Divorced Couples Are Taking Awesome Selfies Together To Mark The Occasion


Active Member
Apr 8, 2015
Divorced Couples Are Taking Awesome Selfies Together To Mark The Occasion

Selfie madness. Do you remember those morons who make happy selfies with their dead relatives? Though selfie of smiling just divorced couple is not so crazy, I don’t like what they mean. They mean that the institution of the family is not perfect and to lose family is quite normal. Some people would say they’d better make these happy selfies as a memento. But sure they’ll cry sooner or later.
The left has completely undermined the concept of family.

This is just another example of how we are a nation in decline thanks to regressive libtard parasites.

The left has completely undermined the concept of family.

This is just another example of how we are a nation in decline thanks to regressive libtard parasites.

The left has undermined the concept of the family? LMAO!! The hypocrisy in that statement is stunning.

And exactly what do you suggest? Not allowing people to divorce? "You said forever and we are going to MAKE you stay married".

The reason for the increase in divorce is that people, especially women, are more free and more financially independent than ever before. But I suppose we should punish those people in order to preserve the "family values" of people like Newt?
Not allowing people to divorce?
See, they want the whole world to know that they're extremely happy to be divorced. That their marriage was a mistake and now they solved all their problems with divorce. Like a suicide, you know, it's always easier to destroy everything than to repair.
Unless you've been in a marriage that resulted in divorce, you have absolutely no idea what it's like. It has nothing to do with politics or even social philosophy. It's a matter of two people no longer able to live with each other.

Been there 3 times.

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