Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

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I just answered your question. Do you know how to read shithead? If SanFran is commie, then Berlin and all of Western Europe is commie as well. You stupid Republican retards, throw the word "commie" and "socialist" around to demonize Dems because they're for many policies that are taken for granted in Western Europe. So all of Western Europe is COMMIE!

Germany is a communist country? LOL!
Germany is a communist country? LOL!
According to your own standard of who is and isn't a COMMIE. If American Dems are commies, as many of your fellow right-wingers claim, well then Germany a nation led by the Social Dems or SPD, is definitely COMMIE. Even the Christian conservative party is Commie because Germany's "center-right" is considered way too far to the left here in the US. If you were to transplant those German parties to Washington, they would be labeled COMMIES, even by many American Dems. Western Europe is STOCK FULL of COMMIE-STATES.

According to your own standard of who is and isn't a COMMIE. If American Dems are commies, as many of your fellow right-wingers claim, well then Germany a nation led by the Social Dems or SPD, is definitely COMMIE. Even the Christian conservative party is Commie because Germany's "center-right" is considered way too far to the left here in the US. If you were to transplant those German parties to Washington, they would be labeled COMMIES, even by many American Dems. Western Europe is STOCK FULL of COMMIE-STATES.

Why do you keep saying my standard? It's your standard that counts.

Is Germany a successful commie country?

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