Diversity in Universities

Look what they're spitting out too. How is it Eastern Indians are much better employees than our college educated? How come a guy with a 4th grade formal education constantly corrected the work of our college educated, was the only self-starter, and developed the only shit that worked among peers and brass?

Because often times today's education involves liberal indoctrination, teaching their students to be "socially conscious" as opposed effective. Add non-English students compromising the education of traditional students.
100 percent of SMU administrators, 98.8 percent of faculty donate to Dems.

Tells you about their hiring practices for brainwashing kids.
Republicans are at war against education. Any educator that votes for them is voting against themselves.
At war with brainwashing, Mr humans can change sex on a whim.
Sure, Mr. 6,000 year old Earth
Nice that you Leftards don’t let women win anymore athletic events. Put them in the kitchen!
100 percent of SMU administrators, 98.8 percent of faculty donate to Dems.

Tells you about their hiring practices for brainwashing kids.
Republicans are at war against education. Any educator that votes for them is voting against themselves.
At war with brainwashing, Mr humans can change sex on a whim.
Sure, Mr. 6,000 year old Earth
Nice that you Leftards don’t let women win anymore athletic events. Put them in the kitchen!
And remove the sole purpose of conservative women? How cruel.
Look what their spitting out too. How is it Eastern Indians are much better employees than our college educated? How come a guy with a 4th grade formal education constantly corrected the work of our college educated, was the only self-starter, and developed the only shit among peers and brass that worked?

Because often times today's education involves liberal indoctrination, teaching their students to be "socially conscious" as opposed effective. Add non-English students compromising the education of traditional students.
Just write in cursive if you want to keep millennials from reading it.
Look what their spitting out too. How is it Eastern Indians are much better employees than our college educated? How come a guy with a 4th grade formal education constantly corrected the work of our college educated, was the only self-starter, and developed the only shit among peers and brass that worked?

Because often times today's education involves liberal indoctrination, teaching their students to be "socially conscious" as opposed effective. Add non-English students compromising the education of traditional students.
Just write in cursive if you want to keep millennials from reading it.

Funny and agree, but I'm guilty. I was writing print before it was cool. I'm old enough my teachers didn't like it, but I generally did it anyway. Basically the opposite my mother, she has beautiful writing. It's almost a complete match her mother's.
How is it Eastern Indians are much better employees than our college educated?
Because they'll work for less.

Wrong..........Because they're more capable and much easier to work with. They worry about stupid shit like process, while our college-educated are worried about the dress they're wearing and their impact on others.
Oh well. Good luck getting your coal job back.
100 percent of SMU administrators, 98.8 percent of faculty donate to Dems.

Tells you about their hiring practices for brainwashing kids.
This is one university. You don't like it, don't send your kids there.
There’s about three universities in America that don’t have a similar hiring practice and puts students ahead of politics.

Which 3?

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