Divided Republitards, Split Personality.

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
GOP Split Over the Debt - Newsweek

Isn't it amazing that the so called "leaders" in the party know the sensible thing to do but plays hardliner to make the Tea Party think they're hard right? At this rate they'll be out of office soon.

While detractors accuse the GOP of recklessness, the party’s hard-liners say they are keeping a campaign promise to block job-killing taxes. But the brinksmanship could undermine the party’s electoral self-interest. It was precisely that concern that led McConnell to craft his fallback plan. Already under pressure from business groups to make a deal on the debt, McConnell privately concluded that every group—seniors, veterans, military families—would side with Obama if a default tanked the economy. “Republicans would get reamed,” a GOP official says. “The default crowd doesn’t get that

Old turtle-face isn't as dumb as he looks and sounds at times, he knows to put common sense ahead of rightwing extremist so called "populism."
Business groups are serious, they don’t care about the play-pretend, Mickey Mouse TPM nonsense, they want stability, reliability, and predictability – and they know that’s Congress’ responsibility to provide.
McConnell is scared shitless.

He's not stupid like Bachman and that crowd.
Business groups are serious, they don’t care about the play-pretend, Mickey Mouse TPM nonsense, they want stability, reliability, and predictability – and they know that’s Congress’ responsibility to provide.

I think they're sensible enough to know that the Teabagger populism is going to lead the country to hell because those idiots are funded by the Koch brothers, but on the flip side they see what the majority of Americans want but they're just not willing to sacrifice their jobs to do whats right.
The irony of this situation is that the solutions are simple.

Raise taxes and cut spending.

But Grover Norquist has the Republicans so terrified that the would rather destroy the country than go against him.
The irony of this situation is that the solutions are simple.

Raise taxes and cut spending.

But Grover Norquist has the Republicans so terrified that the would rather destroy the country than go against him.

The end result of all this I would hope is that voters will learn to elect based on policies and sound of mind rather than emotionalism.

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