DISARM COPS: This plan WILL fix our policing problem


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok here it is. THE answer.

Disarm cops. Period. No guns. No tasers. No batons. Give them great hand to hand defensive training. They can ONLY arrest people who are willing to cooperate. If they dont...the PD will file civil fines that hurt their credit. Then...resisting arrest isnt a problem ever again. No resisting arrest. No car chases. No fights. Its perfect.

Now...what if you dial 911 and a criminal has a weapon?

Each state will have dozens of on call "Weapon Crime Intervention Teams".

They will have members of all races. And will do NO other police work and will NOT be employed by any local revenue hound government.

So....if its a black male with a gun? ONLY black male members of the WCIT responds.

If a white male is shooting a school....only white males respond.

Sure...response time will be longer. But it will end racist killings by cops and will disarm local cops. Local cops wont handle armed suspects anymore. And local cops wont have to deal with anyone resisting arrest....because the citizens will be allowed to choose not to cooperate and their only consequence will be a civil fine on their credit.

Racist cop problem fixed!!!!
Ok here it is. THE answer.

Disarm cops. Period. No guns. No tasers. No batons. Give them great hand to hand defensive training. They can ONLY arrest people who are willing to cooperate. If they dont...the PD will file civil fines that hurt their credit. Then...resisting arrest isnt a problem ever again. No resisting arrest. No car chases. No fights. Its perfect.

Now...what if you dial 911 and a criminal has a weapon?

Each state will have dozens of on call "Weapon Crime Intervention Teams".

They will have members of all races. And will do NO other police work and will NOT be employed by any local revenue hound government.

So....if its a black male with a gun? ONLY black male members of the WCIT responds.

If a white male is shooting a school....only white males respond.

Sure...response time will be longer. But it will end racist killings by cops and will disarm local cops. Local cops wont handle armed suspects anymore. And local cops wont have to deal with anyone resisting arrest....because the citizens will be allowed to choose not to cooperate and their only consequence will be a civil fine on their credit.

Racist cop problem fixed!!!!

Could replace conventional law enforcement and justice with the tried and true liberal parenting techniques. Calm, soothing heart-to-heart discussions and timeouts and naptimes. :)
I also think 2 more rules are neccessary:

1- Cops must disclose their home address publicly. They can look up where we live. I need to know where they sleep in return.

2- Body cameras 24/7/365. Yes....ALWAYS even on their day off. When they are off...they still have a gun and badge and sworn officer authority. On duty cameras catch their racist behavior only on duty. They'll just start doing racist shit on their day off and say "Oh I was on the way to buy groceries...and saw this black criminal doing this and I didnt have a radio so when I tried to stop him...he went for my gun and my kids in the back seat". SEE the problem?

A cops daily activities. ...ALL day EVERY day...even on days off or at home I dont care...anywhere everywhere all day even their Christmas morning....should be recorded. You never know. Even cops say they are never truly "off duty".

Well ok officer. Then you wear a body camera for every breathe you take.

Sound good folks?
Better training, regular group therapy, and much better pay will resolve the issue.
I also think 2 more rules are neccessary:

1- Cops must disclose their home address publicly. They can look up where we live. I need to know where they sleep in return.

2- Body cameras 24/7/365. Yes....ALWAYS even on their day off. When they are off...they still have a gun and badge and sworn officer authority. On duty cameras catch their racist behavior only on duty. They'll just start doing racist shit on their day off and say "Oh I was on the way to buy groceries...and saw this black criminal doing this and I didnt have a radio so when I tried to stop him...he went for my gun and my kids in the back seat". SEE the problem?

A cops daily activities. ...ALL day EVERY day...even on days off or at home I dont care...anywhere everywhere all day even their Christmas morning....should be recorded. You never know. Even cops say they are never truly "off duty".

Well ok officer. Then you wear a body camera for every breathe you take.

Sound good folks?

It sounds like a plan the Communists would come up with, Bucs. First to accuse the police officers, to create a revolt against all authority and later to track them down to their personal addresses in order to attack them and their families there. There is actually a Jack Chick tract that depicts that exact scenerio for how Communism takes over a nation. Did you know that?

If I remember it correctly after that takes place they begin taking people away to detention centers and then finally Communism takes over completely. When that happens the Communists taking over go straight to the people who have helped them to power and execute them first.

In every nation according to a former KGB Agent defector named Yuri Bemzenov (may not have spelled his name correctly) once the Communist tanks roll in and take full control, the first agenda is to execute all those Marxists / socialist professors, teachers, news media personalities, Hollywood producers, actors, actresses, etc. living inside that particular nation - who assisted them. They are the first to go according to Yuri.

In the Jack Chick tract when the ones called "useful idiots" asked why they were being executed the communist said, if you would betray your own country what should make us think you won't betray us down the road? ( not exact words - but that was the message )

I do not believe we should disarm our police officers, nor do I believe their personal information should ever be released to the general public. I am grateful for law enforcement and believe they should be protected and not punished for doing their jobs. Law enforcement officers enforce the law. That is what they were hired to do. To enforce the law and protect the law abiding citizens of America. To think that they are being targeted for doing their job is a sign of just how lawless America has become. We have entered very perilous times now. Very sad day for America. Very sad.
We have some great police, but social defuncts gravitate to the profession and the military, as do pedophiles to youth activities.

Hunters prey where their prey gathers.

Thus, better screening, better pay, regular therapy.
I also think 2 more rules are neccessary:

1- Cops must disclose their home address publicly. They can look up where we live. I need to know where they sleep in return.

2- Body cameras 24/7/365. Yes....ALWAYS even on their day off. When they are off...they still have a gun and badge and sworn officer authority. On duty cameras catch their racist behavior only on duty. They'll just start doing racist shit on their day off and say "Oh I was on the way to buy groceries...and saw this black criminal doing this and I didnt have a radio so when I tried to stop him...he went for my gun and my kids in the back seat". SEE the problem?

A cops daily activities. ...ALL day EVERY day...even on days off or at home I dont care...anywhere everywhere all day even their Christmas morning....should be recorded. You never know. Even cops say they are never truly "off duty".

Well ok officer. Then you wear a body camera for every breathe you take.

Sound good folks?

It sounds like a plan the Communists would come up with, Bucs. First to accuse the police officers, to create a revolt against all authority and later to track them down to their personal addresses in order to attack them and their families there. There is actually a Jack Chick tract that depicts that exact scenerio for how Communism takes over a nation. Did you know that?

If I remember it correctly after that takes place they begin taking people away to detention centers and then finally Communism takes over completely. When that happens the Communists taking over go straight to the people who have helped them to power and execute them first.

In every nation according to a former KGB Agent defector named Yuri Bemzenov (may not have spelled his name correctly) once the Communist tanks roll in and take full control, the first agenda is to execute all those Marxists / socialist professors, teachers, news media personalities, Hollywood producers, actors, actresses, etc. living inside that particular nation - who assisted them. They are the first to go according to Yuri.

In the Jack Chick tract when the ones called "useful idiots" asked why they were being executed the communist said, if you would betray your own country what should make us think you won't betray us down the road? ( not exact words - but that was the message )

I do not believe we should disarm our police officers, nor do I believe their personal information should ever be released to the general public. I am grateful for law enforcement and believe they should be protected and not punished for doing their jobs. Law enforcement officers enforce the law. That is what they were hired to do. To enforce the law and protect the law abiding citizens of America. To think that they are being targeted for doing their job is a sign of just how lawless America has become. We have entered very perilous times now. Very sad day for America. Very sad.

Here is the tract I was talking about concerning your plan, Bucs. It looks like it came out of the Communist manual if you look at this tract you'll see that. The title of the tract is called, "The poor revolutionist". Have a look and you will see what I am talking about.

Jack Chick Tracts - Read here Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Ok here it is. THE answer.

Disarm cops. Period. No guns. No tasers. No batons. Give them great hand to hand defensive training. They can ONLY arrest people who are willing to cooperate. If they dont...the PD will file civil fines that hurt their credit. Then...resisting arrest isnt a problem ever again. No resisting arrest. No car chases. No fights. Its perfect.

Now...what if you dial 911 and a criminal has a weapon?

Each state will have dozens of on call "Weapon Crime Intervention Teams".

They will have members of all races. And will do NO other police work and will NOT be employed by any local revenue hound government.

So....if its a black male with a gun? ONLY black male members of the WCIT responds.

If a white male is shooting a school....only white males respond.

Sure...response time will be longer. But it will end racist killings by cops and will disarm local cops. Local cops wont handle armed suspects anymore. And local cops wont have to deal with anyone resisting arrest....because the citizens will be allowed to choose not to cooperate and their only consequence will be a civil fine on their credit.

Racist cop problem fixed!!!!
I think it's a WONDERFUL idea... all the second amendment hating progtards should LOVE this... but... who's going to explain it to the kenyan, because that'll mean the secret service be disarmed as well...

Ok here it is. THE answer.

Disarm cops. Period. No guns. No tasers. No batons. Give them great hand to hand defensive training. They can ONLY arrest people who are willing to cooperate. If they dont...the PD will file civil fines that hurt their credit. Then...resisting arrest isnt a problem ever again. No resisting arrest. No car chases. No fights. Its perfect.

Now...what if you dial 911 and a criminal has a weapon?

Each state will have dozens of on call "Weapon Crime Intervention Teams".

They will have members of all races. And will do NO other police work and will NOT be employed by any local revenue hound government.

So....if its a black male with a gun? ONLY black male members of the WCIT responds.

If a white male is shooting a school....only white males respond.

Sure...response time will be longer. But it will end racist killings by cops and will disarm local cops. Local cops wont handle armed suspects anymore. And local cops wont have to deal with anyone resisting arrest....because the citizens will be allowed to choose not to cooperate and their only consequence will be a civil fine on their credit.

Racist cop problem fixed!!!!

Could replace conventional law enforcement and justice with the tried and true liberal parenting techniques. Calm, soothing heart-to-heart discussions and timeouts and naptimes. :)
Or we could scrap Benjamin Spock all together and return to strict parenting...
Ok here it is. THE answer.

Disarm cops. Period. No guns. No tasers. No batons. Give them great hand to hand defensive training. They can ONLY arrest people who are willing to cooperate. If they dont...the PD will file civil fines that hurt their credit. Then...resisting arrest isnt a problem ever again. No resisting arrest. No car chases. No fights. Its perfect.

Now...what if you dial 911 and a criminal has a weapon?

Each state will have dozens of on call "Weapon Crime Intervention Teams".

They will have members of all races. And will do NO other police work and will NOT be employed by any local revenue hound government.

So....if its a black male with a gun? ONLY black male members of the WCIT responds.

If a white male is shooting a school....only white males respond.

Sure...response time will be longer. But it will end racist killings by cops and will disarm local cops. Local cops wont handle armed suspects anymore. And local cops wont have to deal with anyone resisting arrest....because the citizens will be allowed to choose not to cooperate and their only consequence will be a civil fine on their credit.

Racist cop problem fixed!!!!

are you arguing for segregation? should we go back to segregated schools, businesses, beaches?
Ok here it is. THE answer.

Disarm cops. Period. No guns. No tasers. No batons. Give them great hand to hand defensive training. They can ONLY arrest people who are willing to cooperate. If they dont...the PD will file civil fines that hurt their credit. Then...resisting arrest isnt a problem ever again. No resisting arrest. No car chases. No fights. Its perfect.

Now...what if you dial 911 and a criminal has a weapon?

Each state will have dozens of on call "Weapon Crime Intervention Teams".

They will have members of all races. And will do NO other police work and will NOT be employed by any local revenue hound government.

So....if its a black male with a gun? ONLY black male members of the WCIT responds.

If a white male is shooting a school....only white males respond.

Sure...response time will be longer. But it will end racist killings by cops and will disarm local cops. Local cops wont handle armed suspects anymore. And local cops wont have to deal with anyone resisting arrest....because the citizens will be allowed to choose not to cooperate and their only consequence will be a civil fine on their credit.

Racist cop problem fixed!!!!

How many gang banger types give a rats ass about their credit rating,civil charges or fines?
And there are so many guns out there that these "Special units" would be running 24/7...
How about we make gun ownership mandatory. According to conservatives that will make us all safer AND it will make cops think twice before starting a gun fight. Whaddaya say?

well, in most liberal cities the liberals only want the crooks to have guns to fight the police.
How about we make gun ownership mandatory. According to conservatives that will make us all safer AND it will make cops think twice before starting a gun fight. Whaddaya say?

well, in most liberal cities the liberals only want the crooks to have guns to fight the police.

Lol then why didn't the crooks that inspired the OP have guns? Silly republican logic.

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