Dimms now admitting they overplayed their hand with Kavanaugh


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Thanks for stepping on your cranks, Dimms.

They were talking about this on Morning Joe yesterday morning. It was on the radio, so I don’t know who it was, specifically. Some woman.

She was blasting Dimms for blowing it.

So awesome. They are in full panic mode. Their old bad of tricks isn’t working and they don’t know what to do!

They usually just vilify the white and the rich and yell racism!

Now they might have to actually prove they want America to prosper.

Thanks for stepping on your cranks, Dimms.

They were talking about this on Morning Joe yesterday morning. It was on the radio, so I don’t know who it was, specifically. Some woman.

She was blasting Dimms for blowing it.

So awesome. They are in full panic mode. Their old bad of tricks isn’t working and they don’t know what to do!

They usually just vilify the white and the rich and yell racism!

Now they might have to actually prove they want America to prosper.

They don't, obviously, so they can't.
They haven't moved far Left enough, only one or two of them openly admit to being Socialist
They awoke a sleeping giant...even my apolitical wife is really pissed how they treated Kavanaugh....the dems will reap what they sowed...

The biggest fuck up on that was sitting on the letter for 2 months and only bringing it up after the committee had closed it questioning and they never brought it up, thereby proving it was nothing but a political stunt.

Bad calculus.

Even if Pubs don’t hold the house, they have DEFINITELY won back many seats in both the house and Senate as a result of that travesty.

It also ruined Booker’s chances of ever being President.

...and Kavanaugh was STILL SEATED!

There are 30 toss-up House seats, so if they break 50-50 say the dems pick up 15, the dems are polling ahead in 14 others so that is a dem pickup of 29, however, the GOP stands to flip 4 dem seats, so the dems need 23+4=27 seats. So the House race looks to be a toss-up at this point. I'm hoping that the polling is off like 2016 underestimating the GOP voters, and the GOP keeps the House. It will be an interesting night, probably with a lot of recounts.
Well their shit show failed big time.

They pissed off loads of voters.

BK is now sitting on the Supreme Court.

They really couldn't have made a bigger mess of things if they had tried.

Thanks for stepping on your cranks, Dimms.

They were talking about this on Morning Joe yesterday morning. It was on the radio, so I don’t know who it was, specifically. Some woman.

She was blasting Dimms for blowing it.

So awesome. They are in full panic mode. Their old bad of tricks isn’t working and they don’t know what to do!

They usually just vilify the white and the rich and yell racism!

Now they might have to actually prove they want America to prosper.

They don't, obviously, so they can't.
Hey Billy! I'm nowhere near admitting Democrats overplayed their hand with Kavanaugh. I do believe the Ford thing, I just feel the statute of limitations ran out. She was never the source of my resentment. But I have to admit, I'd probably resent whoever Trump chose because I don't trust him and the effects of his choices are so monumental. First of all, his slanders against Sessions (whom I also distrust, but so far he's been fair) for not turning DOJ into Trumps personal fix-it. Then his slanders against FBI and NSA and CIA for not being his personal praetorian guard, together with his protesting too much. So with Trump's history of only trying to choose flunkies, Kavanaugh and his history of favoring Presidential unaccountability is suspect at my house. Then his Senate appearance bullying and aggression against questioners together with his self-pitying tears cemented my opinion.

Just an explanation on why I am not backing down nor regret my opinion, not that anybody cares. We have yet to see him in action on the matters that matter. If I find myself wrong, I'll tell you.

Thanks for stepping on your cranks, Dimms.

They were talking about this on Morning Joe yesterday morning. It was on the radio, so I don’t know who it was, specifically. Some woman.

She was blasting Dimms for blowing it.

So awesome. They are in full panic mode. Their old bad of tricks isn’t working and they don’t know what to do!

They usually just vilify the white and the rich and yell racism!

Now they might have to actually prove they want America to prosper.

They don't, obviously, so they can't.
Hey Billy! I'm nowhere near admitting Democrats overplayed their hand with Kavanaugh. I do believe the Ford thing, I just feel the statute of limitations ran out. She was never the source of my resentment. But I have to admit, I'd probably resent whoever Trump chose because I don't trust him and the effects of his choices are so monumental. First of all, his slanders against Sessions (whom I also distrust, but so far he's been fair) for not turning DOJ into Trumps personal fix-it. Then his slanders against FBI and NSA and CIA for not being his personal praetorian guard, together with his protesting too much. So with Trump's history of only trying to choose flunkies, Kavanaugh and his history of favoring Presidential unaccountability is suspect at my house. Then his Senate appearance bullying and aggression against questioners together with his self-pitying tears cemented my opinion.

Just an explanation on why I am not backing down nor regret my opinion, not that anybody cares. We have yet to see him in action on the matters that matter. If I find myself wrong, I'll tell you.

You could write that statement in advance.

You believe Ford because you were told to believe her, not because of any credibility on her part. One notes with interest that all three accusers have vanished into thin air.

Thanks for stepping on your cranks, Dimms.

They were talking about this on Morning Joe yesterday morning. It was on the radio, so I don’t know who it was, specifically. Some woman.

She was blasting Dimms for blowing it.

So awesome. They are in full panic mode. Their old bad of tricks isn’t working and they don’t know what to do!

They usually just vilify the white and the rich and yell racism!

Now they might have to actually prove they want America to prosper.

They don't, obviously, so they can't.
Hey Billy! I'm nowhere near admitting Democrats overplayed their hand with Kavanaugh. I do believe the Ford thing, I just feel the statute of limitations ran out. She was never the source of my resentment. But I have to admit, I'd probably resent whoever Trump chose because I don't trust him and the effects of his choices are so monumental. First of all, his slanders against Sessions (whom I also distrust, but so far he's been fair) for not turning DOJ into Trumps personal fix-it. Then his slanders against FBI and NSA and CIA for not being his personal praetorian guard, together with his protesting too much. So with Trump's history of only trying to choose flunkies, Kavanaugh and his history of favoring Presidential unaccountability is suspect at my house. Then his Senate appearance bullying and aggression against questioners together with his self-pitying tears cemented my opinion.

Just an explanation on why I am not backing down nor regret my opinion, not that anybody cares. We have yet to see him in action on the matters that matter. If I find myself wrong, I'll tell you.

You could write that statement in advance.

You believe Ford because you were told to believe her, not because of any credibility on her part. One notes with interest that all three accusers have vanished into thin air.
I watched them both, billy. Knowing you, I doubt very much you make decisions based on the instruction of others. I don't think I do either. Give me that much!

Thanks for stepping on your cranks, Dimms.

They were talking about this on Morning Joe yesterday morning. It was on the radio, so I don’t know who it was, specifically. Some woman.

She was blasting Dimms for blowing it.

So awesome. They are in full panic mode. Their old bad of tricks isn’t working and they don’t know what to do!

They usually just vilify the white and the rich and yell racism!

Now they might have to actually prove they want America to prosper.

What was really stupid about the Kavanaugh fight and the antics
of the left...is it was a fight they didn't need to wage, beside pissing
off the country.

I've written this before in other threads.

Gorsuch was a swap out for Scalia
Kavanaugh was a swap out for Kennedy

Neither tipped the scales of the SCOTUS. (It maintained the status quo)

There was no gain.

But the anticipated next opening (Ginsburg) is the one that tips the
scales and sends the court to 6-3. That's where they should have
fought and now they have exposed their tricks to the country and are
all but assured of not retaking the Senate.

That keeps the selection of a SCOTUS Justice in the hands of the GOP.

You pick your fights and the Dems picked the wrong fight.

Thanks for stepping on your cranks, Dimms.

They were talking about this on Morning Joe yesterday morning. It was on the radio, so I don’t know who it was, specifically. Some woman.

She was blasting Dimms for blowing it.

So awesome. They are in full panic mode. Their old bad of tricks isn’t working and they don’t know what to do!

They usually just vilify the white and the rich and yell racism!

Now they might have to actually prove they want America to prosper.

They don't, obviously, so they can't.
Hey Billy! I'm nowhere near admitting Democrats overplayed their hand with Kavanaugh. I do believe the Ford thing, I just feel the statute of limitations ran out. She was never the source of my resentment. But I have to admit, I'd probably resent whoever Trump chose because I don't trust him and the effects of his choices are so monumental. First of all, his slanders against Sessions (whom I also distrust, but so far he's been fair) for not turning DOJ into Trumps personal fix-it. Then his slanders against FBI and NSA and CIA for not being his personal praetorian guard, together with his protesting too much. So with Trump's history of only trying to choose flunkies, Kavanaugh and his history of favoring Presidential unaccountability is suspect at my house. Then his Senate appearance bullying and aggression against questioners together with his self-pitying tears cemented my opinion.

Just an explanation on why I am not backing down nor regret my opinion, not that anybody cares. We have yet to see him in action on the matters that matter. If I find myself wrong, I'll tell you.

You could write that statement in advance.

You believe Ford because you were told to believe her, not because of any credibility on her part. One notes with interest that all three accusers have vanished into thin air.
I watched them both, billy. Knowing you, I doubt very much you make decisions based on the instruction of others. I don't think I do either. Give me that much!

Great! For each accusation, what was the compelling evidence?

Thanks for stepping on your cranks, Dimms.

They were talking about this on Morning Joe yesterday morning. It was on the radio, so I don’t know who it was, specifically. Some woman.

She was blasting Dimms for blowing it.

So awesome. They are in full panic mode. Their old bad of tricks isn’t working and they don’t know what to do!

They usually just vilify the white and the rich and yell racism!

Now they might have to actually prove they want America to prosper.

They don't, obviously, so they can't.
Hey Billy! I'm nowhere near admitting Democrats overplayed their hand with Kavanaugh. I do believe the Ford thing, I just feel the statute of limitations ran out. She was never the source of my resentment. But I have to admit, I'd probably resent whoever Trump chose because I don't trust him and the effects of his choices are so monumental. First of all, his slanders against Sessions (whom I also distrust, but so far he's been fair) for not turning DOJ into Trumps personal fix-it. Then his slanders against FBI and NSA and CIA for not being his personal praetorian guard, together with his protesting too much. So with Trump's history of only trying to choose flunkies, Kavanaugh and his history of favoring Presidential unaccountability is suspect at my house. Then his Senate appearance bullying and aggression against questioners together with his self-pitying tears cemented my opinion.

Just an explanation on why I am not backing down nor regret my opinion, not that anybody cares. We have yet to see him in action on the matters that matter. If I find myself wrong, I'll tell you.

You could write that statement in advance.

You believe Ford because you were told to believe her, not because of any credibility on her part. One notes with interest that all three accusers have vanished into thin air.
I watched them both, billy. Knowing you, I doubt very much you make decisions based on the instruction of others. I don't think I do either. Give me that much!

Great! For each accusation, what was the compelling evidence?
Which accusation? Ford or demeanor? I thought I explained about demeanor, and even believing Ford, found the 'naughty boy' whole issue insignificant. I believe her because the behavior she describes was SOP back in the day, almost a rite of passage. I never thought then about the lifelong repercussions, and Kavanaugh's behavior tells me he didn't either, but was one of those who needed the admiration of his BMOC buddies by claiming successful conquests and an enormous capacity for booze.
This is a done deal, billy, you won! Mazel tov! And I am pleased to explain my resistance even though it means nothing to anybody, but at least you know why.
You kidding, they still believe that lying cackling woman and her rape story that was OBVIOUSLY not going to be verified.

Liberals are so fucking stupid.
They don't, obviously, so they can't.
Hey Billy! I'm nowhere near admitting Democrats overplayed their hand with Kavanaugh. I do believe the Ford thing, I just feel the statute of limitations ran out. She was never the source of my resentment. But I have to admit, I'd probably resent whoever Trump chose because I don't trust him and the effects of his choices are so monumental. First of all, his slanders against Sessions (whom I also distrust, but so far he's been fair) for not turning DOJ into Trumps personal fix-it. Then his slanders against FBI and NSA and CIA for not being his personal praetorian guard, together with his protesting too much. So with Trump's history of only trying to choose flunkies, Kavanaugh and his history of favoring Presidential unaccountability is suspect at my house. Then his Senate appearance bullying and aggression against questioners together with his self-pitying tears cemented my opinion.

Just an explanation on why I am not backing down nor regret my opinion, not that anybody cares. We have yet to see him in action on the matters that matter. If I find myself wrong, I'll tell you.

You could write that statement in advance.

You believe Ford because you were told to believe her, not because of any credibility on her part. One notes with interest that all three accusers have vanished into thin air.
I watched them both, billy. Knowing you, I doubt very much you make decisions based on the instruction of others. I don't think I do either. Give me that much!

Great! For each accusation, what was the compelling evidence?
Which accusation? Ford or demeanor? I thought I explained about demeanor, and even believing Ford, found the 'naughty boy' whole issue insignificant. I believe her because the behavior she describes was SOP back in the day, almost a rite of passage. I never thought then about the lifelong repercussions, and Kavanaugh's behavior tells me he didn't either, but was one of those who needed the admiration of his BMOC buddies by claiming successful conquests and an enormous capacity for booze.
This is a done deal, billy, you won! Mazel tov! And I am pleased to explain my resistance even though it means nothing to anybody, but at least you know why.
"I never had sex with that woman."

And you believed it.

You are a fucking loser.

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