Dimocrat mayors in 20 cities that have slashed police budgets or called to defund them, using millions of taxpayer money for personal security


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
More of the 'do as I say, not as I do' brigade.

Democratic mayors in 20 cities that have slashed police budgets or called to defund them also use millions of taxpayers’ dollars to fund their own personal security​

  • The private security figures were obtained by transparency site OpenTheBooks
  • They reveal that some Democratic leaders use millions for personal protection while calling for less money for their police departments
  • San Francisco spent $2.6M to protect Mayor London Breed last year as she redirected $120M away from the police department
  • Calls to 'defund the police' emerged during last year's protests following the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor
  • The divisive slogan has been questioned by Democratic party stalwarts

At least 20 mayors from cities that have called to defund the police enjoy the perks of private security at a cost to taxpayers of millions of dollars a year.

In February, San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced plans to redirect $120 million from the police department to a combination of new and existing programs.

Meanwhile, the city spent $2.6 million to protect her in 2020, a number that will likely increase this year.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced plans to redirect $120 million from the police department to a combination of new and existing programs.

Meanwhile, the city spent $2.6 million to protect her in 2020, a number that will likely increase this year.
More of the 'do as I say, not as I do' brigade.

Democratic mayors in 20 cities that have slashed police budgets or called to defund them also use millions of taxpayers’ dollars to fund their own personal security​

  • The private security figures were obtained by transparency site OpenTheBooks
  • They reveal that some Democratic leaders use millions for personal protection while calling for less money for their police departments
  • San Francisco spent $2.6M to protect Mayor London Breed last year as she redirected $120M away from the police department
  • Calls to 'defund the police' emerged during last year's protests following the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor
  • The divisive slogan has been questioned by Democratic party stalwarts

This is what DemoKKKrats do best - get people killed:

Most Violent Cities In America 2021

Most Violent Cities in America

St. Louis, MO (2,082) - mayor - Democrat

Detroit, MI (2,057) - mayor - Democrat

Baltimore, MD (2,027) - mayor - Democrat

Memphis, TN (2,003) - mayor - Democrat

Little Rock, AR (1,634) - mayor - Democrat

Milwaukee, WI (1,597) - mayor - Democrat

Rockford, IL (1,588) - mayor - Democrat

Cleveland, OH (1,557) - mayor - Democrat

Stockton, CA (1,415) - mayor - Democrat

Albuquerque, NM (1,369) - mayor - Democrat

Springfield, MO (1,339) - mayor - Independent

Indianapolis, IN (1,334) - mayor - Democrat

Oakland, CA (1,299) - mayor - Democrat

San Bernardino, CA (1,291) - mayor - Republican

Anchorage, AK (1,203) - mayor - Independent

Nashville, TN (1,138) - mayor - Democrat

Lansing, MI (1,136) - mayor - Democrat

New Orleans, LA (1,121) - mayor - Democrat

Minneapolis, MN (1,101) - mayor - Democrat

Chicago, IL (1,099) - mayor - Democrat

To the 3rd world. get used to it. Just the beginning. Soon you'll need papers to leave your home. Passports to travel the highways.

When you refuse to fight for your freedom, rights or liberty....you shall have none.
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Black Lives Matter-backing mayor of Washington, DC now wants to FUND the police, citing spike in murders​

29 Jul, 2021 00:52 / Updated 12 hours ago

Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, who had ‘Black Lives Matter’ painted on the street that leads to the White House, now wants to hire more police officers and reopen the courts, citing an increase in homicides in the US capital.
Slashing the police budget for 2021 by $15 million hurt recruitment, resulting in only 42 new hires as opposed to 250 in a normal year, Bowser said on Wednesday. She called for another $11 million to hire and train 20 more officers in the current fiscal year, and 150 in 2022. The proposal is unlikely to be approved by the city council, however.

If it weren't for hypocrisy, would the Dems really have anything?

This however is par of the course when it comes to leftist tyrants....take from the people, and give to themselves.

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