Do Wealthiest Corporations Pay Taxes in America?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Do Wealthiest Corporations Pay Taxes in America?

U.S. Companies Dodge $60 Billion in Taxes With Global Odyssey - as reported in the Communist Bloomberg News :lol:


Exxon Mobil paid no federal income tax in 2009

The joke goes, The economy is so bad Exxon Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.


"If you've ever wondered how it's possible that you pay more to the IRS than General Electric...Microsoft, for example, has its overseas subsidiaries license software to its US parent company in return for handsome royalties that get taxed at lower overseas rates. Exxon limits its tax pain with the help of 20 wholly owned subsidiaries domiciled in the Bahamas, Bermuda, and the Cayman Islands that shelter cash flow from operations in the likes of Angola, Azerbaijan, and Abu Dhabi....Now quit your carping and get back to filling out that 1040!"

- Slashdot News Story | What the Top US Companies Pay In Taxes


How Multinational Corporations Dodge Taxes


and the Conservative Supreme Court has just allowed these pay-little-to-no-taxes corporations to influence our elections with money they avoided paying into US tax coffers. All while crying American taxes are too high. :eek:
Do they have taxable US income? I mean, besides payroll taxes. State and local taxes. Property taxes. Personal property taxes.

Do they pay those regardless?

You left out the White House's but buddies at Google.
Robert F. Kennedy's ghost just ghouled in with this request:

"Erah erah tell that pussy, Dainty, not to erah erah use my image. It is offensive to be used as the erah erah avatar for the likes of that lowlife shit eater."

I concur with the late Senator from the Empire State.

And furthermore, this thread is too stupid for words, and thus perfectly suited to the minuscule intellectual capacity of Dainty. That puss still thinks that any corporations pay taxes, ever. :cuckoo:

Dainty is fucking retarded.
To quote mediamatters :)lol:) Even though Exxon doesn’t contribute anything to the federal government, it spends millions of dollars trying to control it.


Media Mutters is a left wing propaganda organization, but they try to deny it.

You keep outing them, Dainty.

In the meanwhile, jerk-off, if International Widget Corporation gets assessed some heavy new tax, WHO pays it?

(a) International Widget Corporation, or

(b) the buyers of the products produced by International Widget Corporation in the form of higher product cost?​

Go ask an adult who isn't retarded, as you are, to help you on this one, shithead.
How much does Exxon pay in payroll taxes to the Federal government? Oil field leases?


But ultimately, the people (i.e., us) who buy their product (i.e., gasoline) are the ones who actually pay for all of that in the form of higher price/gallon at the pump.

There's no way around it.

The costs get passed along. Taxes are just such a cost. So when they get passed along, the consumers end up paying.

And paying.

And paying.

And paying.

And paying.

And paying.

And did I mention paying?
Why should big corporations pay taxes?

Why should the government pay for oil?

Why should people pay for oil?

Why should people pay for rent?

Why work?


Lets all be like corporations and just take what we want. Should work out just fine.
Why should big corporations pay taxes?

Why should the government pay for oil?

Why should people pay for oil?

Why should people pay for rent?

Why work?


Lets all be like corporations and just take what we want. Should work out just fine.

How silly and juvenile.

The notion of "taxing" a corporation is silly. It doesn't happen. The corporation ends up serving only as a form of tax collector. They pass the "cost" of being taxed along to their customers.

The government, like anyone else "should" pay for oil because if they compel some company to 'give" it to them, they are just stealing. We (the people) do not give our government permission to be such blatant thieves.

Of course, "people" too should pay for oil for the same reason. It belongs to someone else. We can't just take it without depriving those who earned the right to drill it and refine it the concomitant right to derive a profit from their labor and resources.

People should pay "rent" for pretty much the same reason. The place of abode isn't theirs. It is the property of somebody else. Nobody has a right to confiscate the property of another without paying for it. If otherwise, ownership would become illusory. Communists and socialists like this Utopian fantasy. But in the real world it has always been a fucking pathetic stupid notion.

Why work? To earn income. If you don't earn income, you cannot buy essentials or luxuries. And if you cannot buy them (or rent them) then you cannot HAVE them, since such things are not yours for "free." Thay aint no such thang as a free lunch, y'all. see the foregoing discussion.

Corporations do NOT, contrary to your false premise, just take what they want. When you premise you argument on a false premise, what follows is usually crap. This explains your post.
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Corporations don't pay taxes. Ever. You can charge them taxes, but Corporations just collect the funds and ship them off to the state. The individual taxpayer pays all taxes no matter what the corporate rate.

Usually these taxes are expressed in terms of lower wages or higher prices. Sometimes they are even expressed in terms of monopoly profits that the corporation gets to keep for itself.
I just finished Robert Kiyosaki's excellent book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and I highly recommend it. In it he writes; Because the way Tax Laws are written:

"The Rich with Corporations:
1. Earn
2. Spend
3. Pay Taxes

People who WORK FOR Corporations:
1. Earn
2. Pay Taxes
3. Spend

We PAY TAXES then SPEND WHAT'S LEFT. The rich SPEND FIRST because they PAY TAXES on WHAT'S LEFT". It's a way of thinking really.

The average person has been conditioned by schools to be good little worker bees and provide taxes to the government. They buy LIABILITIES but have FEW ASSETS. They buy a house and a car, both are liabilities.

The rich on the other hand buy ASSETS and MINIMIZE LIABILITIES. Assets put money in your pocket, liabilities take money out. It's that simple and it's just a way of thinking really.

Rich people buy assets, poor people buy liabilities.

Most people don't even know what the difference is between the two. Most people think a house is an asset, it isn't. Even when it's paid off it's still a liability. You have to pay property taxes, perform upkeep and maintenance. It takes money out of your pocket, it's a liability.

If on the other hand you own a home and it's rented to someone else for more than the monthly mortgage, it's an asset. What's more, many of those things you do for the upkeep of your home is tax deductible, thus minimizing your tax liability.

All that got me thinking, because I own one piece of rental property, that I SHOULD INCORPORATE! "Mad Scientist Real Estate Holdings". Hmmm. :lol:

(Sorry, I know this didn't really answer the OP's guestion)
Why should big corporations pay taxes?

Why should the government pay for oil?

Why should people pay for oil?

Why should people pay for rent?

Why work?


Lets all be like corporations and just take what we want. Should work out just fine.

Silly Sallow. Corporations are people, but people are NOT corporations!

I hope that clarifies everything satisfactorily!
I just finished Robert Kiyosaki's excellent book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and I highly recommend it. In it he writes; Because the way Tax Laws are written:

"The Rich with Corporations:
1. Earn
2. Spend
3. Pay Taxes

People who WORK FOR Corporations:
1. Earn
2. Pay Taxes
3. Spend

We PAY TAXES then SPEND WHAT'S LEFT. The rich SPEND FIRST because they PAY TAXES on WHAT'S LEFT". It's a way of thinking really.

The average person has been conditioned by schools to be good little worker bees and provide taxes to the government. They buy LIABILITIES but have FEW ASSETS. They buy a house and a car, both are liabilities.

The rich on the other hand buy ASSETS and MINIMIZE LIABILITIES. Assets put money in your pocket, liabilities take money out. It's that simple and it's just a way of thinking really.

Rich people buy assets, poor people buy liabilities.

Most people don't even know what the difference is between the two. Most people think a house is an asset, it isn't. Even when it's paid off it's still a liability. You have to pay property taxes, perform upkeep and maintenance. It takes money out of your pocket, it's a liability.

If on the other hand you own a home and it's rented to someone else for more than the monthly mortgage, it's an asset. What's more, many of those things you do for the upkeep of your home is tax deductible, thus minimizing your tax liability.

All that got me thinking, because I own one piece of rental property, that I SHOULD INCORPORATE! "Mad Scientist Real Estate Holdings". Hmmm. :lol:

(Sorry, I know this didn't really answer the OP's guestion)

Gee, you just discovered the material difference between the labor class and the capital class.

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