Divorce down substantially during Trump's first year as President


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Divorce was down substantially during Trump's first year in office. Early studies determined Donald Trump is the biggest cause for the decline in divorce. Millions of women who were considering divorce realized their husband's were not that bad in comparison with the POTUS, Donald Trump. Not many men have had the number affairs and marriages as the Donald. He has affairs while his wife is home with young children. He likes to have affairs with women in the porn industry along with many other professions. He openy brags that he can grab women by they pussy because he is famous. He apparently grabs women's pussy while married and while not married.
Divorce is down because NOW couples have something
INTERESTING to discuss-----to wit, donald
If true, God Bless Mr. Trump. I lift a glass to him assisting people in keeping their vows to God and each other. :dance::mm:

The reason they didn't divorce is they want to celebrate in 2020 together after another victory for America. USA! USA!
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Could divorce be down because less people are getting married?
Divorce was down substantially during Trump's first year in office. Early studies determined Donald Trump is the biggest cause for the decline in divorce. Millions of women who were considering divorce realized their husband's were not that bad in comparison with the POTUS, Donald Trump. Not many men have had the number affairs and marriages as the Donald. He has affairs while his wife is home with young children. He likes to have affairs with women in the porn industry along with many other professions. He openy brags that he can grab women by they pussy because he is famous. He apparently grabs women's pussy while married and while not married.

Good one, dude.
If true, God Bless Mr. Trump. I lift a glass to him assisting people in keeping their vows to God and each other. :dance::mm:

The reason they didn't divorce is they want to celebrate in 2020 together after another victory for America. USA! USA!
I feel God is not pleased with Donald Trump.
Donald Tump breaks the majortity of the basic tenets of the Christian religion; in fact most religions.
If true, God Bless Mr. Trump. I lift a glass to him assisting people in keeping their vows to God and each other. :dance::mm:

The reason they didn't divorce is they want to celebrate in 2020 together after another victory for America. USA! USA!
I feel God is not pleased with Donald Trump.
Donald Tump breaks the majortity of the basic tenets of the Christian religion; in fact most religions.

so did David----and "god" liked him LOTS
so did David----and "god" liked him LOTS

Except when he killed his baby to teach him a lesson.

Remember, Yahweh is the good guy in the Bible. Keep telling yourself that.

babies died lots back then-----the story gives the death
a moral value. "god" still liked David----but he had a
miserable time as a father. The story as a whole is sublime
babies died lots back then-----the story gives the death
a moral value. "god" still liked David----but he had a
miserable time as a father. The story as a whole is sublime

"Sublime", that's what you call it?

So let's review. The story is from Second Samuel, Chapter 11.

David see Bathsheeba, wife of Urriah the Hittite (a soldier in his army) bathing on her roof, and has her brought to his palace to bang her. She she gets knocked up, he sends Urriah to the front to get killed, and marries her.

God was SOOOOOO angry with David that he killed the baby.

The Baby didn't do anything wrong.

Let me repeat that for the slow.

The Baby didn't do anything wrong.

So what kind of "Good" God kills children for the sins of their parents?

On another point, Couldn't an omnipotent God have found better choices for Kings? As awful as David was, Saul was worse and Solomon and everyone who followed him was just a steady decline. You seriously couldn't find a smart guy who would not mess it up?
babies died lots back then-----the story gives the death
a moral value. "god" still liked David----but he had a
miserable time as a father. The story as a whole is sublime

"Sublime", that's what you call it?

So let's review. The story is from Second Samuel, Chapter 11.

David see Bathsheeba, wife of Urriah the Hittite (a soldier in his army) bathing on her roof, and has her brought to his palace to bang her. She she gets knocked up, he sends Urriah to the front to get killed, and marries her.

God was SOOOOOO angry with David that he killed the baby.

The Baby didn't do anything wrong.

Let me repeat that for the slow.

The Baby didn't do anything wrong.

So what kind of "Good" God kills children for the sins of their parents?

On another point, Couldn't an omnipotent God have found better choices for Kings? As awful as David was, Saul was worse and Solomon and everyone who followed him was just a steady decline. You seriously couldn't find a smart guy who would not mess it up?

yes---sublime EPIC .
Saul came before David-----not worse ---just befuddled.
yes---sublime EPIC .
Saul came before David-----not worse ---just befuddled.

And an Omnipotent God picked them over all the other available dudes in Israel.


You know, it's kind of sad we got stuck with these stories, the Greek Gods were MUCH cooler.

yeah---zeus and hera had the PERFECT MARRIAGE. He ate his first wife---metis-----and screwed a few of his
daughters and the daughters of "mortals" and hera
messed up the lives of his 'royal" sons
yeah---zeus and hera had the PERFECT MARRIAGE. He ate his first wife---metis-----and screwed a few of his
daughters and the daughters of "mortals" and hera
messed up the lives of his 'royal" sons

Yeah, but man, that was a lot of fun. No killing babies to teach anyone a lesson, that's the thing.

wrong again----he was such a bastard that both he and his
father (cronus) grabbed fetuses out of girlfriends and ate
them. Baby killing was rampant amongst both the greek
gods and the greeks AND the romans. I father had a LEGAL
right to kill any of his children. Sheeeesh you are clueless.
Romans considered jews a little nuts because killing one's child or slave was a CRIME. Did you graduate high school?
Could divorce be down because less people are getting married?
no they're just starting to agree with each other that trump is a world class slimebag
Yeah! I'm sure that is the deciding factor as to whether married couples decide to get a divorce or not.

I'm rooting for Trump to be even more of a slimebag to help strengthen marriages more.
Could divorce be down because less people are getting married?
no they're just starting to agree with each other that trump is a world class slimebag
Yeah! I'm sure that is the deciding factor as to whether married couples decide to get a divorce or not.

I'm rooting for Trump to be even more of a slimebag to help strengthen marriages more.
no need to root It'll come quite naturally to him , like breathing
Could divorce be down because less people are getting married?
no they're just starting to agree with each other that trump is a world class slimebag
Yeah! I'm sure that is the deciding factor as to whether married couples decide to get a divorce or not.

I'm rooting for Trump to be even more of a slimebag to help strengthen marriages more.
no need to root It'll come quite naturally to him , like breathing
I guess if we ever get a moral/ethical president that isn’t a man slut, divorce rates will go through the roof.
Could divorce be down because less people are getting married?
no they're just starting to agree with each other that trump is a world class slimebag
Yeah! I'm sure that is the deciding factor as to whether married couples decide to get a divorce or not.

I'm rooting for Trump to be even more of a slimebag to help strengthen marriages more.
no need to root It'll come quite naturally to him , like breathing
I guess if we ever get a moral/ethical president that isn’t a man slut, divorce rates will go through the roof.
but there are so few of us around

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