DISH Network: Sling TV...another nail in the Cable TV coffin.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill

This is an excellent start.
For between $10 mo. to $20 mo. you will soon be able to get the most popular TV networks - live - via internet. (Roku, FireTV, GoogleTV, internet ready TV etc.)
Included will be ESPN, and the popular TNT network among others.
So very soon...HBO, Showtime and now ESPN networks all available without paying the cable rip-off.
Can't wait.
BTW - also VERY interesting is there are now estimated 14 million homes who have internet, but do not pay cable. Which is over 10% of all households nationwide who have cut the cable habit.
Also excellent.
That's nice if you live in the city, but we old rural dwellers will be stuck with satellite that sucks. I would love to have cable with unlimited downloads, but satellite companies cap our downloads. I pay $60 a month for a monthly download of 10 gigabytes, and if I exceed that limit, which I have 5 times already, my speed drops down to below dialup speeds. That's so everyone else can enjoy high speeds without others like me, bogging down the network, downloading game and Microsoft updates. That's total bullshit and nothing but a way that the satellite companies use to get more fees out of their users. If you want 15 gb per month, it's the $80 a month and on from there. At least they do have Americans answering the phones when you need help.
That's nice if you live in the city, but we old rural dwellers will be stuck with satellite that sucks. I would love to have cable with unlimited downloads, but satellite companies cap our downloads. I pay $60 a month for a monthly download of 10 gigabytes, and if I exceed that limit, which I have 5 times already, my speed drops down to below dialup speeds. That's so everyone else can enjoy high speeds without others like me, bogging down the network, downloading game and Microsoft updates. That's total bullshit and nothing but a way that the satellite companies use to get more fees out of their users. If you want 15 gb per month, it's the $80 a month and on from there. At least they do have Americans answering the phones when you need help.
I'm ready to let them go.

If they slow me down to slow speed dialup, then, I pay $5 and go back to dialup.

Didn't exceed limits for two years, then, suddenly, they want more money for the speed I once had.

Sick of the TV service too.

Same old recycled crap, over and over, yet they want more money every year.
I have Direct TV. Before that I had Prime Star, and I loved it. It was a 4 foot dish and never crapped out during rain storms or even snow storms, but you did have to keep the dish free of snow, or it would go out. Then Prime Star got taken over by Direct TV, and the problems began. First they went up on Pay Per View movies, then prices started going up for whatever movie package you had. Personally, I wouldn't have the satellite TV, but my wife likes it so I have to get it for her. I seldom watch TV, since I'm always on the computer. One thing that gets me is that since I'm a long time subscriber, I can't get a free DVR or HD TV. That's only for new subscribers. I entertained going to Dish, which touts free HD, but when you look farther into their contract, their HD is only free for 2 years. Now, why the hell should anybody have to pay for HD TV, when it was forced on the American people by the US government? Sure, the local crap is free HD, but that's what it is, pure crap with nothing on.
90% of what I watch is from the internet.

I might watch a few You Tube videos but only at 12 AM, since that's the time I get unlimited downloads for free, 12 to 5 AM. I don't stream movies. It would take too much time, and I don't want to stay up all night.
90% of what I watch is from the internet.

I might watch a few You Tube videos but only at 12 AM, since that's the time I get unlimited downloads for free, 12 to 5 AM. I don't stream movies. It would take too much time, and I don't want to stay up all night.
what on your phone? do you have home internet?
90% of what I watch is from the internet.

100% for me. Including sports.
I have a Roku 3. I have:
HuluPlus (for the wife primarily)
Amazon Prime (I will not renew in March, lots of issues and bullsh*t)
Crackle (free ad supported)
Then I use YoutubeTV through my great and a fair amount of stuff is HD.
I also have the Smithsonian Channel, PBS, TED, Defense TV, FoxNow, Discover TV and others that are all free.
I rent brand new movies via Vudu.
All together I pay about $30 a month including movie rentals. FAAAAR cheaper than cable, and I obviously have far-far-far more choices of things to watch - all when I want to watch them.
And what I can't get, yes I pirate. But not much.
90% of what I watch is from the internet.

I might watch a few You Tube videos but only at 12 AM, since that's the time I get unlimited downloads for free, 12 to 5 AM. I don't stream movies. It would take too much time, and I don't want to stay up all night.
what on your phone? do you have home internet?

I have Internet through the satellite as I indicated in previous posts. I also have Internet through my phone, but I don't use it, since the phone is prepaid, and the screen is way too small, not to mention, since I'm in an extremely rural area, I only get one tic on my non smart phone.
There is a major problem with box/usb based services, as they use a lot more data and take you over the 'suspended' cap.

Last year I subscribed to Netflix and Hulu, in addition to Amazon (which I have had for a while now).

Comcast charges for data use out of a box or usb stick, not just for one device - they act like you have downloaded the same movie twice.

Just normal data use brings me up to the cap, just watching one movie a day, a few you tube videos, installing games, playing games, and installing windows updates.

For a month, Comcast claimed I used double the data. So after that I decided to cancel Netflix and Hulu, and go back to my normal usage - as I realized that the data cap is far too low to be able to use them.

*Comcast,etc claim there is a 'suspended' cap, but that is not true. They cut you off from your services if you reach high over their alleged 'suspended' cap over several months.
There is a major problem with box/usb based services, as they use a lot more data and take you over the 'suspended' cap.

Last year I subscribed to Netflix and Hulu, in addition to Amazon (which I have had for a while now).

Comcast charges for data use out of a box or usb stick, not just for one device - they act like you have downloaded the same movie twice.

Just normal data use brings me up to the cap, just watching one movie a day, a few you tube videos, installing games, playing games, and installing windows updates.

For a month, Comcast claimed I used double the data. So after that I decided to cancel Netflix and Hulu, and go back to my normal usage - as I realized that the data cap is far too low to be able to use them.

*Comcast,etc claim there is a 'suspended' cap, but that is not true. They cut you off from your services if you reach high over their alleged 'suspended' cap over several months.

SOunds like you need a different Plan
I have ATT Uverse and there are no caps.
Cool. Now you can add $20 to your other five $20 subscription services. God bless millenial math.
That's nice if you live in the city, but we old rural dwellers will be stuck with satellite that sucks. I would love to have cable with unlimited downloads, but satellite companies cap our downloads. I pay $60 a month for a monthly download of 10 gigabytes, and if I exceed that limit, which I have 5 times already, my speed drops down to below dialup speeds. That's so everyone else can enjoy high speeds without others like me, bogging down the network, downloading game and Microsoft updates. That's total bullshit and nothing but a way that the satellite companies use to get more fees out of their users. If you want 15 gb per month, it's the $80 a month and on from there. At least they do have Americans answering the phones when you need help.
I pay 50 bucks for 5 gb...It's a little high here, but our poor phone companies always claims it's broke...For TV, internet and phone I pay 150 bucks a month, now is that not high in price?

This is an excellent start.
For between $10 mo. to $20 mo. you will soon be able to get the most popular TV networks - live - via internet. (Roku, FireTV, GoogleTV, internet ready TV etc.)
Included will be ESPN, and the popular TNT network among others.
So very soon...HBO, Showtime and now ESPN networks all available without paying the cable rip-off.
Can't wait.

the sooner the better

we have been off cable for years
I pay 50 bucks for 5 gb...It's a little high here, but our poor phone companies always claims it's broke...For TV, internet and phone I pay 150 bucks a month, now is that not high in price?

Heck yeah that is high.
For AT&T I pay $29.95 a month for their best speed package.
It includes 250GB of data per mo., and $10 per 50GB over that.
So roughly that is 8GB a day on average.
Both Netflix and Hulu say their average usage is about 1GB an hour of watching.
1080 HD Movies are about 2GB per hour according to Vudu.
So unless I am doing some serious binge watching, it would be pretty hard to exceed the cap.
And by the way, I didn't think there was a cap at all until I just now looked at my plan.
I pay 50 bucks for 5 gb...It's a little high here, but our poor phone companies always claims it's broke...For TV, internet and phone I pay 150 bucks a month, now is that not high in price?

Heck yeah that is high.
For AT&T I pay $29.95 a month for their best speed package.
It includes 250GB of data per mo., and $10 per 50GB over that.
So roughly that is 8GB a day on average.
Both Netflix and Hulu say their average usage is about 1GB an hour of watching.
1080 HD Movies are about 2GB per hour according to Vudu.
So unless I am doing some serious binge watching, it would be pretty hard to exceed the cap.
And by the way, I didn't think there was a cap at all until I just now looked at my plan.

thirty bucks out here for internet from a local source

when i cut the cable dependence

i dropped their cable telephone & internet

the cable company in the area is the only cable provider

they know it and they provide really really crappy service
the sooner the better

we have been off cable for years

I can afford it, it isn't that - I just refuse to get ripped off because "everyone else is".
We use to have the full AT&T Uverse, everything. It was about $180 per month.
It is stupid. Absolutely no reason to be that high.
As well as the packages piss me off. They obviously strategically spread out the most popular channels among different packages so that in order to get say - ESPN, FOX and TNT as an example, you can't do that unless you are on one of the highest packages.
I refuse to do it.

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