Do Republicans or Conservatives have any BALLS?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The gauntlet has been thrown down. We are on notice. Every pecker-headed Democrat in charge of every stinkin' committee and subcommittee in the House has informed us that they are going to "investigate" the shit out of our duly elected President; they are going to pursue any and every pretext for impeachment for as long as they can milk it out.

And everyone knows it is all bullshit. While I personally am of the belief that the LESS Congress does, the better off we all are, to the extent that these a-holes follow through with their threats, do WE have the balls to show them EXACTLY what "demonstration/protest" looks like?

Will you be one of millions marching in Washington carrying signs that say,

"Knock it off and Do Your Fucking Job!"

"Let the President Govern!"

And so on.

Or will you just sit at home and fret and complain about it all?


The Pussy-Hat Brigade got a couple hundred thousand airheads out there, with nothing more than mass PMS.

How big must our protest be? A million? Two?

The Shitstorm is imminent. The planning is already overdue.
The standard reply.

We're sorry, demand on White House staff is unusually high, demand letters from congress will be addressed in the order in which they were received. We thank you for your patience.

The gauntlet has been thrown down. We are on notice. Every pecker-headed Democrat in charge of every stinkin' committee and subcommittee in the House has informed us that they are going to "investigate" the shit out of our duly elected President; they are going to pursue any and every pretext for impeachment for as long as they can milk it out.

Lindsay Graham, soon to head up the Senate Judiciary Committee, has let it be known such activity works both ways.

Everyone has a closet.

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