Disingenuousness in Tennessee: Education | Religion | Science | Law

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Dis-ingenuousness in Tennessee: Education | Religion | Science | Law

Why do religious conservatives and others who support the Tennessee law...

"This law is needed for two reasons," explained Casey Luskin an attorney with Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture. "First, unfortunately many science teachers around the country are harassed, intimidated, and sometimes fired for simply presenting scientific evidence critical of Darwinian theory along with the evidence that supports it."

Tennessee Enacts Academic Freedom Law Protecting Teachers Who Present Both Sides of Evolution Debate - Evolution News & Views

...who support the Tennessee law...


Law allows creationism to be taught in Tenn. public schools - The Washington Post

...who support the Tennessee law, insist on being disingenuous?

Using any argument it is impossible to deny the motivation of these groups. Why not be truthful? Why hide behind euphemism and twisted arguments to make a case? Being as religious as they usually are, shouldn't it bother them more that they feel the need to distort, deceive, and, denigrate themselves in order to do what they claim is the work of god?
Why do religious conservatives and others who support the Tennessee law, insist on being disingenuous? It is all so twisted a debate I figured there was no way to put this thread in any defined message board/forum. So here we are in general. Using education and law to defend and advance a religious and political agenda is not so terrible, if it is done in the open, without deception, deceit, and lies.
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