Discipline; what would jesus do?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

GOD knows better than any super nanny, Dr. Spock or professional do about disciplining children. Dr. Spock created a generation of spoil selfish kids that turned into spoiled and selfish adults and he admitted he was wrong before the died. I trust GOD’s advice when the comes to discipline my children.

Dr. Spocks son committed suicide. What does that say about his methods?

Biblically we as parents need to take a loving and yet stearn approach at disciplining our children.
Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths

Proverbs 19:18.."Chasten your son while there is hope; And do not set your heart on his destruction."-

GENERATION X-POSE: SPANKING: Dr. Spock vs. Scripture

Guilty white Americans are out of touch when it comes to raising kids and discipline. They grossly confuse spanking with beating. Professionals against corporal punish have created a nation of unruly bad behavior kids that cannot be taught to be have and it leads to a nation of adults acting badly. Discipline teaches discipline. There is nothing wrong with healthy anger by parents when child misbehaves. Even abuse do not teach abuse. As some who commit crimes use as an excuse for their behavior. A parent that fell guilty after spanking a child, then it’s the parent that has a problem and not the child. Hitting a child do not teach kids violence, it teaches them self discipline. Jesus and GOD agrees with me. My ancestors before me used spanking and so did I and I am being told now by grownup kids thank you for teaching me right from wrong that stuck and made me the person I am today.

Undisciplined out of control children grow up to be undisciplined out of control adults.
Time out and restrictions with Black kids is a joke because they have nothing to restrict and no where to time out.
Discipline is a good thing for a parent to utilize in child rearing.

But the best teach the child self discipline. You have to learn the purpose of discipline before you can practice self-discipline. But then, that is not what the thread is about.

In general I agree, but "discipline" is the step before "self-discipline". Yes, you need to know the first before you can appreciate the second, but they are not the same.

Jesus did not change the law!

Well--except the one about cleanliness of foods and what to eat
and the importance of hygeine as well
And the one about who recieves and eats the offerings
And what to do about whores and fornicators
Also about who should do the stoning(everyone regardless of their sins to anyone without sin)

But the one about gays, Jesus is steadfast on that one!!

But then--who is suppose to stone them??
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