Do "Farm Subsidies" prove the GOP base are dupes?

Before Obama stole our health care system and turned it into a tax, employers usually paid employees health care, or a major part of it. A lot of people worked more for the benefits than the paycheck. Healthcare for the poor was paid for by the government. No one was turned away from an emergency room.

You can kiss all of that goodbye, thanks to Democrats who were afraid to stand up and say, "Obama, we can't afford your Omamacare tax."
You're making that up. You know that. Why?
Not so much rd. Hospitals are refusing Medicaid recipients. If you feel ill and go the emergency room, get treated and end up back there a few hours later, or the next day, you will either be denied care or the hospital will be fined/taxed from 150,000 and up. The cost of meds and services such as cat scans are skyrocketing from 400 to 1000% to make up for the fees and fines of Obamacare. Walmarts and pharmacies are going to replace dr. care.
Insurance company deductibles are out of reach for the middle class and the poor. Got cancer? Better have 100 grand in your pocket if you want treated or accepted into a quality care facility. Nothing about Obamacare benefits the working class or poor.
Not so much rd. Hospitals are refusing Medicaid recipients. If you feel ill and go the emergency room, get treated and end up back there a few hours later, or the next day, you will either be denied care or the hospital will be fined/taxed from 150,000 and up. The cost of meds and services such as cat scans are skyrocketing from 400 to 1000% to make up for the fees and fines of Obamacare. Walmarts and pharmacies are going to replace dr. care.
Insurance company deductibles are out of reach for the middle class and the poor. Got cancer? Better have 100 grand in your pocket if you want treated or accepted into a quality care facility. Nothing about Obamacare benefits the working class or poor.

Obamacare fixed it so the poor get free care but the middle class can no longer afford it.
The poor always had free health care. No one was turned away. They can be turned away now by the hospital simply refusing to accept Medicaid. That's where Walmart and CVS comes in. They are the new health care system for the middle class or those who can't afford a 10,000 deductible.. We just let Obama take the best healthcare in the world and turn it into a lousy tax.
Not so much rd. Hospitals are refusing Medicaid recipients. If you feel ill and go the emergency room, get treated and end up back there a few hours later, or the next day, you will either be denied care or the hospital will be fined/taxed from 150,000 and up. The cost of meds and services such as cat scans are skyrocketing from 400 to 1000% to make up for the fees and fines of Obamacare. Walmarts and pharmacies are going to replace dr. care.
Insurance company deductibles are out of reach for the middle class and the poor. Got cancer? Better have 100 grand in your pocket if you want treated or accepted into a quality care facility. Nothing about Obamacare benefits the working class or poor.
You're just blowing that out your butt and you know it. But it's OK. You aren't the only one:

Saslaw says 40 percent of rural hospitals will close in states that don t expand Medicaid PolitiFact Virginia

Even though guy misspoke, look at what they actually said:

What they said was that 40 percent of rural hospitals are running in the red and those located in states that don’t broaden Medicaid eligibility may see their problems exacerbated.
They will see their problems get worse. The hospitals were running in the red before Obama did anything. That's what the article says.
If anything hurts the poor it's fucking Republicans who refuse to expand Medicare. What happens is in Blue States and a few Red States, like Kentucky, people will get good health care. But in Red States who believe in let him die, many will die.
Yes, you keep whining about Republicans and Democrats while Obama hijacks our healthcare system and turns it into a tax. The people that set it up counted on that kind of stupidity of the people to shove it down our throats, and we obliged. It is a tax. Your health has nothing to do with it, Rep. or Dem. and neither does affordable.
Insurance rates have gone through the roof, hospital cost are going through the roof, and unless you have a Cadillac plan, you can kiss quality care goodbye, and Walmart care hello.
Yes, you keep whining about Republicans and Democrats while Obama hijacks our healthcare system and turns it into a tax. The people that set it up counted on that kind of stupidity of the people to shove it down our throats, and we obliged. It is a tax. Your health has nothing to do with it, Rep. or Dem. and neither does affordable.
Insurance rates have gone through the roof, hospital cost are going through the roof, and unless you have a Cadillac plan, you can kiss quality care goodbye, and Walmart care hello.
Hijacks "our" healthcare system? When so many Republicans crying about losing "their" health care never has health care in the first place? When Bush left office, medical bills from an insurance industry Republicans swear was working, were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Funny, in all the world, only Republicans see bankruptcy as a "success". No wonder their policies are always laughed at.
republicans get millions in farm subsidies

joni ernst family farm subsidies

To Republicans on the USMB, school lunches for disadvantaged children, help with student loans, helping the poor, health care for the poor and so on is considered "wasteful spending". But millions in farm subsidies for wealthy Republicans is a "good thing". Because they are providers.

Working two minimum wage jobs with no benefits isn't considered "providing". Getting a million in free government money for no other reason than because they can is considered worthy by the GOP.

Are the GOP base "dupes" for wanting to help people who don't need it? And refusing to help people whose only crime is being poor?

Hmmm..which conservatives on this site support farm subsidies.....I would safely bet none......ditto any government handouts with our tax guys want to believe we do so you can support your government handouts
Yes, you keep whining about Republicans and Democrats while Obama hijacks our healthcare system and turns it into a tax. The people that set it up counted on that kind of stupidity of the people to shove it down our throats, and we obliged. It is a tax. Your health has nothing to do with it, Rep. or Dem. and neither does affordable.
Insurance rates have gone through the roof, hospital cost are going through the roof, and unless you have a Cadillac plan, you can kiss quality care goodbye, and Walmart care hello.
Hijacks "our" healthcare system? When so many Republicans crying about losing "their" health care never has health care in the first place? When Bush left office, medical bills from an insurance industry Republicans swear was working, were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Funny, in all the world, only Republicans see bankruptcy as a "success". No wonder their policies are always laughed at.

You mean that 80% of the people who said they liked their insurance were lying......and the people who are losing their health insurance or getting their premiums increased to intolerable levels are lying....
.....we should be able to pass on our wealth to our kids without the Gov't getting a dang cut of it............Hell we paid dang taxes on it all our life, and want to tax us after we are dead..............BS.

Are you really trying to claim that your estate is so great that you will pay estate tax when you die. Really?
Why you slumming on a fucking message board then?
.....we should be able to pass on our wealth to our kids without the Gov't getting a dang cut of it............Hell we paid dang taxes on it all our life, and want to tax us after we are dead..............BS.

Are you really trying to claim that your estate is so great that you will pay estate tax when you die. Really?
Why you slumming on a fucking message board then?
Never said that now did I.......................

I made the statement of why I don't like the freaking Death Tax......................

Stop making up shit in your head.
Hmmm..which conservatives on this site support farm subsidies.....I would safely bet none....

Guess what billc. It fucking doesn't matter if your "friends" on this site support farm subsidies or not.
What matters is that the POLITICIANS that you all support are all for farm subsidies.

Any chance you can see the difference?
.....we should be able to pass on our wealth to our kids without the Gov't getting a dang cut of it............Hell we paid dang taxes on it all our life, and want to tax us after we are dead..............BS.

Are you really trying to claim that your estate is so great that you will pay estate tax when you die. Really?
Why you slumming on a fucking message board then?
Never said that now did I.......................

I made the statement of why I don't like the freaking Death Tax......................

Stop making up shit in your head.

You said it dude. Read it above if your memory isn't working.

WE? You got a mouse in your pocket? We in the context you used it would indicate that you have an estate of greater than 5.4 million (the limit this year for no estate taxes)

Yea, I bet you got that much money. Or you just want to whine for some unknown reason.

Maybe you should have come out and said; you were all for protecting the very very rich from estate taxes cause you just hate that the very very rich would have to pay tax on their estate. You much prefer inherited wealth be passed on so the ultra rich can continue to put the fucks to the rest of us. Maybe one day soon the ultra rich will have control of ALL the money and you will be so glad.

Is that what you meant to say?
The alternative would be to let the farmers plant and harvest as much as they want. As long as the government is going to prevent farmers from farming, they should have to pay the farmers for their government induced losses.
Hmmm..which conservatives on this site support farm subsidies.....I would safely bet none....

Guess what billc. It fucking doesn't matter if your "friends" on this site support farm subsidies or not.
What matters is that the POLITICIANS that you all support are all for farm subsidies.

Any chance you can see the difference?

More proof that the far left drones can be bought by allowing them to keep their illegal salve labor..
.....we should be able to pass on our wealth to our kids without the Gov't getting a dang cut of it............Hell we paid dang taxes on it all our life, and want to tax us after we are dead..............BS.

Are you really trying to claim that your estate is so great that you will pay estate tax when you die. Really?
Why you slumming on a fucking message board then?
Never said that now did I.......................

I made the statement of why I don't like the freaking Death Tax......................

Stop making up shit in your head.

You said it dude. Read it above if your memory isn't working.

WE? You got a mouse in your pocket? We in the context you used it would indicate that you have an estate of greater than 5.4 million (the limit this year for no estate taxes)

Yea, I bet you got that much money. Or you just want to whine for some unknown reason.

Maybe you should have come out and said; you were all for protecting the very very rich from estate taxes cause you just hate that the very very rich would have to pay tax on their estate. You much prefer inherited wealth be passed on so the ultra rich can continue to put the fucks to the rest of us. Maybe one day soon the ultra rich will have control of ALL the money and you will be so glad.

Is that what you meant to say?
I don't own a farm..............and reject the notion of a death tax.........which is exactly what I meant.............

and I don't care about the threshold amount or their status...................It's a BS tax...............and the reason the Dems voted against the farm bill.......which I actually disagree that it had 8 billion in food stamp cuts....................

Farm Bill Passes House With 8 Billion in Food-Stamp Cuts - Bloomberg Business

I don't like that my rep voted for it. I don't think we should be paying people to sit on their asses.
.....we should be able to pass on our wealth to our kids without the Gov't getting a dang cut of it............Hell we paid dang taxes on it all our life, and want to tax us after we are dead..............BS.

Are you really trying to claim that your estate is so great that you will pay estate tax when you die. Really?
Why you slumming on a fucking message board then?
Never said that now did I.......................

I made the statement of why I don't like the freaking Death Tax......................

Stop making up shit in your head.

You said it dude. Read it above if your memory isn't working.

WE? You got a mouse in your pocket? We in the context you used it would indicate that you have an estate of greater than 5.4 million (the limit this year for no estate taxes)

Yea, I bet you got that much money. Or you just want to whine for some unknown reason.

Maybe you should have come out and said; you were all for protecting the very very rich from estate taxes cause you just hate that the very very rich would have to pay tax on their estate. You much prefer inherited wealth be passed on so the ultra rich can continue to put the fucks to the rest of us. Maybe one day soon the ultra rich will have control of ALL the money and you will be so glad.

Is that what you meant to say?

The irony impaired far left drones an their religious propaganda..
.....we should be able to pass on our wealth to our kids without the Gov't getting a dang cut of it............Hell we paid dang taxes on it all our life, and want to tax us after we are dead..............BS.

Are you really trying to claim that your estate is so great that you will pay estate tax when you die. Really?
Why you slumming on a fucking message board then?

Plenty of small businesses are big enough to go pay plenty of estate taxes, and that means the business has to be sold when the owner dies.
Yes, you keep whining about Republicans and Democrats while Obama hijacks our healthcare system and turns it into a tax. The people that set it up counted on that kind of stupidity of the people to shove it down our throats, and we obliged. It is a tax. Your health has nothing to do with it, Rep. or Dem. and neither does affordable.
Insurance rates have gone through the roof, hospital cost are going through the roof, and unless you have a Cadillac plan, you can kiss quality care goodbye, and Walmart care hello.
Hijacks "our" healthcare system? When so many Republicans crying about losing "their" health care never has health care in the first place? When Bush left office, medical bills from an insurance industry Republicans swear was working, were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Funny, in all the world, only Republicans see bankruptcy as a "success". No wonder their policies are always laughed at.

You mean that 80% of the people who said they liked their insurance were lying......and the people who are losing their health insurance or getting their premiums increased to intolerable levels are lying....
And that 80% who liked their insurance never had their insurance touched. The company I work at partially pays for insurance. The rest is paid by me. The cost to me WENT DOWN since Obamacare. Those screaming the most never had health care. Especially if they are Republicans. You know that for a fact so stop the bullshit.
Keep in mind that everything FDR did prolonged the Depression

As soon as FDR took us off the gold standard, our economy began recovering. The same thing happened with every country that went off the gold standard. As soon as they quit it, their economies began climbing out of the hole.

dear, any economy goes up and down a little but the Depression did not end till FDR finally and thankfully dropped dead in 1945.

also it is 100% stupid beyond words to say getting off a gold standard will boost an economy

Good God, what kind of a piece of shit says something like that? There is something very wrong with you.

You, "dear" are a scumbag of the highest order.

Now go fuck yourself.

argumentum ad hominem from typical liberal without IQ for substance

Wrong again, it was a statement of an observable fact. You are despicable and reprehensible scum. Not an ad hominem you ignorant fool, a statement of fact!

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