Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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Abortion is not “murder” and NOBODY agrees with you!, not even Republican women. Women are dying because of these laws.

THAT’S murder.
everyone supports exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother. no women are dying because they can't get abortions. you are an idiot if you believe what you have been posting.
Why do you libs want to give up your freedom?
Still nothing?? Provide us with verifiable data to prove Trump was a competent President. That a million people haven’t died and the economy didn’t crash.

Show us how honest and upright your candidate is. Prove I’m lying.
lowest inflation in recent history, lowest unemployment rates in history, especially for minorities and women, rising stock market, energy independent, no wars anywhere in the world, NATO countries paying their fair share for the first time ever, consumer confidence at all time highs, new businesses starts, and businesses expanding and returning to the USA, Fair trade deals with EU, Mexico, Canada, and China. just to mention a few.

But yes, he talks like a typical NY rich guy and makes fun of his enemies---------------so fricken what?
We are on the verge of WW3 because of Trumps pal Putin
funny, its you dem/libs that want war with Putin, why is biden sending billions to Ukraine? if not to provoke a war with Russia.

What exactly would be wrong with the USA having a mutually beneficial relationship with Russia? Why do you libs want wars?
US made weapons are being used today by Ukraine within the borders of Russia, US troops will be next under your senile master. is keeping the Biden family on the Ukraine payroll that important to you?

sorry, but I am not prone to hysterics nor do I let fear rule my life.

There is no pending WWIII, the war will not extend past the border of Ukraine.

Russia is stretched as thin as it can go and China is feeding them just enough to keep both sides wasting their resources.
funny, its you dem/libs that want war with Putin, why is biden sending billions to Ukraine? if not to provoke a war with Russia.

What exactly would be wrong with the USA having a mutually beneficial relationship with Russia? Why do you libs want wars?
Our President is sending money to Ukraine to stop Russian expansion

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