Diet Suggestion: Half-Fast Diet


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It has been suggested that human evolution includes a very long period when our forbears lived a lifestyle characterized by intermittent starvation, particularly in winter. Once they had started eating meat, they were able to inhabit lands where vegetation alone would not support their lives, but eating meat often meant going a few days with essentially nothing to eat, followed by a "kill," and stuffing themselves with meat and fat.

Accordingly, some say that the human body benefits by times when nothing is eaten and digestive process is able to make it to conclusion without introducing more food.

With this in mind, some are promoting a half-fast diet (my term), having two main characteristics: First, all eating should be inside an 8-hour "window" every day. If you eat your first meal at 0800, then nothing after 1600 (4pm). Second, the first food of every day must be at least 16 hours after the last food of the previous day.

The only "diet" aspect of this plan is that you NOT gorge yourself in the first meal - which is the temptation. Also, don't force yourself to eat three meals a day. Just eat a first meal, a snack of some kind in the middle (hopefully a healthy one), then a normal last meal of the day. For me - I'm retired - the eating schedule that works best is first meal at around 11, then finish eating by 7pm.

I have been doing this for three weeks, weighing myself only once a week, and it looks like I'm losing two pounds per week. With very little effort.

In social situations or where you are forced to eat early or late, you adjust the "window" as necessary. For example, we went out for dinner last night and finished eating around 8:30, so I can't eat anything until 1230 today. I won't eat anything after 7 this evening, to get back on my normal schedule.

I've spend my adult life seeking out "diets" that were painless but successful, and this seems to be one of them.
Eh --- it's food for thought, but I don't think I could do it. I tend to hypoglycemia.
Fasting of any kind, has many healthful benefits. It allows the body to repair itself, while not being taxed by digestion.

I have taken up fasting for several days. I find it difficult for the first 24 hours. After that, it is great. You will experience a big jump in energy. However, I do not just drink water. I consume broths and some light veggie smoothies during a fast. I also continue to take large amounts of vitamins, whether fasting or not.

The only problem I have with fasting is I tend to lose too much weight.
I decided to try this out starting yesterday. I'll revisit this thread in a month to post results. I am also trying to be mindful of what I am eating and how much. I am also trying to walk a bit more each day. Hopefully will work.
Hi there, according to me one should follow a diet which makes you feel active and suits your body. You need to set a meal plan and eat accordingly. I have heard about diet guide which is also a good option to eat uniformly. Recently my sister who is following a diet guide from Cellublue which is working positively and according to her the guide is helpful.

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