Do you agree Chuck Todd should be fired for his comments about Sanders voters?

Should Chuck Todd be fired?

  • Yes, he is the true Nazi here

  • No, but dumb to use Jonathan Last article to voice his opinion of Sanders voters

  • Pineapple, Mango, Anchovy Pizza being delivered by Mac for Lucy

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Bernie Sanders people are attacking Chuck Todd.

I know they are, so should Todd be fired for using Jonathan Last comments about Sanders voters being like Nazi Paramilitary?
He was sharing someone else's comments--so no, he shouldn't be fired, but he should be hauled back smartly. I stopped watching Chuck Todd two years ago because he is so biased. He put his foot over the line with this one. CBS needs to think about remaining decent.

If the left can toss out the Nazi comment to compare Trump voters then why shouldn't Todd be allow to do it to Sanders voters?

You have used the Nazi reference a few times, so why would you be offended?

For me it is simple if you use the term then expect it to be tossed back at you even if it is ignorant for either side to use it...

Now if Todd had compared Sanders voters to Bolsheviks, well yeah they are!
Quote me. We've had this conversation before and you've never been able to provide one because I do not use that term against Trump supporters or anyone else except maybe Lucy, who is one.
He was simply doing what he was paid to do. It's simple, don't watch and it matters none.
Bernie Sanders people are attacking Chuck Todd.

I know they are, so should Todd be fired for using Jonathan Last comments about Sanders voters being like Nazi Paramilitary?
He was sharing someone else's comments--so no, he shouldn't be fired, but he should be hauled back smartly. I stopped watching Chuck Todd two years ago because he is so biased. He put his foot over the line with this one. CBS needs to think about remaining decent.

If the left can toss out the Nazi comment to compare Trump voters then why shouldn't Todd be allow to do it to Sanders voters?

You have used the Nazi reference a few times, so why would you be offended?

For me it is simple if you use the term then expect it to be tossed back at you even if it is ignorant for either side to use it...

Now if Todd had compared Sanders voters to Bolsheviks, well yeah they are!
Quote me. We've had this conversation before and you've never been able to provide one because I do not use that term against Trump supporters or anyone else except maybe Lucy, who is one.
Search Results for Query: Hitler | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just four pages of you discussing Hitler and how we shouldn't allow another when conversing about certain things...

And just yesterday you referenced Hitler in mudwhistle thread, so yes you are comparing some to Hitler and Nazis...
Bernie Sanders people are attacking Chuck Todd.

I know they are, so should Todd be fired for using Jonathan Last comments about Sanders voters being like Nazi Paramilitary?
He was sharing someone else's comments--so no, he shouldn't be fired, but he should be hauled back smartly. I stopped watching Chuck Todd two years ago because he is so biased. He put his foot over the line with this one. CBS needs to think about remaining decent.

If the left can toss out the Nazi comment to compare Trump voters then why shouldn't Todd be allow to do it to Sanders voters?

You have used the Nazi reference a few times, so why would you be offended?

For me it is simple if you use the term then expect it to be tossed back at you even if it is ignorant for either side to use it...

Now if Todd had compared Sanders voters to Bolsheviks, well yeah they are!
Here is one way you can tell if this description fits one candidate more than the other -- just ask the Neo-Nazis which candidate advocates policies that most identify with their NEO-NAZI/WHITE SUPREMACIST ideologies...

And ask a Communist which one fit their agenda better...

Trump is a wannabe Mussolini and Sanders is a wannabe Trotsky...

Neither are Hitler like and neither are as intelligent or as insane as Hitler...

Oh, if you get offended at my compliment to Hitler intelligence just remember the man was also insane like Stalin...
Why the hell would you want to start firing media pundits for expressing their opinions? It's a slippery slope and you better think twice about it.
Why the hell would you want to start firing media pundits for expressing their opinions? It's a slippery slope and you better think twice about it.

I am not saying they should, I am asking the board should he...

I voted no... And the Pizza order...
Chuck Tood complained about Sanders voters and their vicious attacks they do on the internet and then read a piece from Jonathan Last at The Bulwark comparing those voters to Nazi Paramilitaries, so I ask should Chuck Todd be dismissed from his job?

#FireChuckTodd trends after MSNBC anchor quotes article comparing Bernie Sanders supporters to brownshirts

Of course not.....but notice the political party that is calling for him to be removed....and the socialist they support. It isn't just the 2nd Amendment that they hate, they hate the 1st Amendment too....
Chuck Tood complained about Sanders voters and their vicious attacks they do on the internet and then read a piece from Jonathan Last at The Bulwark comparing those voters to Nazi Paramilitaries, so I ask should Chuck Todd be dismissed from his job?

#FireChuckTodd trends after MSNBC anchor quotes article comparing Bernie Sanders supporters to brownshirts

Of course not.....but notice the political party that is calling for him to be removed....and the socialist they support. It isn't just the 2nd Amendment that they hate, they hate the 1st Amendment too....

They love the first Amendment as long as you say what they want to read and hear and if not, well then your right is revoked...

Personally I am loving the fake outrage by the left after they called Bush and Trump voters Nazis many times...

Now would I call Sanders voters Nazi Paramilitary group?

Nope, more like a Bolshevik Group dreaming their boy Bernie was Leon Trotsky...
Bernie Sanders people are attacking Chuck Todd.

I know they are, so should Todd be fired for using Jonathan Last comments about Sanders voters being like Nazi Paramilitary?
He was sharing someone else's comments--so no, he shouldn't be fired, but he should be hauled back smartly. I stopped watching Chuck Todd two years ago because he is so biased. He put his foot over the line with this one. CBS needs to think about remaining decent.

If the left can toss out the Nazi comment to compare Trump voters then why shouldn't Todd be allow to do it to Sanders voters?

You have used the Nazi reference a few times, so why would you be offended?

For me it is simple if you use the term then expect it to be tossed back at you even if it is ignorant for either side to use it...

Now if Todd had compared Sanders voters to Bolsheviks, well yeah they are!
Quote me. We've had this conversation before and you've never been able to provide one because I do not use that term against Trump supporters or anyone else except maybe Lucy, who is one.
Search Results for Query: Hitler | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just four pages of you discussing Hitler and how we shouldn't allow another when conversing about certain things...

And just yesterday you referenced Hitler in mudwhistle thread, so yes you are comparing some to Hitler and Nazis...
I do not call people Nazi's and I do not compare Trump to Hitler. I am not reading four pages of bullshit search results. Copy and paste me one where I did.
Here is one way you can tell if this description fits one candidate more than the other -- just ask the Neo-Nazis which candidate advocates policies that most identify with their NEO-NAZI/WHITE SUPREMACIST ideologies...

Why are the opinions of the couple hundred "neo-nazi/white supremacist" advocates out there so important to ultraliberal radicals?

They aren't to me, I consider those folks to be totally non-entities politically and their opinions are worthless to me.

But then, I'm just a mainstream conservative

You should ask the party who continues to try to court their vote that question...

The party where these Neo-Nazis continue to run for office and sometimes, win their party's nomination....

Record breaking number of neo-Nazis and white nationalists running for office in the U.S.

That doesn't happen on the other side......
Bernie Sanders people are attacking Chuck Todd.

I know they are, so should Todd be fired for using Jonathan Last comments about Sanders voters being like Nazi Paramilitary?
He was sharing someone else's comments--so no, he shouldn't be fired, but he should be hauled back smartly. I stopped watching Chuck Todd two years ago because he is so biased. He put his foot over the line with this one. CBS needs to think about remaining decent.

If the left can toss out the Nazi comment to compare Trump voters then why shouldn't Todd be allow to do it to Sanders voters?

You have used the Nazi reference a few times, so why would you be offended?

For me it is simple if you use the term then expect it to be tossed back at you even if it is ignorant for either side to use it...

Now if Todd had compared Sanders voters to Bolsheviks, well yeah they are!
Quote me. We've had this conversation before and you've never been able to provide one because I do not use that term against Trump supporters or anyone else except maybe Lucy, who is one.
Search Results for Query: Hitler | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just four pages of you discussing Hitler and how we shouldn't allow another when conversing about certain things...

And just yesterday you referenced Hitler in mudwhistle thread, so yes you are comparing some to Hitler and Nazis...
Two of my posts that came up in your "search" for me accusing anyone of being Hitler:
I just don't get it. The man isn't evil; he's just ignorant, opinionated and egotistical. NOT Hitler.
Post by: OldLady, Dec 30, 2016 in forum: Current Events

7-year-old boy called"Little Hitler" for selling hot chocolate to raise money for the Wall
What a cutie! I'd buy a cup.
Post by: OldLady, Feb 19, 2019 in forum: Current Events

I see when this news was first breaking, people were afraid this guy was in some sort of larger organization that had some sort of official killing agenda. Have you heard anything more about that?

Most of them don't mention Hitler at all. Nice search Bruce_T_Laney. I won't take lying from you. You're on ignore.
Chuck Tood complained about Sanders voters and their vicious attacks they do on the internet and then read a piece from Jonathan Last at The Bulwark comparing those voters to Nazi Paramilitaries, so I ask should Chuck Todd be dismissed from his job?

#FireChuckTodd trends after MSNBC anchor quotes article comparing Bernie Sanders supporters to brownshirts
For the record, the Nazi government was a large central government that took over the nation's industries and peoples lives and their official title was: National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Mussolini's Fascist government was also a, SOCIALIST government, whereby the government took over the private industry and peoples lives.
Those that aided both governments in keeping the public in line were in Germany, the Brown Shirts and in Italy, the Black Shirts. As both nations had become SOCIALIST governments, Stalin of the Soviet Union, sent both congratulatory letters in the success. What he didn't count on was, while Hitler was a SOCIALIST, he was an extreme Nationalist with delusions of grandeur that Germans were Aryans and thus superior to all other peoples and as such could conquer any nation he went up against.
Bernie is a Marxist-Leninist SOCIALIST (he claims to be a "Democratic Socialist) and as such, he's no better than any of the other nut jobs that preceded him, such as Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Kim Il Sung, et cetera.
The problem is that such individuals lead revolutions on the premise of benefiting the workers and the end results are always, Authoritarian, repressive, brutal regimes that suppress freedoms and kill off millions of their own people. Once they've done that they flash their new nation's title, such as in North Korea's case: the "DEMOCRATIC" People's Republic of Korea." The populace has the right to vote for a candidate, but there's only one name on the ballot and if you write someone in, or don't vote, you disappear. China, which has an actual Politburo, they give you your list of candidates and you choose from them. Don't bother doing a write in. As to how their government handles people that cry out for "freedom," think Tiananmen Square massacre and what's going on in Hong Kong. Further, if you don't like the Marxist-Leninist country you live in, you can't just say, goodbye, I'm finding something better. Hence the original construction of the Berlin Wall and if you try to leave North Korea. Expect to be shot. In China, they have that much better. You are free to travel most anywhere in the have earned enough of what they call "social points," thus showing that you are a good Communist. I do have to give Fidel Castro some credit. He grew tired of catching and imprisoning people trying to flee Cuba and instead said, if you don't like it here, "get out," which they did. Rid of most of the dissenters, it was smoother for him and could focus on other matters and only had to occasionally arrest political dissidents (those that disagreed with his brand of Socialism).
Having said all of that, there will be those that point to the Scandinavian countries and say, "There goes successful Democratic Socialist countries." You might want to do your research. One of them experimented with it for a period of 10 years and dropped it, the others are facing serious problems with the large influx of migrants and funds are coming up short to pay for commodities and services and unemployment is up. While they had small populations, homogamically the same, with everyone on the same page, culturally, it worked. The bottom line is that, in small groups, Socialist ideas work, in large populations, not so much.
If the left can toss out the Nazi comment to compare Trump voters then why shouldn't Todd be allow to do it to Sanders voters?

You have used the Nazi reference a few times, so why would you be offended?

For me it is simple if you use the term then expect it to be tossed back at you even if it is ignorant for either side to use it...

Now if Todd had compared Sanders voters to Bolsheviks, well yeah they are!

Quote me. We've had this conversation before and you've never been able to provide one

because I do not use that term against Trump supporters or anyone else except maybe Lucy, who is one.

You contradict yourself.
Bernie Sanders people are attacking Chuck Todd.

The question I have is when is Crazy Bernie going to stand up for his fans to Mr. Todd?

When people attack Trump voters, the President has the courage to stand up to them. How about Sanders? Sanders and Trump are both men in the same age bracket that grew up on the same mean streets in the same tough city
Do you really think a Jew of that age would defend Nazi accusations by a "supporter?" Nah. Not funny.
Chuck Tood complained about Sanders voters and their vicious attacks they do on the internet and then read a piece from Jonathan Last at The Bulwark comparing those voters to Nazi Paramilitaries, so I ask should Chuck Todd be dismissed from his job?

#FireChuckTodd trends after MSNBC anchor quotes article comparing Bernie Sanders supporters to brownshirts


But he makes a good point about the frothing mobs that support Sanders and Trump.

President Trump's supporters aren't "frothing" at all, however.

Just regular Americans satisfied with the President's Tremendous Record of Accomplishment.

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