Dispelling interent disinformation

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics ? Debunking the Debunkers | Rebel Siren

Internet TROLLS, also known as “forum posters”, “internet bloggers,” or if we call them what they really are, SHILLS, are increasingly being recruited by corporations or subcontracted agencies not only for marketing purposes, but also, to distract from the truth to prevent public outcry about hazardous programs such as geoengineering, the dangers of genetically modified foods, and any issue where profiteers put their bottom line and lust for control, over the destruction of the planet at the expense of our health. Internet trolls are employees that answered a job ad on craigslist or some other online employment venue. The geoengineering trolls, specifically, are employed by the two main disinformation sites, metaxxxx and contrailxxxxxxx, both ran by a gaming programmer. He and his band of internet trolls lack expertise in science, meteorology or any other field related to geoengineering, yet claim to be “experts” in atmospheric science, and fancy themselves “debunkers”. Shillidiocy is a term that best describes the rapidly growing industry of people ready and willing to sell out humanity for a few pennies per comment. Disinformation has been used throughout history for political manipulation and those same tactics are being utilized today by trolls hired to infiltrate social media.

1) CHARACTER ASSASSINATION (Psychological Warfare – discredit, distract, intimidate, frustrate, divide & conquer) – Disinformation shills (trolls) attack the character of leaders in a movement to discredit them, thus discrediting the movement. A main character assassination tactic is to highlight any negative or perceived flaw of an otherwise reputable person, whether true or false, to discredit him/her in an attempt to invalidate their viewpoint and make it appear baseless, for the sole purpose of detracting focus from the information they are sharing. Trolls often “make stuff up” if they can’t find anything real to highlight for this goal, after all, shills are paid liars. Trolls are hired to make leading or inflammatory comments for the sole purpose of baiting their targets to create a “controversial debate” where none truly exists. They often resort to the “Trojan Horse” tactic to to elicit an emotional response from their targets, frustrate, and evoke hostility with the intent of twisting it around to make the person look volatile, a classic “character assassination” tactic to discredit people, making them appear weak and unstable. Trolls frequently provoke people into a heated argument, and sometimes will go so far as to “report” them as being a “threat” to get them kicked off the forum. Another trick these liars are taught to do is to use semantics to twist people’s words around and make it seem as though they’ve lied, to discredit them and works hand in hand with the Straw Man tactic. These are all character assassination attempts that you will easily recognize happening in social media forums once you become familiar with these tactics.

2) DEMANDING IMPOSSIBLE PROOF – The most common tactic used by online trolls is to “demand evidence”, then ignore it when it’s presented and continue to demand proof that is impossible for anyone to obtain. Regardless of credible data presented by their targets in public forums, trolls repeatedly deem it as “irrelevant” and continue to demand unattainable proof. The purpose of which, is to dismiss any and all legitimate information (actual evidence), found by those take the time to do real research beyond the disinformation site links, and to distract from the fact the trolls fail to present any credible information themselves. It also keeps their targets scurrying and frustrated, giving trolls the illusion of having the upper hand. Often, disinformation shills pose as a supporter of the truth, or “friendly folks on the fence” politely asking questions, in a sly attempt to later discredit the movement. Trolls posing as friendly allies will post long, incoherent diatribes on fake blogs & articles, or inflammatory comments, for the purpose of associating the movement with insanity. Other times they will act as “the voice of reason” to make it appear as though any presented data isn’t strong enough, and they offer to play “devil’s advocate” to “help” the movement, with the goal of rendering any and all data as invalid regardless of how legitimate the source; perpetuate doubt, and discredit the movement.

3) DOMINATE THE THREAD: Trolls interject themselves into productive web discussions in order to make themselves appear credible as though they have a “real” argument, where none actually exists. Their job is to create controversy and instigate a “debate” by pretending to be “a regular person with an opposing opinion participating in normal discourse“, when in fact, they are paid shills that get compensated to scour the net and attack awareness videos on youtube, blogs, articles, public facebook pages, and other social media forums. Trolls often post links from metaxxxx or conxxxxxscience to try to lure people to those sites, yet neglect to post even one legitimate link with verifiable references. They relentlessly keep commenting on threads to dominate the discussion with the intent to keep their comments at the very top. They also vote their comments up and their target’s comments down, (if the forum offers that feature). This is evident when you become familiar with their methods. I have yet to see a disinformation shill post a reputable link, or any link, other than from those two disinformation sites or some equally generic source lacking verifiable references. In addition, they refuse to look at real data. They intentionally divert attention away from credible documentation, dismissing it without due diligence. They often regurgitate harassing insults (especially on youtube), and repeat generic jargon about how water vapor condensation trails are formed, which has nothing to do with the persistent, spreading, lingering trails we often see covering the sky that is being done as “scientific research field experiments”, the prelude to formally implementing global climate engineering programs.

4) PRE-WRITTEN SCRIPTED RESPONSES (cut & paste comments): Trolls are supplied with a list or database of preplanned talking points in a boilerplate format designed as offensive maneuvers and deceptive comments to create an argument for the sole purpose of deflecting from the truth because that is what they have been recruited to do. Geoengineering “chemtrail debunker” trolls are notorious for this, and note they never actually “debunk” anything. All they do is deflect from reality and try to CAST DOUBT and keep the “denial” tactic going so the profiteers of climate engineering and weather control can continue to suppress public outcry in order to continue aerial spraying of heavy metals and toxic chemicals into our global atmosphere, jeopardizing our health and future sustainability of the planet, and prevent us from uniting to take appropriate legal action to stop this blatant crime against humanity. If you pay close attention and track the trolls, you will see that they repetitively post routine boilerplate comments all over social media forums.

5) FALSE ASSOCIATION: The goal of “false association” is to associate supporters of the movement with negative labels such as “paranoid conspiracy theorist” or “anti-science” to make their targets appear crazy or ignorant, and ultimately discredit the movement. Trolls deliberately associate the movement with far fetched concepts like “big foot”, aliens, “moon hoax”, false flag conspiracies, etc., because of the associated negative connotations. The goal is to create biases and dissuade people from objectively examining credible information presented. This works hand in hand with #1 (character assassination), and the “Trojan Horse” troll (sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule, engaging them in a hostile argument to try to discredit them, also known as the “attack the messenger” ploy). Online trolls often call their targets derogatory names such as “chemtard”, “conspiratard”, “ignorant”, or “liar”, attempting to invalidate anything they say regardless of the truth of it. Trolls often attempt to make it appear that their targeted group incites violence (tying in with character assassination). Trolls will post hostile comments such as “let’s shoot down those planes” on public forums such as Skyder Alert by pretending to be a supporter for the sole purpose of discrediting a peaceful movement.

6) FALSE MODERATION: The disinformation tactic of pretending to be the “voice of reason” in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true, into the murky waters of “doubt” where the truth becomes “relative.” And, when that inevitably fails, they resort to antagonizing and goading people with insults, name calling, and bullying. They routinely chide and taunt people to harass them into emotional responses with the goal of making them look foolish or unstable in an attempt to deflect focus from their point and invalidate any credible data they may be presenting. Do not let them engage you in an argument and provoke you into hostility, because it is a deliberate move to discredit you. Refuse to take the bait.

7) STRAW MAN and “AD HOMINEM” ARGUMENTS: A common tactic is that the troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to an obscure point of view, then attack that point of view (Straw Man). Trolls fabricate a “perspective” and then rebut it, regardless of the fact that his target never made any such comment. Trolls frequently use the Straw Man tactic, for example: “you’re a polluter and pro-fossil fuel, because all of your talk about climate engineering is taking attention away from the real problem of C02 emissions“. This is the kicker, it’s safe to say that humanity unanimously agrees we must end our dependency on fossil fuels and implement clean, sustainable technology for the future (that’s why there is a movement against climate engineering, “spraying pollution to solve pollution” is insanity), but the minute we state this in a reply we have “taken the bait” because the troll immediately shifts gears and attacks making it obvious it was a tactic to engage us in a fictitious debate to deflect focus from the dangers of climate engineering, (the aerially spraying of toxins into the atmosphere, wider reaching and far worse than the problem of ground level pollution). The troll uses conjecture, ridicule, and accusation to try and prove himself as credible by attempting to discredit others, and often exclaims, “you have no argument, that is just ad hominem”! Ironically, that is exactly what he is doing. The troll is trained to appear confident, unwavering, and that he is undoubtedly right, when in reality, it’s the exact opposite. He is a paid liar and his goal is to create doubt and keep the truth covered up. Some trolls have even begun to use environmental icons or the Guy Fawkes mask (symbol of Anonymous) as a profile pic and more realistic usernames now that we are becoming aware of their tactics. On youtube, the troll username, “Kevin Schmidt”, is a prime example.

8) POSING LEADING QUESTIONS and “PLAYING NICE” – (with actual examples of real paid troll’s comments). When the internet shill realizes people are aware of his tactics, he will then try to play nice, act innocent, and pose a seemingly “harmless” leading question, example posted below. The following bold, italic quotes are actual troll comments made by username William01702 who is known to routinely attack youtube geoengineering awareness videos: ...
Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics ? Debunking the Debunkers | Rebel Siren

Internet TROLLS, also known as “forum posters”, “internet bloggers,” or if we call them what they really are, SHILLS, are increasingly being recruited by corporations or subcontracted agencies not only for marketing purposes, but also, to distract from the truth to prevent public outcry about hazardous programs such as geoengineering, the dangers of genetically modified foods, and any issue where profiteers put their bottom line and lust for control, over the destruction of the planet at the expense of our health. Internet trolls are employees that answered a job ad on craigslist or some other online employment venue. The geoengineering trolls, specifically, are employed by the two main disinformation sites, metaxxxx and contrailxxxxxxx, both ran by a gaming programmer. He and his band of internet trolls lack expertise in science, meteorology or any other field related to geoengineering, yet claim to be “experts” in atmospheric science, and fancy themselves “debunkers”. Shillidiocy is a term that best describes the rapidly growing industry of people ready and willing to sell out humanity for a few pennies per comment. Disinformation has been used throughout history for political manipulation and those same tactics are being utilized today by trolls hired to infiltrate social media.

1) CHARACTER ASSASSINATION (Psychological Warfare – discredit, distract, intimidate, frustrate, divide & conquer) – Disinformation shills (trolls) attack the character of leaders in a movement to discredit them, thus discrediting the movement. A main character assassination tactic is to highlight any negative or perceived flaw of an otherwise reputable person, whether true or false, to discredit him/her in an attempt to invalidate their viewpoint and make it appear baseless, for the sole purpose of detracting focus from the information they are sharing. Trolls often “make stuff up” if they can’t find anything real to highlight for this goal, after all, shills are paid liars. Trolls are hired to make leading or inflammatory comments for the sole purpose of baiting their targets to create a “controversial debate” where none truly exists. They often resort to the “Trojan Horse” tactic to to elicit an emotional response from their targets, frustrate, and evoke hostility with the intent of twisting it around to make the person look volatile, a classic “character assassination” tactic to discredit people, making them appear weak and unstable. Trolls frequently provoke people into a heated argument, and sometimes will go so far as to “report” them as being a “threat” to get them kicked off the forum. Another trick these liars are taught to do is to use semantics to twist people’s words around and make it seem as though they’ve lied, to discredit them and works hand in hand with the Straw Man tactic. These are all character assassination attempts that you will easily recognize happening in social media forums once you become familiar with these tactics.

2) DEMANDING IMPOSSIBLE PROOF – The most common tactic used by online trolls is to “demand evidence”, then ignore it when it’s presented and continue to demand proof that is impossible for anyone to obtain. Regardless of credible data presented by their targets in public forums, trolls repeatedly deem it as “irrelevant” and continue to demand unattainable proof. The purpose of which, is to dismiss any and all legitimate information (actual evidence), found by those take the time to do real research beyond the disinformation site links, and to distract from the fact the trolls fail to present any credible information themselves. It also keeps their targets scurrying and frustrated, giving trolls the illusion of having the upper hand. Often, disinformation shills pose as a supporter of the truth, or “friendly folks on the fence” politely asking questions, in a sly attempt to later discredit the movement. Trolls posing as friendly allies will post long, incoherent diatribes on fake blogs & articles, or inflammatory comments, for the purpose of associating the movement with insanity. Other times they will act as “the voice of reason” to make it appear as though any presented data isn’t strong enough, and they offer to play “devil’s advocate” to “help” the movement, with the goal of rendering any and all data as invalid regardless of how legitimate the source; perpetuate doubt, and discredit the movement.

3) DOMINATE THE THREAD: Trolls interject themselves into productive web discussions in order to make themselves appear credible as though they have a “real” argument, where none actually exists. Their job is to create controversy and instigate a “debate” by pretending to be “a regular person with an opposing opinion participating in normal discourse“, when in fact, they are paid shills that get compensated to scour the net and attack awareness videos on youtube, blogs, articles, public facebook pages, and other social media forums. Trolls often post links from metaxxxx or conxxxxxscience to try to lure people to those sites, yet neglect to post even one legitimate link with verifiable references. They relentlessly keep commenting on threads to dominate the discussion with the intent to keep their comments at the very top. They also vote their comments up and their target’s comments down, (if the forum offers that feature). This is evident when you become familiar with their methods. I have yet to see a disinformation shill post a reputable link, or any link, other than from those two disinformation sites or some equally generic source lacking verifiable references. In addition, they refuse to look at real data. They intentionally divert attention away from credible documentation, dismissing it without due diligence. They often regurgitate harassing insults (especially on youtube), and repeat generic jargon about how water vapor condensation trails are formed, which has nothing to do with the persistent, spreading, lingering trails we often see covering the sky that is being done as “scientific research field experiments”, the prelude to formally implementing global climate engineering programs.

4) PRE-WRITTEN SCRIPTED RESPONSES (cut & paste comments): Trolls are supplied with a list or database of preplanned talking points in a boilerplate format designed as offensive maneuvers and deceptive comments to create an argument for the sole purpose of deflecting from the truth because that is what they have been recruited to do. Geoengineering “chemtrail debunker” trolls are notorious for this, and note they never actually “debunk” anything. All they do is deflect from reality and try to CAST DOUBT and keep the “denial” tactic going so the profiteers of climate engineering and weather control can continue to suppress public outcry in order to continue aerial spraying of heavy metals and toxic chemicals into our global atmosphere, jeopardizing our health and future sustainability of the planet, and prevent us from uniting to take appropriate legal action to stop this blatant crime against humanity. If you pay close attention and track the trolls, you will see that they repetitively post routine boilerplate comments all over social media forums.

5) FALSE ASSOCIATION: The goal of “false association” is to associate supporters of the movement with negative labels such as “paranoid conspiracy theorist” or “anti-science” to make their targets appear crazy or ignorant, and ultimately discredit the movement. Trolls deliberately associate the movement with far fetched concepts like “big foot”, aliens, “moon hoax”, false flag conspiracies, etc., because of the associated negative connotations. The goal is to create biases and dissuade people from objectively examining credible information presented. This works hand in hand with #1 (character assassination), and the “Trojan Horse” troll (sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule, engaging them in a hostile argument to try to discredit them, also known as the “attack the messenger” ploy). Online trolls often call their targets derogatory names such as “chemtard”, “conspiratard”, “ignorant”, or “liar”, attempting to invalidate anything they say regardless of the truth of it. Trolls often attempt to make it appear that their targeted group incites violence (tying in with character assassination). Trolls will post hostile comments such as “let’s shoot down those planes” on public forums such as Skyder Alert by pretending to be a supporter for the sole purpose of discrediting a peaceful movement.

6) FALSE MODERATION: The disinformation tactic of pretending to be the “voice of reason” in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true, into the murky waters of “doubt” where the truth becomes “relative.” And, when that inevitably fails, they resort to antagonizing and goading people with insults, name calling, and bullying. They routinely chide and taunt people to harass them into emotional responses with the goal of making them look foolish or unstable in an attempt to deflect focus from their point and invalidate any credible data they may be presenting. Do not let them engage you in an argument and provoke you into hostility, because it is a deliberate move to discredit you. Refuse to take the bait.

7) STRAW MAN and “AD HOMINEM” ARGUMENTS: A common tactic is that the troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to an obscure point of view, then attack that point of view (Straw Man). Trolls fabricate a “perspective” and then rebut it, regardless of the fact that his target never made any such comment. Trolls frequently use the Straw Man tactic, for example: “you’re a polluter and pro-fossil fuel, because all of your talk about climate engineering is taking attention away from the real problem of C02 emissions“. This is the kicker, it’s safe to say that humanity unanimously agrees we must end our dependency on fossil fuels and implement clean, sustainable technology for the future (that’s why there is a movement against climate engineering, “spraying pollution to solve pollution” is insanity), but the minute we state this in a reply we have “taken the bait” because the troll immediately shifts gears and attacks making it obvious it was a tactic to engage us in a fictitious debate to deflect focus from the dangers of climate engineering, (the aerially spraying of toxins into the atmosphere, wider reaching and far worse than the problem of ground level pollution). The troll uses conjecture, ridicule, and accusation to try and prove himself as credible by attempting to discredit others, and often exclaims, “you have no argument, that is just ad hominem”! Ironically, that is exactly what he is doing. The troll is trained to appear confident, unwavering, and that he is undoubtedly right, when in reality, it’s the exact opposite. He is a paid liar and his goal is to create doubt and keep the truth covered up. Some trolls have even begun to use environmental icons or the Guy Fawkes mask (symbol of Anonymous) as a profile pic and more realistic usernames now that we are becoming aware of their tactics. On youtube, the troll username, “Kevin Schmidt”, is a prime example.

8) POSING LEADING QUESTIONS and “PLAYING NICE” – (with actual examples of real paid troll’s comments). When the internet shill realizes people are aware of his tactics, he will then try to play nice, act innocent, and pose a seemingly “harmless” leading question, example posted below. The following bold, italic quotes are actual troll comments made by username William01702 who is known to routinely attack youtube geoengineering awareness videos: ...
Much of this disinformation follows Joseph Goebbels advice, "Tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." It works in politics and advertising because people believe what they hear most often. In politics, it's often better to tell the same lie over a million times than tell the truth once.
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Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics ? Debunking the Debunkers | Rebel Siren

Internet TROLLS, also known as “forum posters”, “internet bloggers,” or if we call them what they really are, SHILLS, are increasingly being recruited by corporations or subcontracted agencies not only for marketing purposes, but also, to distract from the truth to prevent public outcry about hazardous programs such as geoengineering, the dangers of genetically modified foods, and any issue where profiteers put their bottom line and lust for control, over the destruction of the planet at the expense of our health. Internet trolls are employees that answered a job ad on craigslist or some other online employment venue. The geoengineering trolls, specifically, are employed by the two main disinformation sites, metaxxxx and contrailxxxxxxx, both ran by a gaming programmer. He and his band of internet trolls lack expertise in science, meteorology or any other field related to geoengineering, yet claim to be “experts” in atmospheric science, and fancy themselves “debunkers”. Shillidiocy is a term that best describes the rapidly growing industry of people ready and willing to sell out humanity for a few pennies per comment. Disinformation has been used throughout history for political manipulation and those same tactics are being utilized today by trolls hired to infiltrate social media.

1) CHARACTER ASSASSINATION (Psychological Warfare – discredit, distract, intimidate, frustrate, divide & conquer) – Disinformation shills (trolls) attack the character of leaders in a movement to discredit them, thus discrediting the movement. A main character assassination tactic is to highlight any negative or perceived flaw of an otherwise reputable person, whether true or false, to discredit him/her in an attempt to invalidate their viewpoint and make it appear baseless, for the sole purpose of detracting focus from the information they are sharing. Trolls often “make stuff up” if they can’t find anything real to highlight for this goal, after all, shills are paid liars. Trolls are hired to make leading or inflammatory comments for the sole purpose of baiting their targets to create a “controversial debate” where none truly exists. They often resort to the “Trojan Horse” tactic to to elicit an emotional response from their targets, frustrate, and evoke hostility with the intent of twisting it around to make the person look volatile, a classic “character assassination” tactic to discredit people, making them appear weak and unstable. Trolls frequently provoke people into a heated argument, and sometimes will go so far as to “report” them as being a “threat” to get them kicked off the forum. Another trick these liars are taught to do is to use semantics to twist people’s words around and make it seem as though they’ve lied, to discredit them and works hand in hand with the Straw Man tactic. These are all character assassination attempts that you will easily recognize happening in social media forums once you become familiar with these tactics.

2) DEMANDING IMPOSSIBLE PROOF – The most common tactic used by online trolls is to “demand evidence”, then ignore it when it’s presented and continue to demand proof that is impossible for anyone to obtain. Regardless of credible data presented by their targets in public forums, trolls repeatedly deem it as “irrelevant” and continue to demand unattainable proof. The purpose of which, is to dismiss any and all legitimate information (actual evidence), found by those take the time to do real research beyond the disinformation site links, and to distract from the fact the trolls fail to present any credible information themselves. It also keeps their targets scurrying and frustrated, giving trolls the illusion of having the upper hand. Often, disinformation shills pose as a supporter of the truth, or “friendly folks on the fence” politely asking questions, in a sly attempt to later discredit the movement. Trolls posing as friendly allies will post long, incoherent diatribes on fake blogs & articles, or inflammatory comments, for the purpose of associating the movement with insanity. Other times they will act as “the voice of reason” to make it appear as though any presented data isn’t strong enough, and they offer to play “devil’s advocate” to “help” the movement, with the goal of rendering any and all data as invalid regardless of how legitimate the source; perpetuate doubt, and discredit the movement.

3) DOMINATE THE THREAD: Trolls interject themselves into productive web discussions in order to make themselves appear credible as though they have a “real” argument, where none actually exists. Their job is to create controversy and instigate a “debate” by pretending to be “a regular person with an opposing opinion participating in normal discourse“, when in fact, they are paid shills that get compensated to scour the net and attack awareness videos on youtube, blogs, articles, public facebook pages, and other social media forums. Trolls often post links from metaxxxx or conxxxxxscience to try to lure people to those sites, yet neglect to post even one legitimate link with verifiable references. They relentlessly keep commenting on threads to dominate the discussion with the intent to keep their comments at the very top. They also vote their comments up and their target’s comments down, (if the forum offers that feature). This is evident when you become familiar with their methods. I have yet to see a disinformation shill post a reputable link, or any link, other than from those two disinformation sites or some equally generic source lacking verifiable references. In addition, they refuse to look at real data. They intentionally divert attention away from credible documentation, dismissing it without due diligence. They often regurgitate harassing insults (especially on youtube), and repeat generic jargon about how water vapor condensation trails are formed, which has nothing to do with the persistent, spreading, lingering trails we often see covering the sky that is being done as “scientific research field experiments”, the prelude to formally implementing global climate engineering programs.

4) PRE-WRITTEN SCRIPTED RESPONSES (cut & paste comments): Trolls are supplied with a list or database of preplanned talking points in a boilerplate format designed as offensive maneuvers and deceptive comments to create an argument for the sole purpose of deflecting from the truth because that is what they have been recruited to do. Geoengineering “chemtrail debunker” trolls are notorious for this, and note they never actually “debunk” anything. All they do is deflect from reality and try to CAST DOUBT and keep the “denial” tactic going so the profiteers of climate engineering and weather control can continue to suppress public outcry in order to continue aerial spraying of heavy metals and toxic chemicals into our global atmosphere, jeopardizing our health and future sustainability of the planet, and prevent us from uniting to take appropriate legal action to stop this blatant crime against humanity. If you pay close attention and track the trolls, you will see that they repetitively post routine boilerplate comments all over social media forums.

5) FALSE ASSOCIATION: The goal of “false association” is to associate supporters of the movement with negative labels such as “paranoid conspiracy theorist” or “anti-science” to make their targets appear crazy or ignorant, and ultimately discredit the movement. Trolls deliberately associate the movement with far fetched concepts like “big foot”, aliens, “moon hoax”, false flag conspiracies, etc., because of the associated negative connotations. The goal is to create biases and dissuade people from objectively examining credible information presented. This works hand in hand with #1 (character assassination), and the “Trojan Horse” troll (sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule, engaging them in a hostile argument to try to discredit them, also known as the “attack the messenger” ploy). Online trolls often call their targets derogatory names such as “chemtard”, “conspiratard”, “ignorant”, or “liar”, attempting to invalidate anything they say regardless of the truth of it. Trolls often attempt to make it appear that their targeted group incites violence (tying in with character assassination). Trolls will post hostile comments such as “let’s shoot down those planes” on public forums such as Skyder Alert by pretending to be a supporter for the sole purpose of discrediting a peaceful movement.

6) FALSE MODERATION: The disinformation tactic of pretending to be the “voice of reason” in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true, into the murky waters of “doubt” where the truth becomes “relative.” And, when that inevitably fails, they resort to antagonizing and goading people with insults, name calling, and bullying. They routinely chide and taunt people to harass them into emotional responses with the goal of making them look foolish or unstable in an attempt to deflect focus from their point and invalidate any credible data they may be presenting. Do not let them engage you in an argument and provoke you into hostility, because it is a deliberate move to discredit you. Refuse to take the bait.

7) STRAW MAN and “AD HOMINEM” ARGUMENTS: A common tactic is that the troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to an obscure point of view, then attack that point of view (Straw Man). Trolls fabricate a “perspective” and then rebut it, regardless of the fact that his target never made any such comment. Trolls frequently use the Straw Man tactic, for example: “you’re a polluter and pro-fossil fuel, because all of your talk about climate engineering is taking attention away from the real problem of C02 emissions“. This is the kicker, it’s safe to say that humanity unanimously agrees we must end our dependency on fossil fuels and implement clean, sustainable technology for the future (that’s why there is a movement against climate engineering, “spraying pollution to solve pollution” is insanity), but the minute we state this in a reply we have “taken the bait” because the troll immediately shifts gears and attacks making it obvious it was a tactic to engage us in a fictitious debate to deflect focus from the dangers of climate engineering, (the aerially spraying of toxins into the atmosphere, wider reaching and far worse than the problem of ground level pollution). The troll uses conjecture, ridicule, and accusation to try and prove himself as credible by attempting to discredit others, and often exclaims, “you have no argument, that is just ad hominem”! Ironically, that is exactly what he is doing. The troll is trained to appear confident, unwavering, and that he is undoubtedly right, when in reality, it’s the exact opposite. He is a paid liar and his goal is to create doubt and keep the truth covered up. Some trolls have even begun to use environmental icons or the Guy Fawkes mask (symbol of Anonymous) as a profile pic and more realistic usernames now that we are becoming aware of their tactics. On youtube, the troll username, “Kevin Schmidt”, is a prime example.

8) POSING LEADING QUESTIONS and “PLAYING NICE” – (with actual examples of real paid troll’s comments). When the internet shill realizes people are aware of his tactics, he will then try to play nice, act innocent, and pose a seemingly “harmless” leading question, example posted below. The following bold, italic quotes are actual troll comments made by username William01702 who is known to routinely attack youtube geoengineering awareness videos: ...

Shill seems like an accurate description of your posting stye.

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