Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

You have admitted you've never lived in a communist country. You are just shitting out nonsense your PolSci professor fed you. I, on the other hand, know what the hell I'm talking about.

If you lived in a communist country, all you know is how it is to live under American sanctions and threats of war. Nations that outwardly identify themselves as Marxist, get their hands tied behind their backs by the United States and its allies.
When I lived in a communist country I experienced first hand what a disastrously failed ideology it is.

Perhaps you were of the capitalist, wealthy class who was forced to stop exploiting others? Hmm? What country did you live in that is supposedly communist?

Stossel Comes from Long Island, where he's a social butterfly. For all his "capitalism" hot air, when his 2.5 Mil Hamptons mansion was blown away years ago, he had no problem getting Gov't agencies to pay for the loss. Some say, he was "underinsured". He's the ultimate 'Bankster': "Socialism for me, capitalism for the peasants".

If libs are stupid enough to give him the money why should he not take it?
I witnessed firsthand the mindless irrationality and brutality of that anti-human, failed ideology. Go experience something of the world for yourself before shooting your ignorant mouth off about things you don't understand.
In the early 90s I lived for several years in China. You probably weren't even born yet.

I was born way before the 1990s, so you only reveal your ignorance when you speak that way. You would've been in a much worse situation if you would've lived in colonial, feudal China before it became socialist. Under capitalist British rule, the standard of living of most Chinese was even worse than it was in the 1990s.
... this wasn't a red wave because a lot of single women wouldn't be told what to do with their bodies... they want to be free to determine their own way....

How does their voting Blue change any of that? It doesn't change state law, it doesn't change the Supreme Court, it doesn't change the Constitution, and in nearly all cases, most anyone can still get an abortion if they want to anyway, and with the loss of the House, they won't be able to change any laws! Plus they are now still likely to get deluged by all of the massive real problems already plaguing their lives.
If you lived in a communist country, all you know is how it is to live under American sanctions and threats of war. Nations that outwardly identify themselves as Marxist, get their hands tied behind their backs by the United States and its allies.
if you lived under a communist country alll you know is what the state allows you to know.

You do however know what it is like to be a slave
It's not how you start the race, it's how you finish it that matters. It took centuries for capitalism to replace chattel slavery and feudalism, and it will take time for socialism and then communism to replace capitalism. It's just a matter of time.


We'll be out in space LONG before that happens.

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