Do any of you want this???

but...but....isn't free healthcare a "right".....?

or do you agree it's in the fine print of obamacare......that you will be rationed only so much care......?

....and that of course is determined by the government bureaucrats.....not you....:eusa_hand:

let's say you are 75 still want to live and have that operation.....if you had bought your own insurance you could have that operation.....but obamacare may not allow it.....(hence the "death panels")

we all know that obamacare will ration health care one way or's the only way to contain costs....

the problem is you will not have any real say in your personal health will be dictated to you....

I love the lies. It's cute how you slip them in there like you think they're fact or something.

Simple question about that 75 year old and his surgery. If he wants to have it, and Obamacare doesn't pay for it, can he still have the surgery?

I'm curious about your answer.

probably will depend on how many available surgeons there still are......being a physician is not as attractive as before....

if he can find one.....then it depends on whether or not he can pay for it......

are you advocating a TWO TIER health care system........? what's wrong with just having obamacare.....? :lol:

I'm not. I'm merely pointing out your lie and the lie that is repeated ad nasueum by the right.

If the man wants the surgery, there is no law preventing him from having it. Obamacare does not prevent him from having it nor a surgeon from performing it. We're a free country. There is zero rationing of treatments, surgeries, prescriptions, etc.

But that doesn't mean the government should pay for it, which, oddly enough, you seem to think they SHOULD pay for it! For ANYTHING. You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't agree with you and thankfully neither do most lawmakers.
I love the lies. It's cute how you slip them in there like you think they're fact or something.

Simple question about that 75 year old and his surgery. If he wants to have it, and Obamacare doesn't pay for it, can he still have the surgery?

I'm curious about your answer.

probably will depend on how many available surgeons there still are......being a physician is not as attractive as before....

if he can find one.....then it depends on whether or not he can pay for it......

are you advocating a TWO TIER health care system........? what's wrong with just having obamacare.....? :lol:

I'm not. I'm merely pointing out your lie and the lie that is repeated ad nasueum by the right.

If the man wants the surgery, there is no law preventing him from having it. Obamacare does not prevent him from having it nor a surgeon from performing it. We're a free country. There is zero rationing of treatments, surgeries, prescriptions, etc.

But that doesn't mean the government should pay for it, which, oddly enough, you seem to think they SHOULD pay for it! For ANYTHING. You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't agree with you and thankfully neither do most lawmakers.

what lie...?

i don't think the government should pay for anything......i think the government should get OUT of the health care business.....we need free market health care which will cost a whole lot less.....NOT Obominationcare...which i promise you will ration health care at some point.....just look at Britain's socialized health care for examples....

if a man wants surgery in the U.S....TODAY he can go get it if he wants to......but Obama is out to make health care the sole business of the government in order to control the populace....he doesn't give a damn about you the individual.....get a clue....
probably will depend on how many available surgeons there still are......being a physician is not as attractive as before....

if he can find one.....then it depends on whether or not he can pay for it......

are you advocating a TWO TIER health care system........? what's wrong with just having obamacare.....? :lol:

I'm not. I'm merely pointing out your lie and the lie that is repeated ad nasueum by the right.

If the man wants the surgery, there is no law preventing him from having it. Obamacare does not prevent him from having it nor a surgeon from performing it. We're a free country. There is zero rationing of treatments, surgeries, prescriptions, etc.

But that doesn't mean the government should pay for it, which, oddly enough, you seem to think they SHOULD pay for it! For ANYTHING. You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't agree with you and thankfully neither do most lawmakers.

what lie...?

i don't think the government should pay for anything......i think the government should get OUT of the health care business.....we need free market health care which will cost a whole lot less.....NOT Obominationcare...which i promise you will ration health care at some point.....just look at Britain's socialized health care for examples....

if a man wants surgery in the U.S....TODAY he can go get it if he wants to......but Obama is out to make health care the sole business of the government in order to control the populace....he doesn't give a damn about you the individual.....get a clue....

Now you're just sound like a deranged conspiracy theorist. There is no law preventing you from getting health care. There isn't. There is no draft of a law. There is no law submitted. There is nothing. You are afraid of nothing.

And for the record, we currently have free market health care and that's not working out too well.
I'm not. I'm merely pointing out your lie and the lie that is repeated ad nasueum by the right.

If the man wants the surgery, there is no law preventing him from having it. Obamacare does not prevent him from having it nor a surgeon from performing it. We're a free country. There is zero rationing of treatments, surgeries, prescriptions, etc.

But that doesn't mean the government should pay for it, which, oddly enough, you seem to think they SHOULD pay for it! For ANYTHING. You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't agree with you and thankfully neither do most lawmakers.

what lie...?

i don't think the government should pay for anything......i think the government should get OUT of the health care business.....we need free market health care which will cost a whole lot less.....NOT Obominationcare...which i promise you will ration health care at some point.....just look at Britain's socialized health care for examples....

if a man wants surgery in the U.S....TODAY he can go get it if he wants to......but Obama is out to make health care the sole business of the government in order to control the populace....he doesn't give a damn about you the individual.....get a clue....

Now you're just sound like a deranged conspiracy theorist. There is no law preventing you from getting health care. There isn't. There is no draft of a law. There is no law submitted. There is nothing. You are afraid of nothing.

And for the record, we currently have free market health care and that's not working out too well.

get a clue.....Don't Be Stupid......:eusa_pray:
Yeah....unless it might be the 50,000,000 who have no health care at all.

ONCE AND FOR ALL THERE ARE NOT 50,000,000 with NO health CARE!

10 million are NOT citizens that are called "uninsured"!
14 million who claim the are UNINSURED HAVE MEDICAID Coverage!
18 million who SAID THEY don't want and can afford and under 34 are counted as

BALD TRUTH: 8 million truly uninsured and need coverage!

And it doesn't TAKE destruction of the health care industry to cover them!

Every day, some "conservative" posts on these forums about how the "real underemployment" in this country is 17%. And for the most part, it's true.

You know what else is true? 17% of 300,000,000 is 51,000,000.

So, what you're asking us to believe, is that 17% of the population has no job or has a part-time job that barely pays enough to make ends meet, and yet still, tens of millions of those people can afford the average $13,000 a year for health insurance.

And you have zero evidence to back up your claim.

Sorry mate, I don't do faith-based economics.

Claiming that 51,000,000 people are "uninsured" is silly. A lot of those people are young, and do not want or need insurance; many are married and covered by their spouses insurance; some are covered under COBRA; some are illegal and should not be counted at all.
20 million plus of the uninsured are illegal aliens with no right to be here in the FIRST place...

Number one,if i had a say,it wouldnt happen.number two-its a matter taking personal responsibility for ones care and wellbeibg,not feeling that everyone else is entitled to do so. I,will not pay it,nor would i expect anyone else to pay for my medical care,if needed,thats my problem,not anyone elses.personal responsibility goes a long way,simply,to end the socialist,communist society of entitlements,people that have the most self inflicted problems grab the most entitlements,cause they have a safety net of imposed government socialism.
Nobody sticks a gun to your head and forces you to do drugs,excessively eat,or drink,or have twenty children.its a matter of personal choice. I mentioned once before,i used to weigh in the neighborhood of 340 pounds,now im 135,and did it on MY OWN.
what lie...?

i don't think the government should pay for anything......i think the government should get OUT of the health care business.....we need free market health care which will cost a whole lot less.....NOT Obominationcare...which i promise you will ration health care at some point.....just look at Britain's socialized health care for examples....

if a man wants surgery in the U.S....TODAY he can go get it if he wants to......but Obama is out to make health care the sole business of the government in order to control the populace....he doesn't give a damn about you the individual.....get a clue....

Now you're just sound like a deranged conspiracy theorist. There is no law preventing you from getting health care. There isn't. There is no draft of a law. There is no law submitted. There is nothing. You are afraid of nothing.

And for the record, we currently have free market health care and that's not working out too well.

get a clue.....Don't Be Stupid......:eusa_pray:

Says the guy who thinks there is a law preventing him from receiving health care.
ONCE AND FOR ALL THERE ARE NOT 50,000,000 with NO health CARE!

10 million are NOT citizens that are called "uninsured"!
14 million who claim the are UNINSURED HAVE MEDICAID Coverage!
18 million who SAID THEY don't want and can afford and under 34 are counted as

BALD TRUTH: 8 million truly uninsured and need coverage!

And it doesn't TAKE destruction of the health care industry to cover them!

Every day, some "conservative" posts on these forums about how the "real underemployment" in this country is 17%. And for the most part, it's true.

You know what else is true? 17% of 300,000,000 is 51,000,000.

So, what you're asking us to believe, is that 17% of the population has no job or has a part-time job that barely pays enough to make ends meet, and yet still, tens of millions of those people can afford the average $13,000 a year for health insurance.

And you have zero evidence to back up your claim.

Sorry mate, I don't do faith-based economics.

Claiming that 51,000,000 people are "uninsured" is silly. A lot of those people are young, and do not want or need insurance; many are married and covered by their spouses insurance; some are covered under COBRA; some are illegal and should not be counted at all.

The 51M number represents people with no coverage at all. No COBRA and no spousal benefits. And if you think someone who is younger doesn't need any coverage, then you're a fool.
Communism has trained our society away from the core value of acceptance of personal responsibility for own actions,and the benefit or detriment of such actionswith proper objective education and information.
Now you're just sound like a deranged conspiracy theorist. There is no law preventing you from getting health care. There isn't. There is no draft of a law. There is no law submitted. There is nothing. You are afraid of nothing.

And for the record, we currently have free market health care and that's not working out too well.

get a clue.....Don't Be Stupid......:eusa_pray:

Says the guy who thinks there is a law preventing him from receiving health care.

you sure know how to "read in" things Stupid....
Every day, some "conservative" posts on these forums about how the "real underemployment" in this country is 17%. And for the most part, it's true.

You know what else is true? 17% of 300,000,000 is 51,000,000.

So, what you're asking us to believe, is that 17% of the population has no job or has a part-time job that barely pays enough to make ends meet, and yet still, tens of millions of those people can afford the average $13,000 a year for health insurance.

And you have zero evidence to back up your claim.

Sorry mate, I don't do faith-based economics.

Claiming that 51,000,000 people are "uninsured" is silly. A lot of those people are young, and do not want or need insurance; many are married and covered by their spouses insurance; some are covered under COBRA; some are illegal and should not be counted at all.

The 51M number represents people with no coverage at all. No COBRA and no spousal benefits. And if you think someone who is younger doesn't need any coverage, then you're a fool.
I am a fool because I realize that it is a bad financial deal for young people to pay for health insurance? :lol: A fool is someone who pays for something they do not need. Most young people would be far better served purchasing a pair of walking shoes, foregoing the health insurance premiums, and instead investing the money in a Roth IRA. Then when they get older or have a family, they can purchase a high deductible plan. What we do not need is constant government meddling in personal matters.
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Claiming that 51,000,000 people are "uninsured" is silly. A lot of those people are young, and do not want or need insurance; many are married and covered by their spouses insurance; some are covered under COBRA; some are illegal and should not be counted at all.

The 51M number represents people with no coverage at all. No COBRA and no spousal benefits. And if you think someone who is younger doesn't need any coverage, then you're a fool.
I am a fool because I realize that it is a bad financial deal for young people to pay for health insurance? :lol: A fool is someone who pays for something they do not need. Most young people would be far better served purchasing a pair of walking shoes, foregoing the health insurance premiums, and instead investing the money in a Roth IRA. Then when they get older or have a family, they can purchase a high deductible plan. What we do not need is constant government meddling in personal matters.

Yeah, because no 26 year old has ever broken his leg.

Click here: Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points - YouTube


Yeah....unless it might be the 50,000,000 who have no health care at all.

Interesting number... That's about the number of people in the US who pay no federal income taxes at all. Let's all get on that train for a free ride.
The 51M number represents people with no coverage at all. No COBRA and no spousal benefits. And if you think someone who is younger doesn't need any coverage, then you're a fool.
I am a fool because I realize that it is a bad financial deal for young people to pay for health insurance? :lol: A fool is someone who pays for something they do not need. Most young people would be far better served purchasing a pair of walking shoes, foregoing the health insurance premiums, and instead investing the money in a Roth IRA. Then when they get older or have a family, they can purchase a high deductible plan. What we do not need is constant government meddling in personal matters.

Yeah, because no 26 year old has ever broken his leg.


How much does it cost to fix a broken leg? $500? $1,000? $1,500? Why should a young person pay $1,000 per year or more for something that may never happen? My advice is to save your cash, pay for your own health services as the needs arise. In the end most people will come out way ahead financially. Government needs to stop meddling in personal matters.
it is true that obamacare will lead to rationing....

No, it’s not. But keep up with the ignorant, pathetic lies.

It is impossible that it not lead to rationing. It has in every other system that is similar. WHy will Obamacare be any different? If you lower prices on healthcare to essentially free then you have much more use of the system. In that scenario costs explode, as they have in MA and every other similar place. To control costs you must limit use by fiat. Ergo rationing.
Please show any fallacy here.
It is impossible that there is not rationing.

According to the video this thread is about:

Health care rationing. You can only receive so much "care" per year: $5,000 per individual, $10,000 per family.

Do you believe this is true?

I dont know whether the specific scheme is true. It is true there must be some rationing down the pike. Why do you believe that somehow this time it will be different?

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