Director of Obama campaign threatens NAACP official


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
The Chicago Way. Wait till Obama has Romney perp walked after he wins the rigged re election vote.
Pat Caddell said that in order for Obama to win he would have to run a campaign so dirty that the country would be ungovernable as a result. Well the dirty part is already here, David Axelrod appealing to the press to help them knock out Mitt Romney, etc. Wait till you go to vote November 6th and are greeted by Malik Shabazz or some of his boys telling you your "'Honky' vote isn't needed today, you're still going to be ruled by a black man"
The Chicago Way. Wait till Obama has Romney perp walked after he wins the rigged re election vote.
Pat Caddell said that in order for Obama to win he would have to run a campaign so dirty that the country would be ungovernable as a result. Well the dirty part is already here, David Axelrod appealing to the press to help them knock out Mitt Romney, etc. Wait till you go to vote November 6th and are greeted by Malik Shabazz or some of his boys telling you your "'Honky' vote isn't needed today, you're still going to be ruled by a black man"

Sig Sauer never leave home without it.
The Chicago Way. Wait till Obama has Romney perp walked after he wins the rigged re election vote.
Pat Caddell said that in order for Obama to win he would have to run a campaign so dirty that the country would be ungovernable as a result. Well the dirty part is already here, David Axelrod appealing to the press to help them knock out Mitt Romney, etc. Wait till you go to vote November 6th and are greeted by Malik Shabazz or some of his boys telling you your "'Honky' vote isn't needed today, you're still going to be ruled by a black man"

Sig Sauer never leave home without it.

Chicago politics in the White House. Typical

+1 Tea Point for you!!!

(next time earn extra points by mentioning Acorn, Soros, or Marx)

“No sooner had Kyl uttered his criticism than the wheels of gangster government were set in motion. The following day, Arizona’s Republican governor, Jan Brewer, received letters from four of President Obama’s cabinet secretaries- Agriculture, Transportation., Interior, and Housing and Urban Development. Each letter asked whether she would like the $521 million in Arizona stimulus projects to be withdrawn from the state.”
Freddoso, “Gangster Government,” p. 82.

Of course, the threat to any legislators who might criticize the stimulus bill, or any other aspect of the administration’s policies, but consistent with President Obama’s answer to Republicans when they had criticized in January 2009: “I won.” Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ
Chicago politics in the White House. Typical

+1 Tea Point for you!!!

(next time earn extra points by mentioning Acorn, Soros, or Marx)

Lemme get my +1 point:

1. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations. See if you can find the pattern in this partial list…

a. The Center for Constitutional Rights, founded by four longtime supporters of communist causes. Center for Constitutional Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Various organizations that promote “open borders” and full citizenship rights for illegal aliens.

c. Organizations such as the Sentencing Project, which attacks the American prison system as ‘racist.’

d. The Gamaliel Foundtion and the Midwest Academy, whose radical instructors train political organizers. “Barack has acknowledged publicly that he had been the director of a Gamaliel affiliate.” Michelle Malkin » Creepy O-cult video of the day: “Deliver us, Obama!” Updated

e. The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, founded by self-declared communist Van Jones… “Van Jones’ projects have long been bankrolled by George Soros’ Open Society Institute, which gave $1 million to the Jones-founded Ella Baker Center before becoming a major donor to GFA.”

2. The media is a major interest of Soros. He has investments in:

a. NBC, ABC, NYTimes, Washington Post, the Columbia School of Journalism, National Public Radio, Pacifica Foundation, and Media Matters For America.

b. Left-wing religious organizations such as Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, Jim Wallis’ Sojourners, Catholics for Choice.

c. Medea Benjamin’s Global Exchange, the organization that announced in 2004 that it would be sending aid to the families of terrorists fighting American troops in Iraq. Guide to the George Soros Network - Discover the Networks

3. In 1995, George Soros appeared on PBS with Charlie Rose, and said this:
"I like to influence policy. I was not able to get to George Bush (Senior). But now I think I have succeeded with my influence...I do now have great access in the (Clinton) administration. There is no question about this. We actually work together as a team."

How'd I do?

Can I get extra credit if I mention Beck?
Can I, huh?
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Black pastors all over the country are speaking out against obama's support for same sex marriage. The thugs have their work cut out for them.

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