Do you have to be a Christian to get into heaven ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?
-------------------------------------------------- hope so . i mean , OPINIONS on so called 'good folks' probably vary Tommy . Course the decision is untimately Gods decision Tommy .
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?
-------------------------------------------------- hope so . i mean , OPINIONS on so called 'good folks' probably vary Tommy . Course the decision is untimately Gods decision Tommy .
Well I am thinking someone who is honest,hard working,public spirited,kind,charitable and so on. someone who would be an asset to any community.
Torah teaches that every righteous person has a place in the world to come.

But, if you're not Jewish, you get a room next to the noisy ice machine for all eternity.
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?
-------------------------------------------------- hope so . i mean , OPINIONS on so called 'good folks' probably vary Tommy . Course the decision is untimately Gods decision Tommy .
Well I am thinking someone who is honest,hard working,public spirited,kind,charitable and so on. someone who would be an asset to any community.
My commiserations, Tammy.
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?

You have to believe Christ died for your sins and accept Him as your Savior. Do your best to live for Christ and repent your sins
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?

Good question.

The most subjective, even solipsistic answer could be that so long as you live your life according to moral fact, then perhaps whatever God or godless philosophy one worships makes no difference after the end.

Myself, and despite many personal side sojourns outside of Christianity, still believe steadfastly that through Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, or through the Logos, is the only path to an eternal afterlife. I also believe that the God of the Old Testament predates all other deities; godlike beings who could very well have existed also, in some time out of mind distant past. Perhaps lesser deities were and still are created and live through those who think them up and worship them. Who knows.
Learning what you need to know and being the soul you need to be to get into heaven is all that is required.....being Christian gives you an easier path....
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?

So what is "good"?

“As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. ‘Good teacher,’ he asked, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ ‘Why do you call me good?’ Jesus answered. ‘No one is good – except God alone.

Christianity is the only religion that does not put you on a scale in the hope that your good outweighs your bad.

It's like being a liar. You may only lie once, but it still makes you a liar. Only through God's righteousness and his gift on the cross can we be made right again.
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It’s my belief that it’s far more difficult to get into “Heaven” as a member of an organized religion (no matter which one) than without one.
It’s my belief that it’s far more difficult to get into “Heaven” as a member of an organized religion (no matter which one) than without one.

Well that's just it, isn't it? Everyone thinks a little differently, whatever seems right to us.

Then there is the truth

The truth is the key. Deep down we know what it is, and when we look at it, we inevitably see a reflection in the mirror that bothers us because we all need correction. We all need redemption

it is then we know we have found the truth.
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?
-------------------------------------------------- hope so . i mean , OPINIONS on so called 'good folks' probably vary Tommy . Course the decision is untimately Gods decision Tommy .
Well I am thinking someone who is honest,hard working,public spirited,kind,charitable and so on. someone who would be an asset to any community.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- i think that those that worship God must worship the CORRECT God Tommy .
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?

Nobody is automatically barred from a peaceful and pleasurable afterlife.

Jesus only related to one small group of people in one place on a large planet with all sorts of people living on every continent. It makes no sense to think that a Supreme Being/Creator would care only for Jews and Romans and care nothing for Chinese or Indian or Aztec or Celtic or Persian folks or folks in the islands of the Pacific.
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?

Nobody is automatically barred from a peaceful and pleasurable afterlife.

Jesus only related to one small group of people in one place on a large planet with all sorts of people living on every continent. It makes no sense to think that a Supreme Being/Creator would care only for Jews and Romans and care nothing for Chinese or Indian or Aztec or Celtic or Persian folks or folks in the islands of the Pacific.
I think that I agree with you. My heaven is a fun place full of all the people I love and have loved.Most of them would not gwt in if it was just for Christians.
I think that there is a heaven and that the righteous will get their reward in the afterlife.

But what about "good folk" who worship another God or no God at all ?

Are they automatically barred ?

Nobody is automatically barred from a peaceful and pleasurable afterlife.

Jesus only related to one small group of people in one place on a large planet with all sorts of people living on every continent. It makes no sense to think that a Supreme Being/Creator would care only for Jews and Romans and care nothing for Chinese or Indian or Aztec or Celtic or Persian folks or folks in the islands of the Pacific.
I think that I agree with you. My heaven is a fun place full of all the people I love and have loved.Most of them would not gwt in if it was just for Christians.

Me, too! Not only are my personal loved ones there, but it must be crowded already with all of the people who who lived lives on earth in so many far-off places before Jesus was born and those who lived in places in the last 2,000 years who never heard of him. I would love to meet an ancient Navajo, an ancient Chinese, and boogie-down again with my two-years-gone Hindu friend Balraj.

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