

Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
I've debated people on here about race relations and democrats used the old line of the racist democrats became republicans and while some of them did, most stayed with the democratic party (Ie why TN just Recently had the republican majority for a long time.) It has more to do with republicans fleeing high tax northern states and cultural conservative issues, but they wont get democrats cover for being the most racist party this country has ever seen. And then comes along these jewels...

Remember yellow dog democrats would never vote republican, but somehow they joined the party.....nope:

Candidate who won 42 percent in Arkansas Democratic primary sues for his delegates | Fox News
1 in 3 West Virginia Democratic primary voters choose felon over Obama - The Hill's Ballot Box
And then others did become republicans and did help blacks....Like Strom Thurmond ( who was never in the KKK unlike democrat for life Robert Byrd)

But democrats still control blacks, instead of whips and bondage, they use welfare checks and horrible inner city violence and instetad of having to harm blacks with their own hands, they just create conditions in inner cities that have blacks kill themselves (I wonder why Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton dont ever show up to a rally when a black kills another black/asian/white/hispanic or white hispanic)
I suppose someone has to point out the obvious, namely what a "Dixiecrat" actually was:

Dixiecrat, also called States’ Rights Democrat, member of a right-wing Democratic splinter group in the 1948 U.S. presidential election organized by Southerners who objected to the civil rights program of the Democratic Party. It met at Birmingham, Ala., and on July 17, 1948, nominated Gov. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president and Gov. Fielding L. Wright of Mississippi for vice president. The Dixiecrats, who opposed federal regulations they considered to interfere with states’ rights, carried South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama, to receive 39 electoral votes; their popular vote totalled over 1,000,000.

They actually left the party--literally walked out of the convention--and ran their own candidate against Truman in '48 because they didn't like the Humphreys of the party, who declared "The time has arrived for the Democratic party to get out of the shadow of state's rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights."
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I suppose someone has to point out the obvious, namely what a "Dixiecrat" actually was:

Dixiecrat, also called States’ Rights Democrat, member of a right-wing Democratic splinter group in the 1948 U.S. presidential election organized by Southerners who objected to the civil rights program of the Democratic Party. It met at Birmingham, Ala., and on July 17, 1948, nominated Gov. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president and Gov. Fielding L. Wright of Mississippi for vice president. The Dixiecrats, who opposed federal regulations they considered to interfere with states’ rights, carried South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama, to receive 39 electoral votes; their popular vote totalled over 1,000,000.

They actually left the party--literally walked out of the convention--and ran their own candidate in '48 because they didn't like the Humphreys of the party, who declared "The time has arrived for the Democratic party to get out of the shadow of state's rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights."

yeah and so did teddy roosevelt, the point is they came BACK and were also democrats (not dixiecrats) during the 60 civil rights era.
I love it when people talk about the rust belt. Alot of that is due to poplulation growth numbers that are less than the south. Why do so many northerners move south, they dont like taxes and unions (hence why it has taken 40 years to get republicans to take over some state legislatures in the south). Scott Walker is trying to control that in Wisconsin and if they can get rid of the liberal crap, people might actually enjoy living in states where they can keep their own money and not have to wait on unions to allow people to do whatever they want.
yeah and so did teddy roosevelt, the point is they came BACK and were also democrats (not dixiecrats) during the 60 civil rights era.

And just as they lost the fight in '48 over the civil rights plank in the platform, they lost during the Great Society years. The Humphrey wing of the party triumphed.

And, Trent Lott's opinions notwithstanding, the country is better off for it.
yeah and so did teddy roosevelt, the point is they came BACK and were also democrats (not dixiecrats) during the 60 civil rights era.

And just as they lost the fight in '48 over the civil rights plank in the platform, they lost during the Great Society years. The Humphrey wing of the party triumphed.

And, Trent Lott's opinions notwithstanding, the country is better off for it.

Stop with the Trent Lott. I didnt like him, because he was weak and ineffective, but to take what he said out of context, is what liberals do best. He said he wished his friend would have been president and the country would have been better off....yeah noone says those at birthday parties, only Trent Lott, because he really wanted a a return to jim crow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, it was a generic statement that you and other liberals chose to view as racist. I guess Bill Clinton signing "dont ask dont tell" means he's a gay bashing homophobe too?
By now most of the original demographic known as the dixiecrats are dead but their sons and daughters found refuge in the republican party who now welcome the same old confederate BS that caused so much friction in the democratic party.
By now most of the original demographic known as the dixiecrats are dead but their sons and daughters found refuge in the republican party who now welcome the same old confederate BS that caused so much friction in the democratic party.

Ahha, so Al Gore is a true confederate and a genuine racist? Wow that one was handed right too me.
By now most of the original demographic known as the dixiecrats are dead but their sons and daughters found refuge in the republican party who now welcome the same old confederate BS that caused so much friction in the democratic party.

Ahha, so Al Gore is a true confederate and a genuine racist? Wow that one was handed right too me.

That does not follow at all. WTF?
By now most of the original demographic known as the dixiecrats are dead but their sons and daughters found refuge in the republican party who now welcome the same old confederate BS that caused so much friction in the democratic party.

Ahha, so Al Gore is a true confederate and a genuine racist? Wow that one was handed right too me.

That does not follow at all. WTF?

Are you stupid son? Al Gore SR was Al Gore JR's(the global warming guy, are you following me?) father and a dixiecrat, so according to you Al Gore JR is a racist conferderate. I even referenced it in my post, do you read or just like jerking people off?
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Ahha, so Al Gore is a true confederate and a genuine racist? Wow that one was handed right too me.

That does not follow at all. WTF?

Are you stupid son? Al Gore SR was Al Gore JR's(the global warming guy, are you following me?) father and a dixiecrat, so according to you Al Gore JR is a racist conferderate. I even referenced it in my post, do you read or just like jerking people off?

No, just don't accept your theory that the politically racist element of the south has anything to do with the democratic party these days, the GOP welcomed them with open arms and continue to feed their racially elitist delusions.
That does not follow at all. WTF?

Are you stupid son? Al Gore SR was Al Gore JR's(the global warming guy, are you following me?) father and a dixiecrat, so according to you Al Gore JR is a racist conferderate. I even referenced it in my post, do you read or just like jerking people off?

No, just don't accept your theory that the politically racist element of the south has anything to do with the democratic party these days, the GOP welcomed them with open arms and continue to feed their racially elitist delusions.

Ok, so you dont accept it, and why? Most of the dixiecrats remained in the democratic party. Why did A guy in jail get 1/3 of the vote in West Virginia? how about another guy getting %42 of the vote in Arkansas. Keep in mind you had a sitting President running unopposed who happens to be black. So if it were the republican part you'd blame racism, so what do you think if it's the democrat primary?

Let me try another way.
Do you think the KKK would be for how Detroit is run?I mean if you told them that the blacks were in a city with no hope, crumbling, extreme violence and blacks were killing themselves. Knowing what I do about the KKK, Id say they would be happy about that, dont you?
Are you stupid son? Al Gore SR was Al Gore JR's(the global warming guy, are you following me?) father and a dixiecrat, so according to you Al Gore JR is a racist conferderate. I even referenced it in my post, do you read or just like jerking people off?

No, just don't accept your theory that the politically racist element of the south has anything to do with the democratic party these days, the GOP welcomed them with open arms and continue to feed their racially elitist delusions.

Ok, so you dont accept it, and why? Most of the dixiecrats remained in the democratic party. Why did A guy in jail get 1/3 of the vote in West Virginia? how about another guy getting %42 of the vote in Arkansas. Keep in mind you had a sitting President running unopposed who happens to be black. So if it were the republican part you'd blame racism, so what do you think if it's the democrat primary?

Let me try another way.
Do you think the KKK would be for how Detroit is run?I mean if you told them that the blacks were in a city with no hope, crumbling, extreme violence and blacks were killing themselves. Knowing what I do about the KKK, Id say they would be happy about that, dont you?

The dixiecrat political agenda was rolled right into the republican platform along with a large number of party switchers, civil rights,states rights, property rights, taxation, education are all identical. That's one thing, the fickle nature of the electorate is another, why large groups of people seem to continually vote against themselves is a mystery.

I have no idea what a Klansman thinks might be a good idea or not maybe you can tell me.
The democrat party is the party of racism and segregation. They weren't republicans, they were democrats who voted for democrat issues. FDR appointed a former member of the KKK to the supreme court. When he was reminded that Hugo Black was a former KKK member FDR replied "some of my best support comes from the KKK">
I've debated people on here about race relations and democrats used the old line of the racist democrats became republicans and while some of them did, most stayed with the democratic party (Ie why TN just Recently had the republican majority for a long time.) It has more to do with republicans fleeing high tax northern states and cultural conservative issues, but they wont get democrats cover for being the most racist party this country has ever seen. And then comes along these jewels...

Remember yellow dog democrats would never vote republican, but somehow they joined the party.....nope:

Candidate who won 42 percent in Arkansas Democratic primary sues for his delegates | Fox News
1 in 3 West Virginia Democratic primary voters choose felon over Obama - The Hill's Ballot Box
And then others did become republicans and did help blacks....Like Strom Thurmond ( who was never in the KKK unlike democrat for life Robert Byrd)

But democrats still control blacks, instead of whips and bondage, they use welfare checks and horrible inner city violence and instetad of having to harm blacks with their own hands, they just create conditions in inner cities that have blacks kill themselves (I wonder why Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton dont ever show up to a rally when a black kills another black/asian/white/hispanic or white hispanic)

Okay, explain this:

In 1964, Barry Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act. He then got the Republican nomination for president.

In the election, as one example, 80% of Mississippians voted for Goldwater. Mississippi had long been part of the Democrats' 'solid south'.

Tell us how that happened unless former MS Democrats voted Republican en masse.
I've debated people on here about race relations and democrats used the old line of the racist democrats became republicans and while some of them did, most stayed with the democratic party (Ie why TN just Recently had the republican majority for a long time.) It has more to do with republicans fleeing high tax northern states and cultural conservative issues, but they wont get democrats cover for being the most racist party this country has ever seen. And then comes along these jewels...

Remember yellow dog democrats would never vote republican, but somehow they joined the party.....nope:

Candidate who won 42 percent in Arkansas Democratic primary sues for his delegates | Fox News
1 in 3 West Virginia Democratic primary voters choose felon over Obama - The Hill's Ballot Box
And then others did become republicans and did help blacks....Like Strom Thurmond ( who was never in the KKK unlike democrat for life Robert Byrd)

But democrats still control blacks, instead of whips and bondage, they use welfare checks and horrible inner city violence and instetad of having to harm blacks with their own hands, they just create conditions in inner cities that have blacks kill themselves (I wonder why Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton dont ever show up to a rally when a black kills another black/asian/white/hispanic or white hispanic)

What is the right’s fascination with this tedious canard?

This failed attempt by conservatives to portray democrats as ‘racist’ is transparent and pathetic.
The democrat party is the party of racism and segregation.

You mean "states' rights." And yes, that philosophy did find a home in a wing of the Democratic party throughout the 19th century and the first half of the 20th. But the schism in 1948 marked the beginning of the end of that association (and the beginning of the end of the "Solid South" for the Democrats). Again, the famous line from Humphrey's '48 convention speech succinctly captures the evolution the party was undergoing: "The time has arrived for the Democratic party to get out of the shadow of state's rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights."

The states' rights mantra is no longer associated with the Democratic party.
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