Do Lefties want the GOP to cut spending on illegal Mexicans?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
20 trillion in debt, thousands of homeless shitting in our streets, a dying middleclass...etc etc
Do any of you Lefties think we should cut spending on illegal Mexicans yet?
Do any of you Lefties think we should cut spending on illegal Mexicans yet?

This is the solution. Cut the welfare magnet that draws illegal immigrants out of Mexico and they'll stop coming.

When the government incentivizes something, it invites more of it.

As far as the dying middle class, it's true, it's dying. But that's a bit of a deeper discussion. That comes as a consequence of our monetary policy.

In about seven years from now, mark my words, we'll start seeing reports of the middle working class being bumped up into higher tax brackets. The inflation tax is what 's gonna do it. And all the while that 4 cent dollar will further debase. And, again, that's a consequence of our monetary policy.

Ever read what market the folk around here say about it? Ha. They don't know jack squat nothin about economic theory and our monetary policy. lol. Just reciting a bunch of regurgitated Keyensian apologetics, really. It's crazy.
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cut spending on crap
all these wasteful consulates/embassies cost $$$$$$
...we are spending $$$$$ on Mexicans to come to the US
...of course stop that crap--cut the consulates and number of people allowed to come to the US......limit the number of people that apply for anything/etc
this is a no brainer ...cut the spending on direct/OBVIOUS unneeded crap --and immigration is definitely unneeded
Still, not one Lefty will get in here and profess that spending on illegal Mexicans has to stop. Fucking weird.

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