Do our politicians have us distracted, focused on far fetched potential existential threats (Russia and China) while Mexico shreds us at our core?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???

Read the OP's outlined for you.
Do the Chinese and or Russians have our schools overcrowded and failing, our emergency rooms packed with 8 hour wait times, our social services over loaded, our jails and prisons full....are they working jobs reserved for Americans?
Do you see any Russians or Chinese in these mugshots?

How many Russians and or Chinese have committed murder on our soil?
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???

Face it, you only know what you think you know about China thanks to our media spoon feeds you whatever THEY decide you need to know or think.
Again, leave the China bullshit to the Pentagon...worry about what you know for fact, what you see happening in real-time with your own eyes right beneath your nose.
That doesn't make sense huh?
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???

Read the OP's outlined for you.
Do the Chinese and or Russians have our schools overcrowded and failing, our emergency rooms packed with 8 hour wait times, our social services over loaded, our jails and prisons full....are they working jobs reserved for Americans?
Do you see any Russians or Chinese in these mugshots?

How many Russians and or Chinese have committed murder on our soil?
those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem,,,

lets just agree that both are a threat but only one can cripple us with the swipe of a pen,,,

keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration,,,,
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???

Face it, you only know what you think you know about China thanks to our media spoon feeds you whatever THEY decide you need to know or think.
Again, leave the China bullshit to the Pentagon...worry about what you know for fact, what you see happening in real-time with your own eyes right beneath your nose.
That doesn't make sense huh?
around here I dont see what youre complaining about to be a problem,, but I do see a lot of people out of work because our manufacturing went to china,,,
not to mention most of our medication coming from a single place,,,
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???

Read the OP's outlined for you.
Do the Chinese and or Russians have our schools overcrowded and failing, our emergency rooms packed with 8 hour wait times, our social services over loaded, our jails and prisons full....are they working jobs reserved for Americans?
Do you see any Russians or Chinese in these mugshots?

How many Russians and or Chinese have committed murder on our soil?
those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem,,,

lets just agree that both are a threat but only one can cripple us with the swipe of a pen,,,

keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration,,,,
"those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem"
No offense but that's awfully myopic thinking, you're sticking your head in the sand with that comment.
California is the gateway to your city from Mexico. The Dems may win every national election going forward because Mexico's people have stole them four states and 77 electoral votes...there's nothing "isolated" about that.

"keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration"

After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???

Read the OP's outlined for you.
Do the Chinese and or Russians have our schools overcrowded and failing, our emergency rooms packed with 8 hour wait times, our social services over loaded, our jails and prisons full....are they working jobs reserved for Americans?
Do you see any Russians or Chinese in these mugshots?

How many Russians and or Chinese have committed murder on our soil?
those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem,,,

lets just agree that both are a threat but only one can cripple us with the swipe of a pen,,,

keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration,,,,
"those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem"
No offense but that's awfully myopic thinking, you're sticking your head in the sand with that comment.
California is the gateway to your city from Mexico. The Dems may win every national election going forward because Mexico's people have stole them four states and 77 electoral votes...there's nothing "isolated" about that.

"keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration"


as I said both are a problem,,,

and whos to say electing republicans has ever been good for america,, theyve stabbed me in the back as many times as dems have maybe even more since they claim to be the good guys,,,
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???

Read the OP's outlined for you.
Do the Chinese and or Russians have our schools overcrowded and failing, our emergency rooms packed with 8 hour wait times, our social services over loaded, our jails and prisons full....are they working jobs reserved for Americans?
Do you see any Russians or Chinese in these mugshots?

How many Russians and or Chinese have committed murder on our soil?
those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem,,,

lets just agree that both are a threat but only one can cripple us with the swipe of a pen,,,

keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration,,,,
"those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem"
No offense but that's awfully myopic thinking, you're sticking your head in the sand with that comment.
California is the gateway to your city from Mexico. The Dems may win every national election going forward because Mexico's people have stole them four states and 77 electoral votes...there's nothing "isolated" about that.

"keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration"


as I said both are a problem,,,

and whos to say electing republicans has ever been good for america,, theyve stabbed me in the back as many times as dems have maybe even more since they claim to be the good guys,,,

In part, that's the premise of this thread.
The point is, America's public opinion with regard to the presence of illegal aliens is going to have to change and change FAST.
Those 77 electoral votes won by Mexico / Democrat's can be overcome but if Mexico wins TX and or Florida its over and the GOP will have to join the Dems in whoring themselves out to Mexico and promising a plethora of free shit to stay relevant.
After Trump failed to end DACA, couldn't get shit done on immigration in two years with a Republican House and Senate, only built 450 miles of 'wall' and all but completely dropped the importance of ridding America of illegal aliens in his reelection campaign I can't help but wonder if he and his administration are in on the Make America Mexico Again agenda right along with all the others in politics.

For those of you who continue to buy into the "Russia" and "China" narratives; don't you think we should leave existential threats to the Pentagon and those with intelligence data? Shouldn't we be worried about those countries sending their people to destroy our local communities, our social services system, our education system, our healthcare system, our job markets...those raping, maiming and murdering our people on our soil daily?
Shouldn't we reject the deflection attempts made by our own politicians and pay closer attention to the actual THREAT(s) affecting us NOW and in real-time?
how can you say china isnt a current and extreme threat when they control 90% if the medication we use,, and thats just one of the many problems they create,,

I dont see any real threat coming from russia,,

other than labor and a draw on the welfare system what threat does mexico create???

Read the OP's outlined for you.
Do the Chinese and or Russians have our schools overcrowded and failing, our emergency rooms packed with 8 hour wait times, our social services over loaded, our jails and prisons full....are they working jobs reserved for Americans?
Do you see any Russians or Chinese in these mugshots?

How many Russians and or Chinese have committed murder on our soil?
those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem,,,

lets just agree that both are a threat but only one can cripple us with the swipe of a pen,,,

keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration,,,,
"those are in isolated areas and not a nation wide problem,, but us being dependent on china for medicine and manufacturing is a nationwide problem"
No offense but that's awfully myopic thinking, you're sticking your head in the sand with that comment.
California is the gateway to your city from Mexico. The Dems may win every national election going forward because Mexico's people have stole them four states and 77 electoral votes...there's nothing "isolated" about that.

"keep in mind that mexico isnt the sole problem with illegal immigration"


as I said both are a problem,,,

and whos to say electing republicans has ever been good for america,, theyve stabbed me in the back as many times as dems have maybe even more since they claim to be the good guys,,,

In part, that's the premise of this thread.
The point is, America's public opinion with regard to the presence of illegal aliens is going to have to change and change FAST.
Those 77 electoral votes won by Mexico / Democrat's can be overcome but if Mexico wins TX and or Florida its over and the GOP will have to join the Dems in whoring themselves out to Mexico and promising a plethora of free shit to stay relevant.

sadly theres only one group of people with enough power to stop it and they have repeatedly stabbed us in the back about it and thats the GOP,,,

best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,

All it would take is a shift in public opinion. America must realize what/who is the REAL threat to their lives and livelihoods, the public needs to finally grow a pair, break from PC programming and be vocal about it. That's how public opinion is influenced.
I degrade all criminals and I most certainly degrade the criminals ruining my should as well.
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,

All it would take is a shift in public opinion. America must realize what/who is the REAL threat to their lives and livelihoods, the public needs to finally grow a pair, break from PC programming and be vocal about it. That's how public opinion is influenced.
I degrade all criminals and I most certainly degrade the criminals ruining my should as well.
with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,

All it would take is a shift in public opinion. America must realize what/who is the REAL threat to their lives and livelihoods, the public needs to finally grow a pair, break from PC programming and be vocal about it. That's how public opinion is influenced.
I degrade all criminals and I most certainly degrade the criminals ruining my should as well.
with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,

"with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,"
Elaborate would you?
Are you saying we should concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Is that a principle we were founded on?
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,

All it would take is a shift in public opinion. America must realize what/who is the REAL threat to their lives and livelihoods, the public needs to finally grow a pair, break from PC programming and be vocal about it. That's how public opinion is influenced.
I degrade all criminals and I most certainly degrade the criminals ruining my should as well.
with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,

"with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,"
Elaborate would you?
Are you saying we should concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Is that a principle we were founded on?

you will win more friends with sugar than vinegar,,,
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,

All it would take is a shift in public opinion. America must realize what/who is the REAL threat to their lives and livelihoods, the public needs to finally grow a pair, break from PC programming and be vocal about it. That's how public opinion is influenced.
I degrade all criminals and I most certainly degrade the criminals ruining my should as well.
with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,

"with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,"
Elaborate would you?
Are you saying we should concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Is that a principle we were founded on?

you will win more friends with sugar than vinegar,,,

I'm concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Give it to me straight.
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,

All it would take is a shift in public opinion. America must realize what/who is the REAL threat to their lives and livelihoods, the public needs to finally grow a pair, break from PC programming and be vocal about it. That's how public opinion is influenced.
I degrade all criminals and I most certainly degrade the criminals ruining my should as well.
with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,

"with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,"
Elaborate would you?
Are you saying we should concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Is that a principle we were founded on?

you will win more friends with sugar than vinegar,,,

I'm concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Give it to me straight.
I never said that,,

but I can guarantee you that if you go at it with the pure hate youre presenting here you will get nowhere fast,,,
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,

All it would take is a shift in public opinion. America must realize what/who is the REAL threat to their lives and livelihoods, the public needs to finally grow a pair, break from PC programming and be vocal about it. That's how public opinion is influenced.
I degrade all criminals and I most certainly degrade the criminals ruining my should as well.
with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,

"with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,"
Elaborate would you?
Are you saying we should concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Is that a principle we were founded on?

you will win more friends with sugar than vinegar,,,

I'm concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Give it to me straight.
I never said that,,

but I can guarantee you that if you go at it with the pure hate youre presenting here you will get nowhere fast,,,

I'm all ears...I'd love to hear your plan?
best thing we can do as individuals is to reach out to both the illegals and legals and convince them through respect that the dems are not their friend,,

That's a hard one to swallow...I'm definitely not there yet.
We The People must form a coalition, the largest coalition ever assembled, we must take D.C. to court, they need to be sued for not protecting our borders, for not protecting American lives and livelihoods. Such a suit would easily be the largest suit ever brought to an American court.
I dont want to call that a pipe dream but it is far from likely to happen,,

as for those already here I can guarantee that calling them names and degrading them wont do anything but grow more anger,,,

All it would take is a shift in public opinion. America must realize what/who is the REAL threat to their lives and livelihoods, the public needs to finally grow a pair, break from PC programming and be vocal about it. That's how public opinion is influenced.
I degrade all criminals and I most certainly degrade the criminals ruining my should as well.
with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,

"with that attitude you are guaranteed to lose,,,"
Elaborate would you?
Are you saying we should concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Is that a principle we were founded on?

you will win more friends with sugar than vinegar,,,

I'm concede to the criminals and allow the tail to wag the dog?
Give it to me straight.
I never said that,,

but I can guarantee you that if you go at it with the pure hate youre presenting here you will get nowhere fast,,,

I'm all ears...I'd love to hear your plan?
first thing is to stop the dems and repubes,,,

pretty easy huh??? NOT!!!

other than that just keep talking to people and see where you can get support,, but as I said if you go at it with anger and hatred you wont get many supporters,,, including me,,

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