Dismissal of ebola fears as *alarmist* and accusations of fear mongering cost thousands of lives


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"In a scathing report titled "Pushed to the limit and beyond", MSF said its warnings in June that the epidemic was out of control and that it could not respond on its own were dismissed as alarmist.
"Guinea and Sierra Leone downplayed the epidemic and accused MSF of spreading fear and panic. In June, the Sierra Leone government told the WHO to report only lab-confirmed deaths - falsely reducing the death toll, the report said."

"Margaret Harris, WHO's Ebola spokesperson in Geneva said that only after infected Liberian Patrick Sawyer traveled by air to Nigeria in late July could the WHO consider Ebola as a PHEIC. The announcement came on Aug. 8, prompting a global response.
"However, by then the pandemic had spiraled out of control, MSF said. The agency branded the response a "global coalition for inaction" and said by the end of August, it had to turn away patients in Liberia leaving many to die in their homes or on the streets."

Slow Ebola response cost thousands of lives MSF - Yahoo News

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