Dims to go Nuts if Kavanaugh is Confirmed


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The new token leader says:

I know it seems like we’re already totally nuts,” said Senator Cory Booker. “But believe you me—you ain’t seen nothing yet. We’re talking rending our garments and smashing stuff, constantly comparing ourselves to tragic martyrs on film and television, even punching ourselves in the face. And we’ll do it around the clock.”

I’m talking full-on insanity, people. I AM SPARTACUS! I AM MASTER CHIEF! I AM WILLIAM WALLAAAAAACE!!!” he added before aides were forced to restrain him. “Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!”

And don’t forget the millions of DimocRATs who will merge on the Capitol building to scream at the sky when he’s confirmed.

Thanks for this to Democrats Threaten To Abandon Final Shred Of Sanity If Kavanaugh Confirmed
The latest attack on Kavanaugh is as low as the Demon-crats can get. They figured that it worked on that guy in Alabama, so rinse, wash, repeat I guess. The republicans best wake up unless they are actually on the take with the deep state. Until the republicans (starting with the putting this John Kerry on the hot seat), finally get some courage up in order to start locking people up for their traitorus activities, then this nation is toast.

Kerry must be thinking about running for President in 2020, so of course he would tell the Iranians to wait Trump out.

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