Dissappearing Ice

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Doesn't look like the ice is increasing at all.

An Arctic ice cap 8217 s shockingly rapid slide into the sea - The Washington Post

Ice is disappearing at a truly astonishing rate in Austfonna, an expanse of frozen rock far north of the Arctic Circle in Norway’s Svalbard island chain. Just since 2012, a portion of the ice cap covering the island has thinned by a whopping 160 feet, according to an analysis of satellite measurements by a team led by researchers at Britain’s University of Leeds.

Put another way, the ice cap’s vertical expanse dropped in two years by a distance equivalent to the height of a 16-story building. As another comparison, consider that scientists were recently alarmed to discover that one of Western Antarctica’s ice sheets was losing vertical height at a rate of 30 feet a year.


The research, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, illustrates how quickly ice caps can evolve, highlighting the challenges associated with predicting future impact of climate change, the scientists said. Arctic experts are closely watching changes in polar ice because of the potentially profound implications for sea-level rise. About a third of the increase in sea level in recent decades is attributed to melting glaciers and ice sheets, and researchers worry that more rapid melting could eventually swamp coastal cities around the world.
And at the other end of the world.

Antarctic ice shelf being eaten away by sea Science AAAS News

This year, scientists reported alarming news about the huge continental ice sheet covering the western portion of Antarctica: It's headed for collapse, due to rapid melting of some of its buttressing ice shelves. When it does, global sea levels will rise by several meters. It has long been suspected that warm ocean waters at the base of those floating ice shelves are responsible for hurrying things along. But with scant data from the waters around Antarctica, that has been difficult to prove. Now, a new study that pieces together 40 years’ worth of data collected in multiple regions around Antarctica suggests that scientists have found the smoking gun: Warming waters are indeed sneaking up under the floating ice in the regions of fastest melting.

Many questions about Antarctic climate-ocean-ice feedbacks remain, however. The places where warm waters are promoting melting are powerfully linked to current wind patterns around Antarctica—and these are also subject to change in a warming world.

Last May, a pair of studies suggested that melting has advanced enough that the ice sheet, called the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), is well along a path to inevitable collapse. In several centuries’ time, its demise would raise global sea levels by about 3 meters, the studies concluded. This week, scientists offered more of that stark picture, noting that the melting rate for the WAIS has tripled over the last decade.
For the alpine glaciers, the melt is even more rapid.

Alps Global Warming Melting Glaciers - National Geographic

"High-altitude regions seem to be more sensitive to the climate warming, and the retreat of glaciers is one sign," says Martin Beniston, a climate specialist at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. "During Roman times it was even warmer than it is now. From Val-d'Isère to Zermatt, people could cross passes where they go glacier skiing now. But today it's the speed of warming that concerns us the most. It's very rapid." How rapid? Scientists estimate that the Alps have lost half their glacier ice in the past century, 20 percent of that since the 1980s; glaciers in Switzerland have lost a fifth of their surface area in the past 15 years.

Melting Glaciers Turning Alps into Lake Region - SPIEGEL ONLINE

In the 1990s, the first cracks began to appear in the mighty tongue of the Trift Glacier in the central Swiss canton of Bern. In 2002, the peak of the ice mass burst into thousands of pieces. Since it lay in a hollow, the water swelled into a lake rather than flowing out. The Trift Lake then became an attraction: Hundreds of tourists per day now visit the suspension bridge that hangs over this new body of water. "Many more people come to the glacier than before," says Wilfried Haeberli of Zürich University.

The geographer and his colleagues calculate that, in the coming years, hundreds of such lakes will come into being in the Swiss Alps alone. In Austria, the Andes and other mountainous regions heavily affected byclimate change, similar dramatic environmental transformations are occuring. "The rapid melting of glaciers is radically changing the Alpine landscape," Haeberli reported at the annual meeting of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna. The ice region is in many places becoming a landscape of lakes
For the alpine glaciers, the melt is even more rapid.

Alps Global Warming Melting Glaciers - National Geographic

"High-altitude regions seem to be more sensitive to the climate warming, and the retreat of glaciers is one sign," says Martin Beniston, a climate specialist at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. "During Roman times it was even warmer than it is now. From Val-d'Isère to Zermatt, people could cross passes where they go glacier skiing now. But today it's the speed of warming that concerns us the most. It's very rapid." How rapid? Scientists estimate that the Alps have lost half their glacier ice in the past century, 20 percent of that since the 1980s; glaciers in Switzerland have lost a fifth of their surface area in the past 15 years.

Melting Glaciers Turning Alps into Lake Region - SPIEGEL ONLINE

In the 1990s, the first cracks began to appear in the mighty tongue of the Trift Glacier in the central Swiss canton of Bern. In 2002, the peak of the ice mass burst into thousands of pieces. Since it lay in a hollow, the water swelled into a lake rather than flowing out. The Trift Lake then became an attraction: Hundreds of tourists per day now visit the suspension bridge that hangs over this new body of water. "Many more people come to the glacier than before," says Wilfried Haeberli of Zürich University.

The geographer and his colleagues calculate that, in the coming years, hundreds of such lakes will come into being in the Swiss Alps alone. In Austria, the Andes and other mountainous regions heavily affected byclimate change, similar dramatic environmental transformations are occuring. "The rapid melting of glaciers is radically changing the Alpine landscape," Haeberli reported at the annual meeting of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna. The ice region is in many places becoming a landscape of lakes
Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice? -- Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice
Skeptic arguments that Antarctica is gaining ice frequently hinge on an error of omission, namely ignoring the difference between land ice and sea ice.

In glaciology and particularly with respect to Antarctic ice, not all things are created equal. Let us consider the following differences. Antarctic land ice is the ice which has accumulated over thousands of years on the Antarctica landmass itself through snowfall. This land ice therefore is actually stored ocean water that once fell as precipitation. Sea ice in Antarctica is quite different as it is ice which forms in salt water primarily during the winter months. When land ice melts and flows into the oceans global sea levels rise on average; when sea ice melts sea levels do not change measurably.

In Antarctica, sea ice grows quite extensively during winter but nearly completely melts away during the summer (Figure 1). That is where the important difference between Antarctic and Arctic sea ice exists as much of the Arctic's sea ice lasts all the year round. During the winter months it increases and before decreasing during the summer months, but an ice cover does in fact remain in the North which includes quite a bit of ice from previous years (Figure 1). Essentially Arctic sea ice is more important for the earth's energy balance because when it increasingly melts, more sunlight is absorbed by the oceans whereas Antarctic sea ice normally melts each summer leaving the earth's energy balance largely unchanged.

No talk about INCREASED volcanic action in the underwater N.hemisphere, or the FACT that magnetic north is looking more and more like a pole shift is getting closer..... Naw, it's MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING...or is it COOLING...or is it what it appears to be climate change due to earth effects?
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these people act like Earth has never changed over it's life time. and then want to PUNISH us when it does. this is a sick movement for one thing only. To CONTROL your lives and rape you for monies
these people act like Earth has never changed over it's life time. and then want to PUNISH us when it does. this is a sick movement for one thing only. To CONTROL your lives and rape you for monies

It's sick, they've been caught altering the data, hiding the decline, their models fail 100% of the time, the IPCC admits its about redistribution, never produced any lab work, yet they continue their Big CO2 Lie
these people act like Earth has never changed over it's life time.

That's nonsense. They do tend to act as if conditions in the distant past do not possess the relevance of conditions throughout human history - particularly human civilization. They also tend to pay attention to RATES. How fast climatic conditions have changed under the natural (ie, non-synthetic) conditions of the past compared to how quickly they are changing now under the synthetic condition produced by human GHG emissions and deforestation - particularly with respect to compensating mechanisms, eg, the buffering of ocean pH by limestone weathering and the accommodation of climate changes by migration and evolution.

and then want to PUNISH us when it does.

Like the punishment of air and water pollution controls? Like the punishment of food and drug restrictions? Like the punishment of workplace safety? Like the punishment of traffic laws? Like the punishment of background checks?

this is a sick movement for one thing only. To CONTROL your lives and rape you for monies

I'm sorry Stephanie, but in every way possible you are wrong. You need to open your mind to some objective knowledge because at present, it's filled to overflowing with prejudicial ignorance.
these people act like Earth has never changed over it's life time. and then want to PUNISH us when it does. this is a sick movement for one thing only. To CONTROL your lives and rape you for monies

It's sick, they've been caught altering the data, hiding the decline, their models fail 100% of the time, the IPCC admits its about redistribution, never produced any lab work, yet they continue their Big CO2 Lie

And the feckless Manchurian muslim uses it for an excuse to funnel BILLIONS of dollars to the international RED movement, and paying off people that use a large part of the money received from the government to be donors to the SUBVERSIVE, DummycRAT party.... Power and money is all this is about, has NOTHING to do with climate, or the REAL WELFARE of civilization!
If you're convinced that CO2 is causing Global Warming please stop wasted electricity by making these stupid AGW posts.

I'll believe you're sincere when you no longer post about it
If you're convinced that CO2 is causing Global Warming please stop wasted electricity by making these stupid AGW posts.

I'll believe you're sincere when you no longer post about it
I don't believe it and never have believed it. What makes you think that I believe it? I didn't post the article, I posted a comment to the article.
Unless man finds a way to move Earth closer to the Sun, we will have an ice age again. It is a cycle of the planet, keep calm and tell the Faithers to shut up.
If you're convinced that CO2 is causing Global Warming please stop wasted electricity by making these stupid AGW posts.

I'll believe you're sincere when you no longer post about it
I don't believe it and never have believed it. What makes you think that I believe it? I didn't post the article, I posted a comment to the article.

It was addressed to the AGWCult
More Alarmist lies from the Washington Post and two left wing propaganda outlets posing as a scientific journal. {AAAS and National Geographic} My god! these have been left wing hack groups for 30 years.

Yet the earth shows the fools a waste... No proof of CO2 involvement, Abject dismissal of all other causes and potential causes.. This report is pure propaganda.
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Unless man finds a way to move Earth closer to the Sun, we will have an ice age again. It is a cycle of the planet, keep calm and tell the Faithers to shut up.

We have already begun the cooling... The earth is giving us warning of what is coming... But the fools run in circles lying, screaming the sky is falling at the top of their lungs. Its going to be a long 600 years for these fools and the world will not be prepared for the cooling coming. These fools endanger the life of my children and my children's children. All for a power hungry communist/socialist agenda..

Cylical Patterns.JPG
Unless man finds a way to move Earth closer to the Sun, we will have an ice age again. It is a cycle of the planet, keep calm and tell the Faithers to shut up.

No, we won't. Not with the CO2 we're on track to emitting. We've cancelled the next ice age.

Of course, denier faithers won't care, since they have that mindless blind faith that humans can't affect climate. To deniers, the science is seen as an affront to their faith, hence why they're here screaming hatred at the science. It takes a religious-type belief to drive people to the levels of hysterical irrationality we see in deniers.
Unless man finds a way to move Earth closer to the Sun, we will have an ice age again. It is a cycle of the planet, keep calm and tell the Faithers to shut up.

No, we won't. Not with the CO2 we're on track to emitting. We've cancelled the next ice age.

Of course, denier faithers won't care, since they have that mindless blind faith that humans can't affect climate. To deniers, the science is seen as an affront to their faith, hence why they're here screaming hatred at the science. It takes a religious-type belief to drive people to the levels of hysterical irrationality we see in deniers.
You are a fucking LIAR.... The earth has had periods of 7,000ppm and we still cycled through ice ages, warming and then cooling.... You think you and your cult can stop this? what a fucking tool... and a FOOL!

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