTC items like toothpaste, aspirin, vitamins,etc. all paid for under by Advantage plan!
Then under Obamacare everytime I would go to a doctor I'll have to pay the first $162 out of pocket and then 20% thereafter!
That adds another $1,000 to my OUT of pocket costs!

So again I'll be as well as 5 million more retired on Medicare Advantage will have to pay at least $3,000 more a year .. UNDER OBAMACARE!
That will be another $15 billion that will be taken out of the economy!

Well now we're getting somewhere, your actual reason for your obsesion. Well, first, the Pubs will also cut that 700 billion, but not to improve Medicare and health costs, but to give the rich a tax cut.

That's how much you'll lose- How much do you pay for it?

I need to do some research, and so do you. Getting all health costs will save EVERYONE in the long run...
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Take your affordable, guaranteed Health Care and stop being freeloaders. Pffft!

Deal with FACTS idiot! Facts that MY health care UNDER Medicare is going to cost ME over $3,000 more a year all due to Obamacare!
That's the reality!
Obamacare is doing away with MY perfectly good Medicare Advantage Plan!
That saves me $1,156 a year in Part B premiums.. WHICH the IDIOT you are you have NO idea what is do you???
I'll have to spend $600 a year for OTC items like toothpaste, aspirin, vitamins,etc. all paid for under by Advantage plan!
Then under Obamacare everytime I would go to a doctor I'll have to pay the first $162 out of pocket and then 20% thereafter!
That adds another $1,000 to my OUT of pocket costs!

So again I'll be as well as 5 million more retired on Medicare Advantage will have to pay at least $3,000 more a year .. UNDER OBAMACARE!
That will be another $15 billion that will be taken out of the economy!

I also lost my medicare Advantage plan, but did your plan really pay for your toothpaste? Your not stretching the truth a little are you. :up:

My premiums went from 0 dollars to $162 a month when the insurance company I had was force to stop its Advantage plan under Obamacare.
Take your affordable, guaranteed Health Care and stop being freeloaders. Pffft!

Deal with FACTS idiot! Facts that MY health care UNDER Medicare is going to cost ME over $3,000 more a year all due to Obamacare!
That's the reality!
Obamacare is doing away with MY perfectly good Medicare Advantage Plan!
That saves me $1,156 a year in Part B premiums.. WHICH the IDIOT you are you have NO idea what is do you???
I'll have to spend $600 a year for OTC items like toothpaste, aspirin, vitamins,etc. all paid for under by Advantage plan!
Then under Obamacare everytime I would go to a doctor I'll have to pay the first $162 out of pocket and then 20% thereafter!
That adds another $1,000 to my OUT of pocket costs!

So again I'll be as well as 5 million more retired on Medicare Advantage will have to pay at least $3,000 more a year .. UNDER OBAMACARE!
That will be another $15 billion that will be taken out of the economy!

I also lost my medicare Advantage plan, but did your plan really pay for your toothpaste? Your not stretching the truth a little are you. :up:

My premiums went from 0 dollars to $162 a month when the insurance company I had was force to stop its Advantage plan under Obamacare.

You realize that's almost $2,000.00 per year. You're OK with that??
Take your affordable, guaranteed Health Care and stop being freeloaders. Pffft!

Deal with FACTS idiot! Facts that MY health care UNDER Medicare is going to cost ME over $3,000 more a year all due to Obamacare!
That's the reality!
Obamacare is doing away with MY perfectly good Medicare Advantage Plan!
That saves me $1,156 a year in Part B premiums.. WHICH the IDIOT you are you have NO idea what is do you???
I'll have to spend $600 a year for OTC items like toothpaste, aspirin, vitamins,etc. all paid for under by Advantage plan!
Then under Obamacare everytime I would go to a doctor I'll have to pay the first $162 out of pocket and then 20% thereafter!
That adds another $1,000 to my OUT of pocket costs!

So again I'll be as well as 5 million more retired on Medicare Advantage will have to pay at least $3,000 more a year .. UNDER OBAMACARE!
That will be another $15 billion that will be taken out of the economy!

I also lost my medicare Advantage plan, but did your plan really pay for your toothpaste? Your not stretching the truth a little are you. :up:

My premiums went from 0 dollars to $162 a month when the insurance company I had was force to stop its Advantage plan under Obamacare.

NO I'm not. I'm in FL and FreedomHealth provides $50/month OTC which includes toothpaste, ,floss!!!, toothbrushes, etc..even got a blood pressure monitor.. vitamins PLUS they have a exercise club I can go to PLUS they call me to remind me of various preventative physician visits including podiatrist as I'm diabetic!
Again that will probably all go away next year and I'm really ticked off!

See what most ignorant people don't understand about Medicare is MEDICARE doesn't process a single claim at all! They have contracted with 9 companies around the USA called Medicare Administrative Contractors and THEY handle everything.. so that garbage people spout about Medicare doing so well administratively???
THEY use for profit companies to manage! These companies bid on 5 year contracts!
Before Bush and 2003 Modernization act there were nearly 200 companies doing this and the was A LOT of fraud! From that act came the Advantage Plan which ELIMINATED a lot of fraud because the WORST case that Medicare had was they write a check to my advantage plan for about $800/month! Everything else is the Plan's responsibility!
They pay the claims, manage the providers,everything and it works GREAT!
But a...hole is destroying that!
Getting all health costs will save EVERYONE in the long run...
so say the people who already have us above 16 trillion in debt.

go ahead and swallow their jizz one more time.... couldn't hurt.
tax cuts for the rich.

tax cuts for the rich tax cuts for the rich tax cuts for the rich!!!!!!!

don't y'all ever get tired of saying that same old horseshit? seriously. if you spent half as much time working to improve your own lot as you do pissing and moaning about everyone else, you wouldn't need government to be your mommy.

fucking crybaby

Uncle Ferd says Romney so far out in right field - he have to take a bus to get back...
UPI Poll: All but rich say tax the rich
Tuesday 25th September, 2012 WASHINGTON -- Most U.S. voters say they believe the wealthy should be taxed more, results of a United Press International poll released Tuesday indicated.
Nearly half of likely voters -- 49 percent -- said they support President Obama's view that the wealthy should pay more taxes than they now do, results of the UPI-CVoter poll indicate. Thirty-eight percent of voters said they support Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's position that the wealthy should receive tax breaks to spur investment in businesses and create jobs, results said.

Voter support for higher tax rates for the rich -- who typically pay less than middle-class taxpayers based on percentages of incomes -- sweeps across gender, education, race and region, the poll said. The only groups in which the majority said they favor tax breaks for the wealthy are Republicans, people who identify themselves are moderately or strongly conservative, and senior citizens over 55 years old.

While 71 percent of Republicans say they favor Romney's position of providing tax breaks to the wealthy, 21 percent said upper-income taxpayers should pay more taxes. Results are based on nationwide telephone interviews from Sept. 17-23 with 908 adults, of which 748 were identified as likely voters. The margin of error is 3.5 percentage points for the total sample and 4.5 percentage points for likely voters.

Only people getting taxed are those who are moochers. If you are upset about this, you are probably a moocher yourself.
Deal with FACTS idiot! Facts that MY health care UNDER Medicare is going to cost ME over $3,000 more a year all due to Obamacare!
That's the reality!
Obamacare is doing away with MY perfectly good Medicare Advantage Plan!
That saves me $1,156 a year in Part B premiums.. WHICH the IDIOT you are you have NO idea what is do you???
I'll have to spend $600 a year for OTC items like toothpaste, aspirin, vitamins,etc. all paid for under by Advantage plan!
Then under Obamacare everytime I would go to a doctor I'll have to pay the first $162 out of pocket and then 20% thereafter!
That adds another $1,000 to my OUT of pocket costs!

So again I'll be as well as 5 million more retired on Medicare Advantage will have to pay at least $3,000 more a year .. UNDER OBAMACARE!
That will be another $15 billion that will be taken out of the economy!

I also lost my medicare Advantage plan, but did your plan really pay for your toothpaste? Your not stretching the truth a little are you. :up:

My premiums went from 0 dollars to $162 a month when the insurance company I had was force to stop its Advantage plan under Obamacare.

You realize that's almost $2,000.00 per year. You're OK with that??

Hell no I am not okay with that. I blame Obamacare and rightly so. I also will blame Obamacare on decreased patient care at hospitals and doctor offices due to the $716 billion dollar cut to our medicare providers and the increase of many taxes on the middle class to pay for all this.
I wish you people would just quit obsessing over all of this. You can sleep nights knowing that your politicians have been opted out of this fine healthcare system that is being shoved down our throats.
Uncle Ferd says Romney so far out in right field - he have to take a bus to get back...
UPI Poll: All but rich say tax the rich
Tuesday 25th September, 2012 WASHINGTON -- Most U.S. voters say they believe the wealthy should be taxed more, results of a United Press International poll released Tuesday indicated.
Nearly half of likely voters -- 49 percent -- said they support President Obama's view that the wealthy should pay more taxes than they now do, results of the UPI-CVoter poll indicate. Thirty-eight percent of voters said they support Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's position that the wealthy should receive tax breaks to spur investment in businesses and create jobs, results said.

Voter support for higher tax rates for the rich -- who typically pay less than middle-class taxpayers based on percentages of incomes -- sweeps across gender, education, race and region, the poll said. The only groups in which the majority said they favor tax breaks for the wealthy are Republicans, people who identify themselves are moderately or strongly conservative, and senior citizens over 55 years old.

While 71 percent of Republicans say they favor Romney's position of providing tax breaks to the wealthy, 21 percent said upper-income taxpayers should pay more taxes. Results are based on nationwide telephone interviews from Sept. 17-23 with 908 adults, of which 748 were identified as likely voters. The margin of error is 3.5 percentage points for the total sample and 4.5 percentage points for likely voters.


If Obama is allowed to roll back the Bush tax cuts and tax the rich the amount of money collected would run the government for about one week.

Anyone with an any sense knows that any increase in money though taxes increases would be spend on another worthless program to pander to the entitlement crowd.

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