How CREATING 1 million NEW JOBs equals $10 billion in Federal Revenue


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The real operative I took out of Romney's debate was RAISING THE NUMBER of people that PAY TAXES!!!

And that's done by increasing employment.

For every 1 million people hired at $30,000 a year $5 billion a year in SS/Medicare taxes ALONE NOT COUNTING income tax revenue would be raised!
Now assuming to live each of these 1 million WERE UNEMPLOYED and received Unemployment and food stamps ELIMINATING $5 billion in expenses!

A net swing of $10 billion a year for every 1 million having jobs!
And this is NOT counting the net affect of the multiplier affect i.e. for every $1 million spent in the economy it is multiplied by 1.18 million.
The multiplier to be assigned to a dollar’s worth of retail sales (as measured at the cash register) for the state of
Iowa is 1.188 ($ 1 million + $.188042 million).**Every dollar that you spend results in $.188 in industrial output (mostly sales) in the rest of the economy
Each job in auto manufacturing generates 9 additional jobs.. advertising, local McD's etc...

So Romney REALLY wants to focus LIKE A LASER doing everything to increase JOB creation!
This means TAX repatriation forgiveness for the nearly $1 trillion held offshore with CREDITS for bring the money back and creating JOBS!!
And the MAJOR difference between Obama and Romney is:
1) Obama wants to put businesses out of business!
Proof? Obama's OWN words:
A) He has said "If somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"
B) He is not like us because he said: "I'd like higher gas prices.."
C) He is not like us because HE WANTS MORE of us to pay HIGHER TAXES and he has said so:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."Obama's words exactly!!
which means:
"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings! I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"
I prefer that the remaining 99% pay HIGHER TAXES BECAUSE I"VE destroyed coal companies, utilities, health insurance companies!

So HOW can Obama CREATE JOBS if he is destroying them? Coal, utilities, health care!!! How many jobs will that effort DESTROY jobs!

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