Do nothing congress

Not sure what your asking skull, but democracy is the opposite of progressive.
progressive is the new word for socialist, or what we called communisim when I was kid.
hope that helps

I thought the quip was pretty self explanatory.

When congress acts we see less progress in the classical sense not in the "progressive political agenda" sense.

In other words when congress does nothing we all do better.
Agreed, when the congress does nothing we all benefit.
the whole point of the thread.
We would be even better off if we had a congress that would actually repeal existing laws.

I wish we all had a do-nothing congress. That is my wish for our country, a do-nothing congress.
There are those that miss the wisdom of that wish, but in time they will get it.

If "democracy is the opposite of progressive" and your goal is to "...(restore) this government to what it was when it was founded," does that mean only conservative white male property owners will be allowed to vote?

Or does voting disappear with congress?

If "democracy is the opposite of progressive" and your goal is to "...(restore) this government to what it was when it was founded," does that mean only conservative white male property owners will be allowed to vote?

Or does voting disappear with congress?

If we elect representitives in congress and the senate that repeal constitutional amendments, and present the repealed amendments to the voters, maybe. that's the only way to repeal constitutional amendments that would be required to make it so only white male property owners could vote.
not sure where you came up with adding 'conservative', but I suspect it was added by you because you just might be a partisan loon.........
We really need to fix our schools! That would stop stupid comments like this presented as informed opinions.
That's what I want, the less they do the better I like it. we have enough , too many really, federal laws. I think we should wait for them to come back into session and send them on a vacation. When the next congress convenes we should send them on vacation, and so on and so on.
That's right, I think we should give them a pay raise too, but only if they agree not to write any more bills. We have enough bills, so many we will likely never finish paying for them.
Just stop already. Give us a do-nothing congress, that's the best kind to have and one the only kind I can fully support.
Just say no, do nothing, please.

If we had a flat tax we could get rid of the congresscritters. That's all they do all day, and in their dreams too is think how they can levy another tax on us.. fuck em.

A flat tax would get rid of the IRS.....but Congress would still be doing what they do every day they are in session.....spending the crap out our tax-dollars.
That's what I want, the less they do the better I like it. we have enough , too many really, federal laws. I think we should wait for them to come back into session and send them on a vacation. When the next congress convenes we should send them on vacation, and so on and so on.
That's right, I think we should give them a pay raise too, but only if they agree not to write any more bills. We have enough bills, so many we will likely never finish paying for them.
Just stop already. Give us a do-nothing congress, that's the best kind to have and one the only kind I can fully support.
Just say no, do nothing, please.

If we had a flat tax we could get rid of the congresscritters. That's all they do all day, and in their dreams too is think how they can levy another tax on us.. fuck em.

A flat tax would get rid of the IRS.....but Congress would still be doing what they do every day they are in session.....spending the crap out our tax-dollars.

One of the arguments against a flat tax has always been that it would not be 'instead of' income tax but 'in addition to' income tax.
Legally we can't "get rid of" congress, we have to have them to maintain our government.
The best congress we could have would be a do-nothing congress.
Any Congress that violates the Constitution, like this one, needs to be a do nothing Congress.

They need to be h-i-s-t-o-r-y!!!

Congress has a long history of passing unconstitutional legislation. 158 federal laws passed by the US congress have been declared unconstitutional by the supreme court.
They only pass these unconstitutional laws when they do something. Thats why the best congress we could have would do-nothing.
More laws=less freedom
If I could find one person running for office that would say they would make every effort to stop new bills being written, with the end result being that congress was just a figurehead and they really didn't do anything. I would drop everything and move to their district and dedicate my life to their election effort.
They wont stop until they have regulated everything to the point anyone can be arrested and convicted at anytime which out having to concoct evidence .

Have you created to much methane today citizen ?

Progressive is opposite to democracy in the same way conservative is opposite to (National) socialism.

Tell me who was standing in school house doors shouting" Segregation forever!"

Was it conservatives or progressives killing to defend chattel slavery in this country?

Progressives or conservative Christians who couldn't oppose the Divine Right of George III?

Better a partisan loon than imaginary royal jelly.

Progressive is opposite to democracy in the same way conservative is opposite to (National) socialism.

Tell me who was standing in school house doors shouting" Segregation forever!"

Was it conservatives or progressives killing to defend chattel slavery in this country?

Progressives or conservative Christians who couldn't oppose the Divine Right of George III?

Better a partisan loon than imaginary royal jelly.

Progressive is socialism lite.
George wallace made the stand in the schoolhouse door speech, in reality, he only made a speech and didn't actually stand in the door against the army. That is a popular myth.
GW was a southern democrat that was considered 'moderate' at the time he served as gov of alabama. Prior to serving as gov, he was a judge that was considered quite liberal in that he was seen as 'fair' to blacks and other minorities that came before his court.
When he ran for president the first time, He ran as a democrat and lost in the primaries. The second time he ran for president, he did so a third party candidate, american independent party. He was considered a liberal third party candidate at the time. He ran on a platform of increased social security and medicare.
When he ran for president the second time he ran as a democrat and claimed to be a moderate, changing his views on segregation by then. He was shot in a failed assination attempt by a person who later claimed to want the fame, not because of his politics. He ran for president a forth time and again lost in the democratic primaries to Carter. He endorsed carter after conceding the election. By that time he was considered a liberal AND a progressive. One could say that the liberal democrats, or the moderate democrats fought against civil rights, but that is over simplifying it. The fact of the matter is that the civil rights act passed congress on a very partisan vote, the democrats being defeated in both houses by a republican majority.

The republican party founded in 1854 and elected a republican president in 1860-abe lincoln, the first republican president. The republican party organized itself on anti-slavery principles based upon christian theology. One could say that the christian republicans prosecuted the civil war and the democrats fought to defend it. That is way over simplifying it, it wasn't that simple.

I could not decipher the comment about George the king, but I suspect that you already know that the 'patriots' were organized around a christian principle that no man should approach the authority of god.

One thing is clear in the annauls of american history. The partisan loons have been the ones defending the political positions on both sides of the issues of of the day. The middle of the road non-partisan or partisan politicians have been the ones that have made the greatest longest lasting changes.

I repeat, progressive=socialist or what we called communist when I was kid. The current progressive political machine is the one that wants change to the point that we will not recognize this country.
If armed conflict comes about in this country, it will be a fight of the middle of the road type people against the right AND left wing partisan loons.

While the labels have changed throughout history, the theology of the various political groups have remained. In fact, one can look at the politics of most western countries since the enlightenment and see the same pattern.
nice conversation Georgephilip, thanks.
Oh and I forgot to write that both of your first two statements are true in my opinion.
Progressive is opposite to democracy in the same way conservative is opposite to (National) socialism."

In my opinion, progressive politics and National socialism are opposite to both conservative and democracy.
That's what I want, the less they do the better I like it. we have enough , too many really, federal laws. I think we should wait for them to come back into session and send them on a vacation. When the next congress convenes we should send them on vacation, and so on and so on.
That's right, I think we should give them a pay raise too, but only if they agree not to write any more bills. We have enough bills, so many we will likely never finish paying for them.
Just stop already. Give us a do-nothing congress, that's the best kind to have and one the only kind I can fully support.
Just say no, do nothing, please.

gawd, what an idiot!
That's what I want, the less they do the better I like it. we have enough , too many really, federal laws. I think we should wait for them to come back into session and send them on a vacation. When the next congress convenes we should send them on vacation, and so on and so on.
That's right, I think we should give them a pay raise too, but only if they agree not to write any more bills. We have enough bills, so many we will likely never finish paying for them.
Just stop already. Give us a do-nothing congress, that's the best kind to have and one the only kind I can fully support.
Just say no, do nothing, please.

gawd, what an idiot!

The feeling is mutual devnell. That's quite an argument you make there too. You are an idiot. I say that based upon reading several of your posts. I think your so much of an idiot i don't care what you have to say. I am therefore placing you on ignore because that's how much I care about what you have to say. goodbye idiot!

Thank-you for information I didn't know and the good conversation.

Possibly both of us are part of that circle of blind men around the elephant.
Your reply certainly gave me a new take on all politics is local.

Lately there's a question I've been struggling with and maybe you can help:

Today, are progressives or conservatives more likely to be judging Obama by the color of his skin instead of the content of his character?

Thank-you for information I didn't know and the good conversation.

Possibly both of us are part of that circle of blind men around the elephant.
Your reply certainly gave me a new take on all politics is local.

Lately there's a question I've been struggling with and maybe you can help:

Today, are progressives or conservatives more likely to be judging Obama by the color of his skin instead of the content of his character?

Georgephilip I have wondered the same thing, but don't really know the answer. I suspect it may be a little of both and that it is not an attitude that is confined to progressives or conservatives, but includes liberals and other groups as well.
That being said, I think there are two ways that ethnicity is used as a factor in judging our president, and other politicians as well.
The first way is the old fashioned racial prejudice, ie; inferior race ect.
The second way is the exact opposite, ie; this guy must be better because of his ethnicity, ect.
The way I see it, both are prejudice, and both are equally as ignorant. I am old enough to remember and have lived at a time when segregation was the law of the state I lived in. I remember separate bathrooms, water fountains and even churches and schools. I attended a high school during desegregation in the south and witnessed "riots"(really gang fights) at school. I didn't understand it then, and I don't understand it now.
Personally, I fail to comprehend how any group of people can be lumped together and successfully make general statements about that group.
My own attitude is I simply don't have the patience to listen to statements made that use race or religion as the underlying or overt basis for those statements.
I remain hopeful that I will live to see the day when all people are 'judged' by their character and the color of their skin or how they practice their faith is strictly a private matter. That is the ideal, but I recognize that at present, racial prejudice seems to be making a bit of a 'comeback'. That is disappointing, to say the least.
Why yes, there were too many laws on the books. That is why the goddamned bankers and mortgage companies nearly bankrupted us in 2008.

There are too many laws on the books. That is why Enron was able to manipulate the energy on the West Coast and damned bankrupt several states.

Too many laws on the books, so a CEO of a company handling peanuts could order vital cleaning shortcuted in the factories, resulting in 7 deaths and hundreds ill.

We have too few laws controling finances, too few real enforcement of laws that protect the citizen.

The people in China that knowly produced a product that killed people were given a trial, taken out and shot like just any other murderer.

Where I went to high school segregation was not the law; however, racial hatred wasn't hard to find. The mid 60s were not far removed from a time when many bars in the area I grew up in had signs in the window reading: NO DOGS or MEXICANS!

Needless that say, blacks (Negroes as they were politely referred to) would've needed much bigger dogs to get into the same bars.

I'm also unsure where racism began, but I'm strongly inclined to suspect the same economic class that gets rich from war and private banking.

Divide and conquer has worked for the last 5000 years.
It still does.

Next November 2nd that could begin to change.

Whether you cast a ballot or not, at least consider the possibility that exactly one year from today 100 Republicans and Democrats have been FLUSHED from the House of Representatives.

Add an even dozen Senators.

Now suppose 75% of their replacements are neither Republican nor Democrat.

That kind of authentic Change would generate a genuine Hope that maybe a small window would open for all humanity.

A window on a world without war and debt and racism.

FLUSH the DC TOILET in 2010!
Remind the Rich why they're afraid of Democracy.

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