Do you feel you lose IQ points every minute you spend on social media?


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2020
Berlin, Germany
Whenever I enter some social media site like this one, I feel I'm confronted with so much absurdity and utter BS, that I feel my IQ is in severe danger. In fact, I'm pretty sure that every minute I spend reading social media postings, I lose 2 to 3 IQ points.

Anybody else feel the same?
Whenever I enter some social media site like this one, I feel I'm confronted with so much absurdity and utter BS, that I feel my IQ is in severe danger. In fact, I'm pretty sure that every minute I spend reading social media postings, I lose 2 to 3 IQ points.

Anybody else feel the same?
I realize i lose points of intelligence when after the 1st post of dialogue with a progressive slave, has no results, and then those slaves start calling people names. At that point i use ignore to save myself from further lowing the IQ.

Whenever I enter some social media site like this one, I feel I'm confronted with so much absurdity and utter BS, that I feel my IQ is in severe danger. In fact, I'm pretty sure that every minute I spend reading social media postings, I lose 2 to 3 IQ points.

Anybody else feel the same?

Trying to have an honest discussion with most leftists here robs me of at least 60 IQ points. Eventually you start saying stuff either at their level and appearing as dumb as them, or you must pull out of a dive, save your sanity and declare one more for the IGNORE list.

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